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Everything posted by nappyjim

  1. Only other system I've used retroarch for is PSX and I have not had the issue.
  2. Installed Retroarch through Launchbox. Go to launch an NES game and sometimes the game launches fine. Other times, I get sound and normal speed for about 2 seconds, then sound cuts out and speed goes to maybe 1/8th. I took a video to better explain. I tried switching from nestopia in Retroarch to Mesen and it doesnt make a difference.
  3. That did the trick! Thanks
  4. Joe, Thanks but neither of those work. It weird because just launching CCS your taken to the the prompt where you have to type in RUN, or something, ya know. So if I press, Z on my keyboard, a Z is input on the screen. But when I press X, an X is NOT input onto the screen. So the AHK is working, but Ill be damned if CCS doesnt close! Alt-X will also close CCS. So I tried putting Alt-X into the AHK scrip, no dice.
  5. Dont know if this was ever resolved, but I just came across same issue, heres my scenario: -When computer thats running BB is connected to (2) computer monitors, the freezing NEVER happens - When computer thats running BB is connected to (1) computer monitor, the freezes HASNT HAPPENED YET. (Im usually connected to 2, I just unplugged one to see if I could make it happen) - When computer thats running BB is connected to a 65" TV, I've had it happen 3 times within 30 minutes. Once when exiting MAME, twice when exiting NESTOPIA.
  6. Noobie here, but I created a very very very simply AHK script that works in windows. When I press x, ALT+F4 is sent. I test this in notepad. Press x, notepad closes. Perfect. Open up CCS64, press ALT+F4 to just prove that key combo will close it, it does. Press x, nothing happens. I know CCS64 recognizes the x key because pressing ALT+x also closes CCS64. SO why is AHK not working in CCS64? others seem to post scripts for CCS64 so it must work. Here is my script: x:: send {alt down} send {F4} send {alt up} return
  7. Thank you for this tutorial. The first post helped me immensely!
  8. Where do I do this? I dont see it in my options. n order to make this work properly,you must go into LaunchBox options,and change the priority for Cart Back Image to Arcade - Marquee,and uncheck anything else.
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