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Everything posted by Johno1980

    Thanks a lot for your work and for sharing this. I’m trying to get another version of star wars to work but having issues with the controls as I want them the same as ‘swtrilgy’ the Rom I’m using is ‘swtrilgya’ could you do another ini file to include this please or let me know how I can get it working the same please as ‘swtrilgy’ Thanks for any help with this and hope you pick this up 🙏🏻😊 I also posted on the YouTube video of this also.
  1. @JoeViking245 Thanks again for your help and will have a go at the weekend cheers ?
  2. Hi, Sorry I wasn’t very specific and yeah running it through launchbox which is fine. I’m using mouse patcher which has cheats so I want to be able to run two versions. 1 with cheats on and another with cheats off. so want to create a Ahk that will launch the game (mouse patcher I can take care of and get to load) and then I’ll add this to the additional app. Then on clicking on the game normally it’ll load without cheats. Then right clicking and selecting the Ahk it’ll load with cheats. Hoping that makes sense lol. So just need to know how to type that command and get the game to load please Thanks a lot
  3. Could someone help me with a Ahk script to launch and open a game in PCSX2 please and close on exit. A little stumped atm Thank you
  4. Another question with AHK scripts I’ve mapped my Aimtrack left and right buttons to input keyboard strokes. In note pad these work and input what I want. However in game they seem to have no affect!! Is there something I’m missing and doing wrong please. Thanks a lot
  5. A little off topic and hope people don’t mind. When launching PC games via Ahk sometimes they load behind launchbox so you have to click the window at the bottom of the screen. Is there something I can add to Ahk to get it to launch properly into the game screen or do I have to put the run cod’s into a particular order in the Ahk. Might just be the nature of pc games which I would understand. Thanks for any input
  6. I just assumed that I’d be able to change something in the start up XML to pull from the fan art background folder. just don’t know what to change but that’s all lol appreciate the help thank you.
  7. Hi neil9000, Thanks for the reply but then it overrides my Custom background when I come out of the game and then on everything I click on the background changes to that game which Is what I don’t want to happen. Please see attached pics would also Like to know how to make the image not so faded as well if possible. Hope that makes sense and thanks a lot.
  8. A total noob and after some help please that’s probably simple to most ?? Just using launchbox and have a custom background that I’m using and only using the simple default start up ?? How can I get fan art to show up when loading games without it affecting my custom background that I’m using please. As you’ll see in the attached pic it’s just a black screen atm. Although I can get them to show when I tick fanart but then this then takes over my custom background. So I need to change something in the XML please. Also the pic is a little faded and I’d like the background to pop and be as bright when using the Big logo theme. So want to try and combine the best from 2 into 1 hope that makes sense and any help appreciated Thank you
  9. @JoeViking245 appreciate all the help and thank you @Kiinkyfoxx Happily wait and tbh would rather do it via a Ahk without using Joytokey as well. Tried mapping it as I did with Time Crisis 5 but didn’t seem to work. Catch up when your back and feel free to private message me as well. Thanks again ?
  10. Back again lol, Escape still doesn't seem to work and have to remove the ahk_exe for this to close the ahk down and joytokey but it works with a xbox controller pressing star and select. Just baffled as to why Esc doesn't bring up the exit launcher. Please see the script im using atm but again not a biggie. #SingleInstance, force Run, "E:\LaunchBox\PC Games\The House of the Dead 3\hod3launch.exe" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\Plugins\DemulShooter_v10.1.4\DemulShooter.exe" DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=hod3pc -noguns -noautoreload Run, "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" $Esc:: WinClose, "hod3launch.exe" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey\JoyToKey Force Exit.exe" ExitApp Return Thanks again as always and appreciate your time
  11. Hi, tried the ahk and it all worked apart from closing Joytokey!!! also pressing escape on my keyboard doesn't seem to do anything either. Although holding down start and select on my Xbox one controller works and brings up the launcher to exit which is fine. Adjusted the ahk to this and it seems to shut down Joytokey now (just don't know why it's such a pain to close lol) any idea as to why escape on my keyboard doesn't work?? not a biggie but would like to get it working because then i could map pressing both side buttons together in joy for escape and it'll bring up the exit launcher. Thanks again as always and see my script below #SingleInstance, force Run, "E:\LaunchBox\PC Games\The House of the Dead 3\hod3launch.exe" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\Plugins\DemulShooter_v10.1.4\DemulShooter.exe" DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=hod3pc -noguns -noautoreload Run, "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" Escape:: WinClose, ahk_exe "hod3launch.exe" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey\JoyToKey Force Exit.exe" ExitApp Return
  12. Thanks for this and will try it later ?? still learning and getting there ?? Slowly lol. Just gutted I couldn’t map my buttons on my Aimtrak to input keyboard keys so had to use Joytokey. Done it with Time crisis 5 as you know but can’t seem to do it with these games atm!!! Thanks again
  13. Hoping i can get some expertise in refining my AHK Script please not quite working properly. This is for House of the dead 3 on the PC as you may know it uses a launcher screen (and yes I've tried to apply the registry fix in the ahk and it still doesn't work) So happy to use the launcher but setting up JoyToKey via the additional app to open and close it closes during the second launching process. So my only way round it is via a ahk. Please see my script below and this opens, launches and works but on pressing escape or even exiting via the menu it doesn't close down JoyToKey or the ahk any help appreciated and happy to force close the game and not use the menu as I'm not really saving any progress etc. Happy with a few variations if possible and if I've missed a post with some details i apologise. Thanks again for the help and slowly learning, still haven't found a way to launch JoyToKey and a particular profile via a ahk so if anyone knows this as well then please share Thanks again #SingleInstance, force Run, "E:\LaunchBox\PC Games\The House of the Dead 3\hod3launch.exe" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\Plugins\DemulShooter_v10.1.4\DemulShooter.exe" DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=hod3pc -noguns Run, "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe" Escape:: Process,Close,hod3launch.exe Run, taskkill / "hod3launch.exe" Run, taskkill / "E:\LaunchBox\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey Force Exit.exe" ExitApp return
  14. Thanks a lot for this and may not be Ahk related but how do I use Joytokey and profiles for individual games??? how can I get it to launch with the game and correct config profile please. Not using rocketlauncher either ??☺️ thanks a lot
  15. Can someone help me with AHK to shut down Joytokey when exiting a game please may of been asked already and if so apologises Thank you
  16. Thanks for the link and hadn’t seen that tbh got it working with Joytokey but will still try with a AHK script as it should work. Just because it’s windows based might just have to type ‘Button5:: Send, Enter’ instead lol If you ever venture into lightguns defo look up DemulShooter by Argonlefou really great work Thanks again for your help
  17. Thanks again for the message and happy to keep it old school but also appreciate the script ?? sorry for the confusion but the script works and loads the game and Demulshooter and the ini profile so that’s all good. the part that doesn’t work is being able to control the keyboard keys with my Aimtrak off screen. Might have to go down joytokey route but was hoping a Ahk would work ??
  18. Hi, Please see my AHK Script which is what i use to launch the game as I've made it into a exe. ATM it doesn't seem to work but then when i press the keys on the keyboard manually they work and register. So hoping I've just made a small error that can be easily fixed #SingleInstance, force Run, "E:\LaunchBox\PC Games\The House of the Dead 2\HOD2.EXE" Run, "E:\LaunchBox\Plugins\DemulShooter_v10.1.4\DemulShooter.exe" DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=hod2pc 1Joy5:: Send, {Up} 1Joy1:: Send, {Enter} Escape:: Process,Close,HOD2.EXE Run,taskkill / "HOD2.EXE" ExitApp return Thank You
  19. Will try this thank you very much ?? Also is there a AHK that I can use to exit PC games with some are simple just with Esc but some games you have to exit via the menu!! For instance House of the dead 3?? thanks again ?
  20. After some help please using an Aimtrak and some windows games use keyboard inputs, off screen my gun is set to buttons so in theory I should be able to input keyboard keys and I done this recently with Time Crisis 5 1Joy5:: Send, 5 (registers as number 5 being pressed) 1Joy1:: Send, 1 etc and it worked in game want to do the same with arrow up/down and enter Been trying with ‘1Joy5:: Send, Up and ‘1joy5:: Send, Enter’ however in game it doesn’t work?? maybe in game it’s just not possible?? Any help or what I should type appreciated. Hope that all makes sense ?
  21. Ignore the resolution stuff as solved by checking the dpi in the Demulshooterexe simple when you know how lol just need some help with my buttons please to finish my AHK script thank you
  22. Hoping i can get someones expertise in creating a AHK Script for me please for Time Crisis 5 to use with a Aimtrak Gun. I don't know if the script can contain everything or if i need one to launch and one for inputs etc. Here's what i'm using atm #SingleInstance, force Run, DemulshooterX64.exe -target=es3 -rom=tc5 run, "C:\Users\ace_j\Desktop\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=JPN -playside=1 Escape:: Process,Close,TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F ExitApp return And this is what id like to do so any help appreciated and want to learn please. 1. My PC resolution is 1920x1080 but scaled to 150% the game needs to launch at 100% and the PC to go back to 150% on exiting otherwise Demulshooter is out of sync need help to do this please 2. I've edited the games input file and my left and right buttons act as the peddles in game (set as mouse right and mouse middle) which is perfect. I've also changed coin and crosshair to 1& 5. Off screen my left and right buttons are GP Button 1 and GP Button 5 i would like these to be able to input 1 and 5 (keyboard) please. So off screen they can enter coins and turn the cross hair on and off. I tried to edit this in the games input file to register but had no luck!!! Maybe i was typing it wrong etc. I also believe that GP Button 1 etc can be seen as Joy 1 Button 1 and Joy 1 button 5 so help very much needed please. 3. Lastly to cycle through weapons please This is set as o on the keyboard and was thinking of a combination of holding right button (which is mouse middle on screen) and pressing the trigger (which is mouse left) to act as o to cycle and then the same on the left side as well as you have left and right peddles so that would be left trigger (which is mouse right on screen) and trigger (mouse left) This to me makes sense as your hiding by holding the left or right button and then you can cycle through weapons etc Sorry for the long message and hoping someone doesn't mind helping me with a AHK script to get this all working and ill happily share the script and all info on editing the actual game input file thanks a lot Johno
  23. Thanks a lot i'll try that out later on and appreciate the help
  24. Thanks for the reply and have it launching now with the Game however the space and tab inputs don’t seem to work atm when I press start and select on my controller it exits the game and shuts down MP which is perfect. However when I press escape on my keyboard it only exits the game and leaves MP open. when I add $Esc:: into the shutdown esc works and shuts down both however start and select doesn’t work on my controller then to exit lol so almost there just needs some tweaking lol and thanks again for the help
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