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Everything posted by JayThe2nd

  1. I know this might be general and not specific to this theme but, is there a way to blur out the background image in the game details screen? It's so hard to see the details and options with most of game backgrounds blending with the text. I'll attach an example pic. Thanks.
  2. JayThe2nd


    Ok got the swapping to work, needed to enable "use M3U playlist for multiple discs" in the associated platforms.
  3. JayThe2nd


    Ah make sense. I got it to show up, thanks. I just set keys to Disc Eject and Next Disc, then added a script to use those keys in the pause screen swap discs script. Only problem now is with retroarch, it keeps inserting the same disc, not seeing the other ones to increment.
  4. JayThe2nd


    I love this pause screen, very elegant and clean, but how do I get "Swap Discs" to appear? it's the only one missing and would love to be able to swap discs from the pause screen instead of going into retroarch. Thanks.
  5. Sorry I just couldn't take the ridiculous looking Mario on the snes platform banner any longer (no offense to the creator,) so I had to change it. And since most Nintendo platforms have Mario as the banner I decided to go with Link.
  6. ooh I love how this looks but the white is gonna burn my eyes on my big tv lol specially when I play all night long ? hahaaa a dark grey color instead would be perfect, kinda like the color of those 3 squares on top. I really love the big size box art. hopefully you could include an option to not switch to something else.
  7. that's right I forgot about priorities. I just set screenshot priority to front box so now it goes away and comes right back lol better than no screenshot. thanks again.
  8. Platform Wheel 2 is the best looking interface I've seen in bigbox. It looks amazing, thanks for this theme. One nitpicky thing about the games list, is it possible to not make the box cover switch to the screenshot? A lot of games don't have screenshots so the box would just go away and nothing shows up. Thanks again, great theme.
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