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Everything posted by nicolasonline

  1. Can anyone help with the syntax/code of adding a change to opacity for non-selected games in the CoverFlow view? I am nearly done with my custom theme for the new 11.10 but the default non-selected CoverFlow games are too dark for the white background so would like to reduce opacity to around 0.33. I tried using <coverFlow:FlowControl.OpacityMask><Brush> as well as Style Triggers but keep getting errors. Is there a simpler way to do this? Thanks a lot! <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Opacity="1" ImageType="Boxes" VisibleCount="10" PageSize="0" CameraZPosition="3" CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" > <coverFlow:FlowControl.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="0" /> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0" /> </TransformGroup> </coverFlow:FlowControl.RenderTransform> </coverFlow:FlowControl>
  2. haha! Really you guys are the best. Rare to come across such an awesome and passionate group of people!
  3. It would be my pleasure @C-Beats Anything you guys need I'm here to help!
  4. The new WallView Grid for Games works great, safe one possible problem. The new WallView with a coverFlow:FlowControl property NavigationRows="1" similar to @faeran 's theme POC theme works great by placing the first games at the top of the screen rather than the middle, but does have unexpected behavior as noticed by @Bedwyr in his last point in this post What I have found is that if the Total amount of Games in the WallView is equal to 6, 7, 8 or 9 Games when placing the selector on that 2nd row the whole 2 rows jump down together. This does not happen on any other amount of Total Games even if there are 11, 12, 13 or 14 Games (Adding 5 games to the above malfunctioning number so that they are the same on the 3rd row). So this only happens on the 2nd row (and not the 3rd or 4th or 5th rows etc). I have included a video below to show what I mean. I compare the GameCube/SNES Games proper behavior to that of the Wii and 3DS jumping up rows because they each have between 6-9 games. I double checked for each number of total games that exhibit this behavior and have found it only happens with anywhere from 6-9 games. If I add a 10th game to either platform it works properly. Can anyone reproduce this behavior? Code: <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedScale="1.15,1.15" Columns="5" Rows="3" NavigationRows="1" ItemSpacing="0.35,0.35"> <coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera> <OrthographicCamera Position="0,0,5" LookDirection="0,0,-1" NearPlaneDistance=".01" FarPlaneDistance="1000" Width="14"/> </coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera> Untitled.mov
  5. Oh amazing idea! Much cleaner solution, thanks a lot!
  6. Thanks for the update @C-Beats Yeah exactly in a theme I'm building I want one item to show at a time, I resolved that by keeping the VisibleCount at 2 for now and just increasing the Spacing. Also depending on how you might resolve the "0" Error I let @y2guru know maybe in a future version he can disable setting VisibleCount to 0 so that no one runs into that issue moving forward. Thanks again
  7. After having downloaded 11.10 I encountered some problems in the behavior of some of my custom created themes with Community Theme Creator. After lots of trial and error I was able to reproduce the problems accurately starting from a clean copy duplicate of the Default theme that ships with 11.10. It has to do with the VisibleCount property within coverFlow:FlowControl I modified a copy of 11.10's Default theme PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml The following are the issues I encountered: VisibleCount="any negative integer" If it's set to -1, -2 or -3 the images are not displayed at all. Whereas previous to 11.10 they would be displayed with negative integers. As noted in the documentation the backend automatically adds 3 images, so to display less than 3 images at a time, we can use negative integers. VisibleCount="0" Returns a Cannot divide by 0 Error forcing BigBox to restart. VisibleCount as 0 used to work previous to 11.10 as backend usually adds 3. VisibleCount="1" When you scroll to end of the platform list the scrolling stops and doesn't allow you to loop back to the beginning. Forcing you to go back up. Once you get back to the beginning of the list, it allows you to loop back to the last item but at a certain point the down arrow key stops working completely forcing you to scroll in only one direction. Can anyone confirm? This should be easily reproducible in any theme, default or otherwise, not sure if it's a current bug or if the backend has changed in regards to VisibleCount. Thanks
  8. I do have 1 Row of boxes with a defined start and end. And it shows only 1 instance of each game without duplicating any of them (Endless = false by default). So that's good to have. Good to know that the rotation of the boxes might be potentially addressed in the future, as it would be amazing to have the full CoverFlow with showing 1 instance of every game without it looping. Thanks again for all your help
  9. Hi @y2guru not sure if I should post here or message you directly, but a theme I created in your last stable release was working great, but with the latest LaunchBox 11.10 the VisibleCount = 0 gives back an error saying cannot be divided by 0 while in the previous to LB 11.10 it would work without any problems. Changing the value to an integer less than 0 also removes the Image to be displayed, and putting an integer above 0, adds multiple elements at once on the screen. Not sure if it's a compatibility problem or a bug, but thought I'd bring this to your attention for now. Do you know if there's a temporary workaround? Only thing I could do was increase spacing so only 1 element would be visible on screen, but animations differ
  10. Ok took a look at the Default WallView1 code that comes with 11.10 it's exactly what you described. Essentially without touching anything what you described would be leaving it as is is currently the closest I can get to what I wanted correct? Would the "Endless" potentially be implemented in future versions to be able to get something similar to Image 1 I posted above with CoverFlow specifically? Thanks again
  11. Thank you very much for your tip @C-Beats I will try that editing a duplicate copy of the default theme WallView1 that comes 11.10. Really appreciate all the help. Will report back for anyone looking to do this.
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. I found the documentation and it's super helpful. I do have a custom theme I used in the version previous to 11.10 and added Endless="false" in flowcontrol but as I read in the documentation "If a CoverFactory has been this set this setting will respect CoverFactory's endless property" but my CoverFactory is the default Binding CoverFactory. I end up with something like this: <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Opacity="1.0" ImageType="Boxes" VisibleCount="10" PageSize="0" CameraZPosition="4.25" Endless="False" CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}" MaxVerticalImageResolutionOverride="2000" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" > <coverFlow:FlowControl.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="0" /> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0" /> </TransformGroup> </coverFlow:FlowControl.RenderTransform> </coverFlow:FlowControl> Is it not working because the CoverFactory is defaulting Endless to True since it's an old theme? I tried to change the CoverFactory Endless but don't think I could figure out the proper syntax? Thank you for all the help!
  13. @C-Beats thank you so much
  14. In the new LaunchBox/BigBox 11.10, if some platforms have only a handful of games (less than the amount displayed on a standard CoverFlow at any one time, for example 2 games per platform), is it possible to only display each game once in CoverFlow (rather than repeat indefinitely)? (As in Image 1 Below, photoshopped to show what I mean). Image 2 shows the case as it is now. Thanks
  15. A video would be absolutely stellar. YouTube post notifications are already turned on for your channel. I've actually been trying to find documentation on some of the new functions on here, I tried looking around but couldn't find any, do you know if they exist? Just to learn the basics, to create grid with x number of items per row, and starts at the top like your POC, simple things like that?
  16. @faeran It's like Christmas with the new BigBox and this POC. So thanks a lot! Any tips of how of how to dig into the code while we wait for the Theme Creator to catch up?
  17. EDIT: Sorry finally found my answer have to update within the app. Thanks again for the pointer! Hopefully I can bring my new theme to the community soon Wow, thank you so much. I didn't know it was a public beta, I'm new to everything here. I found the beta thread after your reply but apologize in advance for my probably silly question but cannot find the public beta download, could you point me towards it? Thanks again
  18. I am creating a very simple custom theme for Big Box and I'm having some trouble in the two different GameView ideas I'm trying to implement: WallView and the Wheel I am using a mix of Community Theme Creator and editing the XAML manually. I posted yesterday regarding if this issue could be resolved with Community Theme Creator but the developer said it's something he might address in the next update since BigBox is also changing how it address WallView and are both in beta. But I am trying to see if I can resolve this with XAML code or if the inherent BigBox limits how much I can do. For the WallView I am trying to simply create a Grid (similar to LaunchBox) where all the Game Front Boxes are displayed on the page, without any additional info/data etc. In Community Theme Creator I created a WallView that spans the entire screen and adjusted the game box sizes to my liking. The problem is the first row where of the box grid starts in the middle of the WallView Frame. So since it's impossible to get around this with Community Theme Creator, I edited the XAML to change the Y-Axis value to -300 as seen in the screenshot which pushes the middle of the WallView frame where the first row starts to the top of the screen and works well. But the frame doesn't seem to display more than 3 rows at a time and or cannot stretch out to show the third row once it has been set. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can get around this? I tried changing the Prop_Wheel_H and Prop_Wheel_Y values both static and scaled but nothing would extend the frame to show that last row of games fully. Finally for the horizontal or vertical wheel, there are a bunch of platforms where I only have 2 games for example, and some where I have 50, so my question is can I dynamically set the Visible Count of games so that I don't have to manually set it as each platform is different. Let's say I set the visible wheel count to 5, if a platform has 2 games it will show repeats of the same 2 games multiple times. So can I set a variable similar to where Visible count = total platform games so that it dynamically adjusts to each platform's games? I.e. a cover flow wheel that isn't just infinite, but more like the old iTunes where if I had 2 albums it would cover flow two albums, if it had 20 it would show the 20, and if I had 100 it would show the max of 20 on screen and allow me to scroll through the rest. Thanks
  19. Hello new to big box. Is there a way to disable the infinite loop on coverflow view for games? As I only have a few games sometimes only 2 per platform since I only have my absolute favorite but coverflow doesn’t show 2 games only but an infinite number of duplicate games of those 2 games. Is there a setting to only show the right amount of games? Thank you
  20. Thank you very much for your quick reply. Ok good to know that's what I suspected, so indeed that's what I will do, upon import to deselect Font-Box, Front-Box Reconstructed and Fanart-Box attributes so I can add my own covers. Cheers!
  21. Hello, New to LaunchBox here. I am importing ROMs with all the standard Import Wizard metadata recommendations and think it's great. Where I'm having issues is when I go to a certain ROM and Edit... - Images and Add a Front Box Cover manually as I have all my favorite ROM box covers to my exact specs. I make sure the file type is set to Front box cover. The problem is since there are multiple box covers (the automatically downloaded ones + the manual one I added) I am having a hard time specifying which one should be the default, thus showing up in the Library as the main cover. It seems to pick one randomly. Is the only solution that during the Import Wizard I uncheck downloading "Front Box" and "Front Box - Reconstructed" like this whichever cover I add will be the one? Or am I missing an obvious thing? Thank you very much
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