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Mr. Shizzy

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Everything posted by Mr. Shizzy

  1. Hi all! I've been working at adding games to the switch section of the database. I have photoshop and decent image editing skills. I'm a very meticulous individual and add every possible bit of metadata. I source the info straight from nintendo's website. The images I upload are always of the highest quality (ie high res, no 3rd party watermarks, transparent corners on the .png files, optimize images for smallest size and fastest loading time, ect) Anyway, I see the acceptance process seems partly driven by the launchbox community. Everything I submit has been accepted. My question is, there is always (seemingly) one user who is hitting decline on EVERYTHING I submit. So am I doing something wrong, or is this person just a troll? Thanks in advance for any replies - game on!!!
  2. OK, see understand about the videos, I prefer to do my own though. Which leads me to a feature request for your consideration: This is for launchbox, I'm talking. (I do have a updates for life subscription, and bigbox as well. But I'm still new to launchbox, so I'll get that down before I start playing with bigbox) Anyway, I see it lets me show my videos in the game info box. And even through I can add more than 1 video, launchbox only displays 1 of them in the UI game info panel. It would be really cool if it would display them all, with my custom labels. For instance, for Zelda Link's Awakening (Switch), I have 2 videos I would like to display. The first, is the game overview trailer, the second is a then and now comparison video. I apologize for any typos, and thank you for such a beautiful front end!!
  3. opps, I didnt even see that. Thanks for the quick reply!
  4. Hi all! I'm wanting to help contribute to the database. I understand how to submit requests to contribute edits to the current database. My question is how would I go about adding a new game to the database? I have a Ton of images and metadata for a lot of the new Switch games. Would love to upload it to help others. PS: Is it possible to add a video to the database? Or can we only add video url in metadata? Thanks in advance for any help. Game On!!!!!
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