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  1. The latest beta build fixes the issue.
  2. Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') App: LaunchBox Version: 13.18-beta-2 Theme: Default Plus Type: System.ArgumentNullException Site: Void ThrowArgumentNullException(System.Linq.ExceptionArgument) Source: System.Linq at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.MenuActions.DownloadStorefrontPosterMenuAction.MerchantCreatorConfig.MoveAspectReader() at MethodBaseWrapper.CompareDistributedPredicate(Object , MethodBaseWrapper ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.MenuActions.DownloadStorefrontPosterMenuAction.MerchantCreatorConfig.DisableAspectReader() at RefComparatorWrapper.CompareDistributedPredicate(Object , RefComparatorWrapper ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.MenuActions.DownloadStorefrontPosterMenuAction.<>c.EnableAspectReader(MerchantCreatorConfig download) at Unbroken.BulkDownloader`1.SetupSimpleBridge(WebClient config) at Unbroken.BulkDownloader`1.ComputeSimpleBridge(Object spec, AsyncCompletedEventArgs pol) at System.Net.WebClient.OnDownloadFileCompleted(AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) at System.Net.WebClient.<StartAsyncOperation>b__78_4(Object arg) at System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.<>c.<Post>b__8_0(ValueTuple`2 s) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunForThreadPoolUnsafe[TState](ExecutionContext executionContext, Action`1 callback, TState& state) at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback`1.Execute() at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() Recent Log: 6:30:23 AM Exception I'm not sure if the null Value points to a setting in my config file or something in Launchbox, but it looks like it's error out when trying to download a Poster?
  3. The Tic-80 (https://tic80.com/) is a project that emulates a retro 8-bit system, and allows modern users to create 8-bit applications and games. There are currently hundreds of games and apps for the system, but there is no entry for it in the Games DB to allow for uploading games metadata. What would be needed to get this setup? Thanks!
  4. With the new Manage Storefront option, I can't find a location to specify Platform for the Imported Storefront. I have mine broken up Platform for each storefront, and using auto import will import everything into Windows. Can this be made an option for Manage Storefront? Platform + Scrape As, the same as a standard import. Also, it's not just from this beta, but from the new default LB theme, but I'm losing my scroll bars randomly. Thanks! - Alerum
  5. Thanks. I've found the files, already and was hoping it was still being worked on to fix a few bugs with it. It's still working fairly well, but causes crashes in certain situations, and had some suggestions for it.
  6. Hello! Are you still working on this plugin at all?
  7. I'm experiencing the same issue. Tried turning on "always show scrollbars" in Windows settings, but didn't fix. I don't recall this happening before I went to dual monitor. Are you running 2 monitors as well?
  8. Hello @Zombeaver! I've modified the C64 Bezel Project to work with C64 Dreams. Not all games in the collection have Bezels in this project, but about 450 of them will. This will not modify the default Bezels within C64 Dreams, but when present will replace the default Bezel with one made for that game. To use, copy the config and overlay folders into the C64 Dreams\Retroarch directory. It It uses it's own overlay directory so any modifications you've made in the default overlays directory shouldn't be overwritten, just choose to not overwrite files when copying the config directory. I haven't modifed and merged the 24 files that are in both projects, nor have I adjust screen resolutions yet, but that should be an easy fix. bezelproject-C64 Dreams.zip
  9. Getting Unexpected Error when trying to install it from The Google Play Store. Using my PC via Chrome to send to Nvidia Shield TV as it's not listed in Google Play directly on my Shield. The option to install isn't grayed out so I should be able to install directly from there instead of having to sideload. Any suggestions?
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