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Everything posted by kritvichu

  1. Thanks, Retro808 That's very handy. I watched instruction an old YT video. Good to know it can play randomly in Startup folder. Thank, Neil9000, for clarifying this issue. My pc always turns off when not use. Yeah, I just want to show off to friends when they come to play on the weekend. Many time, it's less impress when this thing happens. Ohh!! what going on with only sound no picture, hahaha, blah blah blah...
  2. Thanks, neil9000. Could you suggest me how to clone my pc to use on a new machine? I created a system image and stored on my backup HDD. As far as I know, that system image can only work with my pc based on the hardware ID. The PC is old like 8 years ago. I got it later year from OfferUps. I don't know how roughly it been used by the two previous owners who used in an IT and a gamer. I'm concerned that one day (hope not so soon), the mainboard or CPU may not work anymore. On my setup, I created 2 partitions; C and D. C drive is stored only Windows OS and all required app to run, like AHK script, Joy2Key, Borderless Gaming, Logitech steering wheel profiler, PS3 scptool controller, GOG, Stream, ...etc. Many of these apps require to install prerequisite software too before I can run, like .NET FrameWork, Visual C++,...etc. I went through many setting configuration to make them work on those Platforms. I can't remember what I did them all. D drive has all emulators and ROMs in there. GOG and Stream games are in here. Launchbox is also in that drive. All ROMs are in separate folder not inside the Launchbox container. I created a System Image on C drive and backed up all my D drive on an external HDD and network drive. So, if the motherboard fails, I don't think I can reuse that system image on a new machine. I don't want to install an OS and those required app again. That would be a lot of works. I might forget how I set it up at the first place already when that situation happens. i did some research how to reuse that system image on a new hardware and found a program called EaseUS Todo Backup. It claims to support system transfer to a new machine for $30. I doubt if this answers to my problem or not. Or I might end up wasting and still not work. That would be a disaster when it happens.
  3. I not use any other video. I just created my own video and used it for startup. Yes, it's mp4. Below is the detail of my custom video; Video sizes 7.56 MB Type: mp4 Name: startup.mp4 ------ Video; Length: 25 seconds Frame width 720 Frame height 480 Data rate 2279 kbps Total bitrate 2437 kbps Frame rate 29.97 frames/second ------ Audio; Bit rate 158 kbps Channels 2 (stereo) Audio sample rate 48.000 kHz
  4. I have a custom startup video. Many times I ran into a problem that BigBox played only sound but no picture. If I exited BigBox and opened it again, the video played normal on sound and picture. This happened a lot. I can say it happen almost every times when opening the program from a cold boot. I don’t have VLC player installed but BigBox got a VLC built in already. Once I got to the platform/ playlist menu, all video worked fine. It is just the startup video that got a glitch. My startup video is 4:3 ratio, my screen is 1600x1200 also 4:3, and I use Default theme. Is this a bug? Does anyone have this issue?
  5. I found a problem. It was Windows 10 Real-Time virus detection. All of missing files shown in the protection history. Once I restored those quarantine logs, all folder sizes were matched from source and destination. Yeah, those quarantine files were from TeknoParrot, pc-based rom patches, game loader RH and config. Those files are crucial for TeknoParrot and Taito games to run. Windows detected them as viruses/malware. All false positives. If I’d had a chance to go back in time when building a pc arcade, I’d have picked Windows7 rather than Windows 10. For arcade cabinet, it has no need for any OS updates or virus detection stuffs. It’s a safe zone to play in a man cave, not even need to go online at all if not playing online games. The more Windows updates I got, the more weird stuffs and headaches to fix.
  6. Hi there, I just completed my arcade cabinet setup. I spent a year and a half compiling, configuring, customizing details, and testing to ensure everything run perfectly on my arcade cabinet. All the hard work was done yesterday. Everything works fine now ,and it is about time to back up the whole thing. I hit Ctrl + A, then right click on a mouse and select "Copy." I put all emulators and roms to my backup HDD. Once it completed many hours later, I went to each folder to check the folder size ( do so by right click and select properties). I noticed the sizes were different from the original and the copied destination. I can't tell what files were missing because it didn't show any error sign or anything during the copy process. I attached 3 set of pictures showing the folder size. On each picture, the left one is from the actual arcade cabinet and the right one is where I backed up it to my HDD. I am so concerned because I spent so my time on this machine. If some file are missing in the backup, it would be such a waste of time investing on this thing. How can I verify if all files are backed up successfully? Is there any better command to do this task?
  7. Thank you very much, Johnny T I am appreciated on your input. That's exactly what I need. I never thought about this route but it really makes sense because Bigbox read xml too. Where is that xml located? and what is the file named?
  8. I'm new to BigBox. I need a guidance, please. I created many playlists. Many games in those playlists are easy to break if messing around too much like games on Teknoparrot/Taito/jConfig/Game Loader, while many are content not appropriate for the kids. Sometimes, kids and my friends want to play games on my arcade cabinet. What I am doing now is to go to each playlist, right-click to hide all games first, then unhide those selected games for kids. I have to do this process on every playlist and lock BigBox to show only Playlist view. This seems to work fine. When I want to play it, I just enter the passcode and click to show hide game to see all the game content. However, the problem is many times I have my friends come to play games. I want them to see more contents than kids do, but not want to shown all those games that are too easy to mess up. I ended up having to unhide some games for my friends to play, but I need to remember which one and make sure to hide them back again for the kids not see them next time. It is quite a hassle and so easy to forget. How can I create 3 separate custom playlists; one for myself showing every games, one for my friends showing less game selections to choose from, and the last one for young kids showing only very restricted content? I'm not sure if there is a better way to do this to allow Bigbox to show games available on each playlist based on the user profile or something? Does anyone have this issue? any suggestion? Also, I think I run into a glitch very often that the startup video has only sound but no picture. It happens almost every times when I open BigBox from a cold boot. Is this normal?
  9. Hi folks, I am new to BigBox. My screen is 1600x1200 (4:3). MinimalX theme seems to work on this ratio. I just downloaded MinimalX 6.1, unblocked the zip and Ao.Bigbox.Themer.dll, put MinimalX subfolder into ..\launchbox\theme\ folder, and ran it. When I switched to this theme, I got an error saying 'Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows,...'. I don't have VLC Player installed on my PC. I just used a PotPlayer. I believe BigBox already got VLC player built-in. When I ran other themes like Unified Redux, Unified Refried, CoinOps, and Bartop. They all worked fine. The startup video played normal, though from time to time, it only played sound with no picture. The platform videos played normal. So, I'm not sure why this MinimalX theme not work. Below are the error messages (one shows in BigBox screen theme and the second one shows right after closing the Bigbox); ----------------------------------------------------------- Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=97d6238f04304129'. App: Big Box Version: 11.9 Type: System.TypeLoadException Site: Void .ctor(Boolean) Source: Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7 at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC..ctor(Boolean hwDecodingEnabled) at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayerFactory.CreateMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerImpl impl) at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayerFactory.CreateMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerImpl impl) at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.ConfigMediaPlayer(Boolean loaded) at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.<.ctor>b__6_0(Object o, RoutedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastEvent(DependencyObject root, RoutedEvent routedEvent) at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastLoadedEvent(Object root) at MS.Internal.LoadedOrUnloadedOperation.DoWork() at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireLoadedPendingCallbacks() at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks() at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget) at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 10:46:44 PM Exception ------------------------------------------------------------- Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=97d6238f04304129'. App: Big Box Version: 11.9 Type: System.TypeLoadException Site: Void Dispose(Boolean) Source: Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7 at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Dispose(Boolean disposing) at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Finalize() Recent Log: 10:44:39 PM Exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Thank you, Retro808. OH!!! I can't believe the feature is already in there but I totally overlooked. Now, I can launch either gamepad or arcade stick controller as desired. This helps me save tons of time. YAY!!! Btw, when I go 'Launch With...' and choose an emulator from the list (as shown in the pic), it requires me to click what core to run. In my case, 'GenesisPlus_GX_Libreto...' is only one core available to choose. It seems a bit redundancy for the need to require more one click. In general usage, we just associate one emulator with one platform and one core. I understand that one emulator in LaunchBox can be edited to associate multiple cores with the same platform. If I can omit the required redundancy step on another mouse click to choose the core, that would be perfect. But what the cool feature LaunchBox has right now, it is already awesome !!!
  11. Hi LaunchBox developers and experienced advanced users, I've been searching for a solution that I'm not sure it’s possible to do an easy way or not. What I want to accomplish is I want to add 2 choices of emulators to run any individual game for the whole platform. Again!! I really mean the choices for the whole entire platform. Why? Here is a scenario. Many console games like Shinobi series, Street of Rage, Golden Axes, Gradius, R-Type, Mario, Kirby,...etc (far too many to list). They were designed to play with a gamepad in mind, right? But, I find out that they are super fun to play using an arcade stick as well. Using a stick feels like they are brand new and very much more enjoyable than playing an old style. So, I need choices to select either a gamepad or an arcade stick I want to launch the game with. The method I've been using so far is that I use 2 sets of Retroarch named according to each controller type, Then, set LaunchBox to associate them both with one game, and At last, set to load one emulator as a default or just right click to load another. Yep, it is time consuming. If they are just a few 20-30 games on the list, it is okay to manually do these tedious steps on each game. However, the thing is I want to accomplish is for the entire platform, and I not mean just one platform in this case, but I talk about many platforms, like MegaDrive, PC engine, Master System, Saturn, Dreamcast, NES, SNES,...etc. We talk about hundreds or thousands of games on those platforms. If I do the old fashion way by adding 2 emulators on each game manually one-by-one, Gosh!!!! it would take years to complete. Lot of time consuming, tedious, and impossible to spend that much time. That is the problem. A bulk group edit feature on LaunchBox not allow me to add more than one emulator for the whole group. It always ends up overwrite the current emulator with a new one instead. It not allowed me to add them both for the whole group. The most undesirable workaround I can think of is to create 2 platforms for each console. For instance, 'MegaDrive Gamepad' platform is associated with 'Retroarch-Gamepad' emulator, and 'MegaDrive ArcadeStick' platform associated with 'Retroarch-ArcadeStick' emulator. I really not want to go this route. I very much prefer having just only one platform to get options to choose either emulators to launch the game. The problem is how. I already asked in LaunchBox FaceBook page but not get answer or they not get the clear picture on the problem I have. So, I tried to write what I want to accomplish here as clearly as possible. Sorry if I use too much redundant words. I'm not sure if LaunchBox or BigBox, at the current stage, has a limitation on this feature, or they actually have this support functionality but I don't know how to do it. If so, please advice how I can accomplish this long-pain-in-the-bud task in a short time? Thanks.
  12. Thank you very much for the suggestion changes. I will change them all. Just one question, so I should read Demul close command like the way it is right? $Esc:: { Run, D:\games\nomousy.exe Send !{F4} }
  13. Hi Retro808, I thought no one posted here and I didn’t check. Thank you for suggesting me to use WinClose. I have many emulators closing command with either Send !{F4} , or Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} , or Process, Close, <program name>.exe. All the commands came from what people posted on many websites. I don’t know if those commands may cause unexpected problem later on. I would absolutely prefer using an appropriate command to close the program while the content is saved properly like you suggested. I currently have different commands to close different emulators. I would be appreciated if you could advise me on these; 1. What are suggested close commands for Demul and Sega M2 emulators ? Currently, I use these closing commands parameter below per emulator configuration in LaunchBox; ______ Demul ——— $Esc:: { Run, D:\games\nomousy.exe Send !{F4} } ______ Sega M2 ——— $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } 2. Many Taito games use DemulShooter and close the program using Alt+F4 as shown; Escape:: Send !{F4} Process, Close, Demulshooter.exe ExitApp Return Should I change it to be like this below? Escape:: WinClose, ahk_exe game.exe WinClose, ahk_exe Demulshooter.exe ExitApp Return 3. All TeknoParrot games use this closing command; Escape:: Run, D:\games\nomousy.exe Process, Close, BudgieLoader.exe Process, Close, TeknoParrotUi.exe Process, Close, Demulshooter.exe ExitApp Return If I understand correctly, all should be changed to be like this below, correct ? Escape:: Run, D:\games\nomousy.exe WinClose, ahk_exe , BudgieLoader.exe WinClose, ahk_exe , TeknoParrotUi.exe WinClose, ahk_exe , Demulshooter.exe ExitApp Return
  14. No need to sorry. I'm the one who needs to thank you. You're the only one here coming to help. Working or not or does not matter, but intention to help is the most matter. I am appreciated for that. For a reference, I use this below script; Run,"D:\ARCADE CABINET\ROMs\ARCADE\Taito Type X\Gundam -Spirits of Zion\game.exe" Escape:: Process, Close, game.exe exitApp return I use DemulShooter on a rail shooting games. I cover all supported lists on TeknoParrot and working to make all Taito shootings work. I have one last game left is Elevator Action Death Parade. Hopefully, it works out like the others.
  15. Oh, about the graphic glitch. It happens randomly if it runs on Win 10/7/Vista. It occurs when the game switches from a cut scene to gameplay or vice versa. I experienced this issue many times. I read on one post and one guy said he used Win 98 to avoid this. I tried and it didn't show any glitch yet.
  16. Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I tried your script but still couldn't close the game. I spent half of my day today doing research and applied varieties of scripts. None of them worked. Then, I realized one important thing that I completely overlooked. The game ran in Windows 98/ME on game.exe but I forgot to apply the same comparability mode on the script. Once I did it, the game could close perfectly.
  17. I have a problem to close a Taito Type X game called "Gundam-Spirit of Zion". The game must run in a Windows98/ME comparability mode to bypass the cutscene/loading glitch. The game is executed via ‘game.exe’, but it can't close by pressing Escape or Alt+F4. The only way to close is to hit Windows tap and force close the program manually. I created an ahk script, which worked on other Taito and TeknoParrot games. Unfortunately, the script not work for this particular game; Run, “D:\Taito\GSOZ\game.exe” Escape:: process, close, game.exe ExitApp Return Can anyone help me out how to create a script to forcefully close 'game.exe' ?
  18. Been reading many pages on this forum, as far as I comprehend, I suppose it is NOT possible for Touchmote to use a Wiimote IR Pointer as a mouse cursor on a new modern vanilla MAME (0,215b), correct? I have a Mayflash Dolphin bar using MODE 4, a genuine Nintendo Wiimote and MotionPlus attachment, Touchmote 1.0b15, and MAME0.215b_64Bits. My screen is 4:3 ratio on 1280X1024 resolution using a stock Arcade1UP monitor. I configured a Wiimote Pointer to use a mouse cursor and edited mame.ini to enable mouse/lightgun/joystick/offscreen_reload,...etc as instructed on the first page. Touchmote simulated the mouse movement just fine outside MAME environment. But in MAME , hitting TAB, it does not detect any mouse movement on both X and Y axis. I can't make it work and saw lots of folks here having the similar problem with no solution update. Maybe I'm wrong but I guess it is no go. The only way I can make it worked is to configure Wiimote Pointer with either a Left Stick or Right Stick XBOX360 Controller. For me, this workaround is very undesired result. The crosshair movement is very sluggish and can't move to the far edge on the left. I saw a post to fake ratio from 16:9 to 4:3. Mine is already 4:3, so I don't think it is applied. Perhaps, configuring Wiimote with Touchmote is an obsolete method. Any suggest if there is any other way for Touchmote configuring a Wiimote Pointer as a mouse cursor to work on MAME0.215 or later?
  19. I have a problem with Virtua Strikers 2 running the latest Supermodel SVN r793. Once choosing the team and the match begins, the frame rate drops big time to 8-10 fps. It would go away to normal speed after 1 minute later or either team strikes the goal. I tried on vs2, vs298, vs215, vs299. All has the same behavior. I tried on other SVN r787, r775, r755, and r738 with no success. I am not sure it is the problem with my pc not powerful enough or not. It runs on i5 3470, GTX750ti, and 8GB RAM. Or if there is any specific setting I should try on supermodel.ini. I not use GUI but using CLI with a command; supermodel "<game path>" -res=1279,990 -fullscreen Please advice
  20. Hi Kiinkyfoxx, thank you for the tips. I was busy trying to set up all platforms for Demul and just came back to read. Yeah, that trick works very well. Yeah, I don't need to have too many copies of Demuls. It takes down to just 2 to run Dreamcast, Naomi, Naomi GD, Naomi 2, Naomi 2 GD, Atomiswave, Hikaru, Cave3RD, Gaelco, and System SP. Dreamcast needs to use a oldgpudx with a specific parameter setting while others can use gpudx11. The whole things deprived a lot of my time trying to compile all the roms and CHD. Even so, lots of roms could not run. But I am happy with the roms I can run, especially Hokuto No Ken on Atomiswave. That is my favorite.
  21. Hi Retro808, Thank you very much for helping. You helped me save a lot of time doing things redundantly and not necessary. I am really appreciate your help. When you said I could do per-game emulator selection on the same platform. I knew right away I must have done something wrong. I found out that I need to uncheck box a default emulator under an associated platforms tab when both emulators use the same platform name . Previously, it had one emulator checked as a default. When I tried to set both emulators on the same platform, I got a warning that the new emulator would override the default emulator. So I ended up working around the problem creating multiple platforms. I am glad I asked it here first before wasting too much time on this unnecessary tasks. All I have to do now is to clean up my mess, removing those many redundant platforms to just one name per system and 2 emulators for a specific control setting to use. Regarding binding the exit to an arcade button, my Launchbox is a free version. That controller automation is available on the Premium version. I think that is the way to go. I really love Launchbox. The developer business concept is awesome. They let people try their awesome products, not a share ware with trial period, but it is free and very solid functionality product. The community is very supportive and friendly environment to help users and noob like me.
  22. Hi Jayinem, Thanks a lot for the feedback. I will google for the free version. So far I have 3 copies of Demul; Digital, Analog, and Dreamcast. It is not an ideal but that the only workaround I can think of.
  23. Thanks for the post and resolution. It is very helpful. I started compiling Naomi, Atomiswave, and Hikaru and also ran into the same problem yesterday too. I am focusing on solving my other problems on Demul (below) but I know soon or later, I need to figure how to make Hikaru running in full screen without having to press Alt-Tab everytime. I will buy that Borderless Gaming app. It looks very handy. By the way, do you also experience the problems on my post? I would be appreciate for any of your input.
  24. I'm currently runing Demul on Launchbox for playing games on Naomi, Naomi2, Naomi (2)GD, Hikaru, and Atomiswave systems. My problem is on Demul, not Launchbox. Since it last update was in late 2017, I am not quite sure if Launchbox has any work around functions to deal with these 3 problems I have on Demul. 1.The exit key is fixed to 'Alt+F4'. It not allow me to use an arcade button for an exit. Launchbox has an ahk script to bind Esc to Alt+F4; $Esc:: { Send !{F4} } It is not quite an ideal to use a keyboard on the arcade cabinet. When I configured a control setting on Demul, it acknowledged one of my arcade buttons as 'JOY0_11'. I tried to change the above script from 'Esc' to 'JOY0_11'. Unfortunately, it does not work. The only workaround I can do is to use another third party 'JOY2KEY' to map Esc to the arcade button. This JOY2KEY causes some conflicts to my PS3 controller time to time and I try to avoid it. Is there a way to map Esc to my arcade button on that ahk script? 2. On Naomi and Atomiswave systems, many games only run on 'Digital' mode on the Arcade JOY1 controller setting (lots of fighting games) while many others still run on 'Analog' mode. This is a pain that requires me to fumble on finding a keyboard and mouse to manually re-configure different type of controller mode on those games. For instance, playing Naomi games, 18 wheeler uses 'Analog' mode on controller. Then, if I need to change to Capcom vs SNK, I need to manually reconfigure the controler to 'Digital' mode. I need to have 2 copies of Demul; one for Analog and another for Digital mode. However, Launchbox not allows me to associate a per-game emaulator selection on the same platform. So, I ended up having to create 2 NAOMI platforms; one associated with 'Demul-Analog' and another with 'Demul-Digital' emulators. There will be more works to do on Naomi 2, Naomi GD, Naomi2 GD, Atomiswave, Hikaru, and Spider. Before moving on, I need to post it here to make sure this is the right way to do it. Can I do a per-game emulator selection on the same platform? If not, any suggestion to classify in categories with less headache? 3. Is there a way to auto-disabled screensaver while running Demul? All other emulators have this functions, not Demul. I need to make sure to turn off the screensaver before running the game. Thank you.
  25. Thank you for input, Lordmonkus. Retroarch with CRT-pi was the one I used on this machine. I wish I could find an alternative on a vanilla mame. I run into a problem with the input binding conflict between the arcade Fightsticks and PS3 xInput controller. The auto assign button# is an issue. This makes switching between arcade and console platforms difficult. I’m trying to find the way to manually map xInput controller to match the button# on the Fightsticks but no luck. What about GLSL on a vanilla mame? BGFX is the least complicated method I suppose and I not study anything about GLSL yet. I heard people said GLSL was complicated to set up, but if I can achieve a CRT-geom scanline like BGFX and not causing a stutter sound and dropped frame rate, maybe it is worth time to research on it. So, should a low power GPU be able to handle GLSL on mame64? If not, I need to find a way to make Retroarch work on a key map binding. It’s off topic on this post. I’ll create another just to ask my issue on Retroarch.
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