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Everything posted by BDeRbDaMaStA

  1. Hello AstroBob, Any updates to this issue? It looks like this bug followed into 13.19 as well.
  2. Hello Moderating team, Can someone help me with deleting my submission for the game "Star Wars Outlaws" on "PC"? There is already a game listed in the DB. Game ID #450539.. At the time I submitted the game, there was not one listed. Now that there is one, the submission has been pending since 8/27. If possible, I would prefer this not to hit my "Rejected changes" under my "Change Status" since I do take pride in the changes I submit. 😁 Thanks team,
  3. Thanks Admin team for getting the issues resolved. Seems everything is now in order.
  4. Thanks C-Beats! As a suggestion for a future update, can we have the ability to manually key in Game ID#'s? With that being said, they would have to be available to the public however.
  5. Thats literally my next game, lol. Yes, I believe something is broken here since there is no "database id" attached. Hopefully this can get resolved soon.
  6. Hello, I am having issues with Launchbox assigning the appropriate ID for the game I'm searching. It is showing up as "No games found with that Specific Title." I created the game entry in the Database myself back on March 4th, and have waited for it to be synced between the online database and Launchbox. I know sometimes it takes time for the game to sync between the two. Since creating the database entry, I have updated my Launchbox to the latest version. I have also tried to add the game as a "new game" numerous times to no avail. The game is originally purchased from GOG. Here is the game I am trying to search in question: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/392098-the-thaumaturge I have had this issue in the past before importing games, however it usually takes a few days to be able to search the game in launchbox with a database ID. I tried to edit the a line in the Data folder for the "windows" platform, <DatabaseID>xxxx</DatabaseID>, however I can not find or locate the database ID anywhere from launchbox or on the Online databased. I though at first the ID was in the URL but that is completely different. I am also requesting, as a person who has a large library and constantly purchasing games and adding to launchbox, can we please have the ability to manually type in the Database ID number, and also have that number available for view on the online database? That way if we need to troubleshoot issues like the one listed above, we can manually resolve it. Thanks in advance,
    Excellent videos, I love your videos and Suhrvivor's. The only think I'd recommend, is upscaling the videos to 60fps then running them through handbrake. I use a software Topaz Video AI, but there are other software's you can use too. Either way, keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to your next upload!
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  7. Success! Thank You!
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