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Everything posted by vader545

  1. I think that did it, just reinstalled DS4Windows and I can use both Dolphin and Big Box. Thanks for your help!
  2. Small update. I have found out that Windows uses Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator for controllers. So, if I can figure out how to write a batch file to restart this service via AHK that should fix my issue. To the Googleweb!
  3. PS controller is connected via BlueTooth, no addintal programs.
  4. OK, just tried the following: Opened up Big Box (controller white), Launched a GameCube game using Dolphin (controller turns blue). Then I closed the game/emulator, then BB and the controller is still blue. It's like Dolphin takes control of the gamepad, but does not let go.
  5. No, the controller stays blue until I turn off the controller, then back on again.
  6. I am able to contol Big Box, without issue; I am able to control Dolphin without issue. However, once I am done playing a Dolphin game (specifically Nintendo GameCube) I am unable to control Big Box again unless I restart my PS4 controller. Once I restart the controller, I gain perfect access to Big Box. If this helps when I first boot up Big Box my PS4 controller LED is white, when I launch Dolphin it turns blue. Controler setup. PS4 controller. Dolphin Settings: Set in Dolphin as Standard controller, in Config set as SDL/0/PS4 Controller All other functions work perfectly for the rest of my emulators. Any help you can provide would be awesome!
  7. I have been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out why this was not working. I was able to fix it thanks to you! Thank you! In my case clearing the image cache fixed it. Thanks again!
  8. Can you point me to Image 1 please? I am not seeing it on this post.
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