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Emurge's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Great plugin man!! Life saver on this one. Only issue I've noticed is renaming arcade media. Say for instance "005-01" it wont rename it. Guessing its cause its the same name as 005.zip? Other than that hiccup you've saved me and others countless hours. Thank you 🎉
  2. I second this!!! I've spent countless hours renaming files that I couldn't find on emumovies ftp or sync. Using launchbox to find 1 image at a time. Sorting by date in the folder and renaming to the roms file name. I have noticed a few problems with setups like ours tho. For instance commsega.zip will show its artwork/video of commando.zip and its own. Can edit it out using edit media/metadata tho. Honestly went down this route cause I cant stand having loose files and only want one image/video per game. That and one day would like to re-setup Hyperspin and merge the two setups using the same images/videos.
  3. Thank you man!! That was super fast. They look great!
  4. Hey guys thank you for all the hard work. Been going through the nearly 60 pages and found everything i'm looking for that's in my current setup. Only thing missing is singe 2. I'm sure someone has made it. If not would someone be willing to whip one up for me? Thank you again!!
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