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Posts posted by Zazamastro

  1. Liquid

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    Liquid is a theme built to be pad friendly, to be displayed on medium and large screens, and to emphasize high fidelity audio systems.
    All this in a minimal animated graphic, and with only the information you need to enjoy your videogame library.
    No distractions, just good design and your videogames.

    Enjoy it!

    To install it, place the folder "Liquid" into "...\LaunchBox\Themes".

    (This is the first theme I make myself, so don't eat me please.)
    If you have any requests or want to edit it to improve it, I also leave the files of the Community Theme Creator tool below.

    Community Theme Creator files.zip



    Also find a Liquid startup theme and sound pack in the "Liquid Extra" zip file.

    Liquid Extra.zip

    To install them, simply copy and paste the folders contained in Liquid Extra into the main Launchbox directory.


  2. 6 minutes ago, faeran said:

    If I remember correctly, I do believe I gave 2 different solutions. If there are any specific questions regarding either of them, can always reply to the PM and I'll be glad to help.

    Thank you so much. As I said, I'm just a designer, while @Benuno is the one who takes care of the development part. I don't know himself and how he studied the possible options you gave us. But anyway I found a loophole, so we are all happy.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Rlad said:

    Have you asked @faeran about the platform wheel? He's most likely to know the answer.

    At the moment we have circumnavigated the problem with a design solution that provides for the elimination of the platform wheel (and also gives an even more minimal touch). @Benuno tried to ask @faeran, but at the moment he couldn't do much with the information he gave us.

    Anyway we are proceeding fast with the new version which should be the 1.0.

  4. To all those who are writing to me for news about the original Scala theme, at the moment I am working with @Benuno to get as close as possible to the project mockups as they were conceived from the moment of the concept.

    However, if anyone could share with us a platform wheel solution, it would help us enormously. Right now it's the only question we don't know how to answer. As always, I remind everyone that every collaboration will receive credit. 





  5. 14 hours ago, ArcadeGuru said:


    First of all, thanks for this theme, elegant and clean!

    I'm testing 0.9.2 on a LG OLED 65'' TV (1920x1080) and here my feedback:

    - With Horizontal Wheel 1 view the search bar is misaligned to the right so the letters from V are cut

    - In wall view there is no video preview but the sound of video can be heard in the background... weird

    Complimenti in ogni caso, è già un tema usabilissimo! ^_^





    Thank you so much for the feedbacks!

    Grazie mille davvero! C'è davvero tanto lavoro da fare e alcune cose di cui dobbiamo verificare la fattibilità, nel mentre io ho davanti trasloco in casa, matrimonio e lavoro.
    Che tempismo buttarci anche dentro il tema di Big Box eh? Meraviglia.

    • Haha 1
  6. Scala

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    Scala is a Big Box theme created with good design taste and a lot of passion.

    The name "Scala" in Italian means staircase and it is also the name of the "Teatro La Scala di Milano", the theme is entirely inspired by the elegance and modernity of the prestigious Milanese Theater.

    Designed by @Zazamastro (Andrea Sgarro) and developed by @Benuno

    Thanks to:
    "Community Theme Creator 2.3" by @y2guru
    "Colorful Platform Video Set" by @viking
    "Simple White Badges 2.0" collection by @JesseBlue

    Theme installation:
    Extract the zip and copy the "Scala" folder to "...\LaunchBox\Themes" directory.


    • Horizontal platform wheel view

    • Wall games wheel
    • Horizontal games wheel


    Startup video:


    If you are interested in Scala development take a look here



  7. 7 hours ago, Shermo said:

    Following this, looks really clean. Other themes haven't really caught my eye and have been using other frontends because of it. Ive tried using the theme creator but get no where. I'm more of a art, video, logo grabber. 


    Looking forward to what this becomes 

    The release of the alpha version is closer than you think! Of course it will be a first version and the aim is to reach the quality of the original mockup, but the theme is already pretty nice, so we want to share it as soon as possible in order to get feedback and possibly help with development.

  8. Hi everyone,

    In life I am a creative director and mainly I do not deal with development, but I am an avid gamer and I love BigBox. So I decided to design a BigBox theme that would be pleasing to the eye and could be a potential hit for the platform. If anyone is interested I leave these layouts with attached images and psd files. If you are interested in collaborating, do not hesitate to contact me.


    The theme would be structured with a horizontal platform menu at the top of the screen always visible both in the platform wheel and in the game wheel, almost as if it were a ladder (hence the name "Scala" in Italian means ladder and it's also the name of Teatro La Scala di Milano, the theme will represent the elegance and extension of the prestigious Theater).


    The games are therefore the soul of the theme, and find ample space to show game trailers and fanart backgrounds.


    The font used is the SFPro that I leave attached should you be interested in the creation of Scala SFPro.zip.

    Attached you will find a zip containing all the project screens and the PSD files with all the levels named with their descriptions and divided into folders SCALA.zip.

    Thank you very much for the attention, I really hope you like it.




    The alpha version of Scala is finally out!


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