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Le joueur francais

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Everything posted by Le joueur francais

  1. Thanx for your help ! Finally, I have installed .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.32 : https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1 on my new PC. This specific .NET version is required by Launchbox 11.7 (my version) and installing the latest .NET version (v8) does not work. I have 2000 games in LB and it's blazing fast so I've decided to keep my old version because "I don't fix what's not broken".
  2. Hi, I had an old Launchbox version (v running perfectly well on a Windows 10 PC. After purchasing a new Windows 11 machine, I have copied my original Launchbox installation folder to the same location on the new PC (C:\LBOX). Unfortunately, this old Launchbox version doesn't run on W11. Can I now install the latest Launchbox version in the same folder ? Doing so, will I keep all my games and configuration ? Thanks for any help here.
  3. ? ... of course. For some reason, I thought UUID was revelant only for games that I would download from within FS-UAE Launcher, not for games I manually downloaded and scanned... Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my uber-noob question and sorry for another case of https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pbcak I might try and use the latest dev builds of FS-UAE, wait for a new stable version that does not require to use UUIDs, or follow the tutorial to setup FS-UAE UUID. I'll have a lot of fun in any case. ? Thanks again Zombeaver.
  4. Hi, Great work!! This is one of the best tutorial I have seen in a long time (video + files + text + forum!). It has helped me to understand the logic of FS-UAE and to make it work properly. For Launchbox however, I am still a little bit confused. You see, I have downloaded several lha / WHDLoad files. They ALL run perfectly when launched from FS-UAE. I have imported the same files in Launchbox - but I run into the following problem: - for some files, I can launch them from Launchbox without any issue. - for some other files, I get a "Guru meditation" error message saying "Error: Exception Message: Did not find the specified WHDLoad slave 'name_of_the_game'. Check WHDLoad arguments". I have spent some time looking for an answer with no success. This is frustrating because, again, for some files everything runs perfectly from LB, for others I run into this dead-end. Did I miss something here? Any idea where that might come from? Or, do I actually need to use the UUID method described in the video for ALL WHDLoad files? I thought I did not need to do that for files that are automatically recognized by FS-UAE. And I wish I don't have to... Please let me know.
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