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Everything posted by oldgamer

  1. what email did you used ? because I used Outlook and Gmail. and I am not getting no link from them
  2. I dont know what going on but I never had this issue before. but I cant seem to get my Launch box not showing on my gmail.com with google chrome any way to get the link ? here video to show proof no download.mp4
  3. that the Avengers known as Japan as Hissatsu Buraiken A Japanese Game and its not a Chinese game because its using old Japanese Kanji text as 無頼拳
  4. Retro Console Arcade Startup video View File this was is my very first old video intro I made for Retro Console Theme for RetroBat and BigBox. Submitter oldgamer Submitted 02/19/2024 Category Startup Videos  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    this was is my very first old video intro I made for Retro Console Theme for RetroBat and BigBox.
  6. OMG Thank you this is exactly work like a charm and did work 100% because when I close my game on my viewlix its did good job and i did not see that annoying window anymore THANK YOU
  7. I have that same setup as yours and that did not do anything its still show the window a split sec. sorry
  8. this been driving me crazy from the start. can anyone pretty please help me with this Problem Im having with the early access Yuzu version with BigBox Please I had done everything I could not get this work but nothing is working for me. I had done all the right command line and also the right script exit but I dont like it how is misbehaving.... its there a away where when I exit EA Yuzu goes to a Windows closed format I want it to close with out showing the window. here an Image what Im talking about.... once I hit the Exit key that happen and in a split sec the yuzu window closing but its showing the window closing. but I dont want it to show its a window closing like that and is there anyways to close it and not show it on BigBox.. I am running my Viewlix Cabinet on a MiniPC Gaming setup. I really dont want this window NOT TO show up when I close it. 😥
  9. took very long time to find the new setting on updated version of retroarch and now its working. thank you so mush for taking the time to help me out the new retroarch was located at Settings > User Interface > On-Screen Display > On-Screen Overlay
  10. can anyone please willing to take baby steps with me and help me have Games Theme Bezel to show up because is not working for retro arch anymore when I am using Launch box with big box 13.10 😥
  11. Version 1.10.7


    Please these video that I made was for Nesica X live 2 Theme made by Kim Sama98 Please keep in mind all 4 video I made is 1920x1080p for my Custom Viewlix Cabinet here a sneak peak of the video I made I will be making more and update them in this section here you can get his nesica x live theme located here
  12. these video snaps are nice but you are missing Otomedius video snap that was part of the Taito type X
  13. NesciaxLive 2 Startup View File Startup video for NESiCAxLive 2 Submitter oldgamer Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Startup Videos  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Startup video for NESiCAxLive 2 New update of the NESiCAxLive 2 video
  15. thank you so mush for everything
  16. this just happened at 11:25 ETS 10-10-2023
  17. Thank you and I will let me fix that. I had no idea I had it on cap and once again thanks for letting me know
  18. That right just like the topic say.. no more search hardest to find them , No more Begging for it, No more using cheap Torrents, every Mugen Games that is your Game Database is all there at the JUSMUGEN WEBSITE... We also made a Mugen archive from you guys to get them for your Launch box needs We made video announcement about it out Jusmugen's youtube Channel They have successfully found all the lost old mugen games that were made in 2006 and all the games are located in the Launch box Game Database you can get all these lost game located to our Jusmugen forum https://jusmugen.forumotion.com/f34-old-mugen-full-games-archives
  19. I understand this is just a beta but could you at least fix the Option letters because is wording is solid black and hard to read
  20. Another Neon Arcade Deluxe Startup video View File I like give a HUGE special thanks to Mr.RetroLust and Hvitson for making good intros for the Neon Arcade Deluxe but I also wanted to make My version. All credits goes to Mr.RetroLust and Hvitson and the game company gameplay footage that I used for the Intro. Enjoy and loved to hear your thought on it b Submitter oldgamer Submitted 03/30/2023 Category Startup Videos  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    I like give a HUGE special thanks to Mr.RetroLust and Hvitson for making good intros for the Neon Arcade Deluxe but I also wanted to make My version. All credits goes to Mr.RetroLust and Hvitson and the game company gameplay footage that I used for the Intro. Enjoy and loved to hear your thought on it b
  22. 1. Get FFMPEG FULL https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ 2. Get DrikSimple DATA files https://github.com/icculus/DirkSimple 3. Get the TEXT Command line for FFMPEG For Dragon's Lair and Cliff Hanger For Dragon's Lair ffmpeg -i lair.m2v -i lair.ogg -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 7 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p lair.ogv For Cliff Hanger ffmpeg -i cliff.m2v -i cliff.ogg -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 7 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p cliff.ogv 4. Get the TEXT Command line for Launch Box for Big Box For Dragon's Lair and Cliff Hanger For Dragon's Lair -L "cores\dirksimple_libretro.dll" "D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads\lair.ogv" For Cliff Hanger -L "cores\dirksimple_libretro.dll" "D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads\cliff.ogv"
  23. awwwwwwww man no castlevaina blood of rondo
  24. omg really ? can you teach me how to split the file ? because Im new at it. I never done this before. so if you can some how show me I can start adding on the google drive and I am so sorry for late reply
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