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Everything posted by Soop

  1. I just tried out the latest beta, but I can't seem to get out of /storage/emulated/0/ Launchbox when importing ROMs, and I also can't set a different mount point currently. I think until I can get root access and set up a symlink to the NAS under that directory, I'm probably out of luck. If anyone has any different results, feel free to let me know. I'm back to monitoring XDA forums for developments
  2. The Fire HD 8 is the main thing I'm testing on. I also have an HD10 and I'm looking at upgrading to the Samsung S21 in around a month. I don't have root on the Fires, which is why I'm playing the waiting game!
  3. I'm checking daily for updates atm - I need to know whether the Scoped Storage issues are fixed to the point I require before I pull the trigger on a paid license.
  4. Any (rough) idea when the new updates will get rolled out to non-beta? I've been messing around with Android stuff for the past few weeks, and now I'm just waiting for either Launchbox to update, or the fire HD to get rooted, then I can crack on with my goal of attempting SMB access.
  5. I've set up a local SMB share for my device, but I'm having trouble accessing it via Launchbox. My understanding was that Scoped Storage within the new framework would prevent access without the correct URI - but even with the URI I'm drawing a blank. Is it a permissions thing? Has anyone else acheived this successfully? I can access the ROMs fine within the filemanager by the way, I just can't find a way to get there from Android
  6. Soop

    Video snapshots on NAS

    honestly, I think pop-in would be ideal - I initially wanted a delay in video load just to see the arcade screen first. Ok, I'll try it and see how it goes, hopefully it's liveable *edit* I barely notice the difference. All my snaps are Low Quality, and load in just great. The title screen doesn't show beforehand unfortunately. If anyone is interested I just used a symbolic link to a mapped network drive
  7. I've had a look but I can't find anything specifically about this - I want to consider moving my video Snapshots and ROMs to NAS. I know the ROMs should work fine, but I can't find anything about the Snapshots. If I have the images locally, will the menus pop up quickly and the snapshots load afterwards? Or will the snapshots loading slow the whole thing down horribly? The Launchbox folder got to about 50gb I think with all the video, so I really want to offload them if possible.
  8. I have a few ideas with what I might like to do with launchbox on Android. One idea is to use a cloud-based storage location. The other idea is to store smaller ROMs on the device, and then using a USB-C to HDMI adaptor/hub with a USB-A socket, connect to a large USB thumb drive with larger files, such as ISOs etc. That way when I play on a larger screen, I'll be using the adaptor anyway and I can just plug everything in. Does anyone do this currently? Are there any issues (aside from Scoped Storage) that I'm not seeing? I presume Launchbox won't actually check the storage until a game is selected, much like the desktop version?
  9. I just found out that Launchbox is available for Android, but I was wondering if I have to buy the full version if I already have a bigbox license?
  10. Soop

    Naming PS2 games

    ok, sweet, I think I get the gist of it. I think the main takeway is that it is possible to recreate a useable filename from the image itself, in which case I shou;d be fine to rename the files knowing I won't have to manually recreate the necessary filenames later. I might have a go at repurposing your code at some point for file naming, maybe in Python. If I do, I'll let you know and hand the code back
  11. Soop

    Naming PS2 games

    thanks, that's appreciated. Is the SLUS code inside the image somewhere, or does it reference an external database? My C# is a little rusty, but it might help!
  12. Soop

    Naming PS2 games

    Originally ISO but just finished converting them to .chd
  13. Soop

    Naming PS2 games

    I have an issue where I've used the tool to rip PS2 games for use on the PS2 internal HDD, and it's named the games appropriately with the SLUS xxx number. As far as I know, OPL still needs that code in order to run PS2 games. I'm trying to find the easiest solution that doesn't cause difficulties down the line. I could use regex to rename all these files, but that means if I decide to put the games on a PS2 hard drive, I have to recreate the SLUS code for each game somehow. Has anyone here encountered the same problem? Just weighing up my options before I commit.
  14. Hi, I've successfully converted several libraries to chd format, but I'm having trouble with most of my PC Engine CD games. Most of my games have unzipped into a folder containing a .cue file, then .iso for the data tracks and .ape for the sound tracks. I would have expected a .iso to be a complete file. Anyway based on what I've managed to find via googling, I've tried simply renaming the .iso files to .bin, but that hasn't worked. Is there something I can use to batch convert them all to the correct .bin/.cue format before I convert them all to .chd? Time to answer my own question; looks like the problem was with the audio files which were in .ape format. I'm converting them back to WAV right now using Foobar2000 and will report back. *edit* yep, that did the trick
  15. I'm also from England and I came here to request PC Engine and PC Engine CD videos Thanks so much for the wonderful themes!
  16. Ok, that's a red herring. So there's no option to consolidate the ROMs into a standard name? Might be easier to delete the lot and reimport
  17. hmmm, there's no option to download snaps via Launchbox on the media import wizard, and there's no option to specify region on the import ROM wizard. There's the consolidate ROMs option, which I used, but that also gives no options and appears to have consolidated games into one of the non-standard names. Can you point me to where I can download snaps please?
  18. Oh, I downloaded the SQ snaps from Emumovies - I had no idea you could import them via Launchbox, I thought you just dumped them into the folder
  19. Soop

    Forever to DL images

    if you use the wizard, just read each page and you'll see the options. The compare function is a tick box at the bottom right quite early on, and then if you've already set up EMUmovies with an account, just untick everything on that step.
  20. I noticed some snaps weren't playing for a few titles, mostly CPS2, and when I was sure I'd downloaded them, I think I found the issue. The ROMset I'm using is a bit OTT, with several versions of the same game, and subtle differences to the name of the ROM. I figured out that the snap needs the exact same name as the ROM to be picked up, but after consolidating, it seems like the version Launchbox is using is not the "standard" name, hence the issue So my question is, is there any way to make Launchbox use the standard name of each ROM, i.e. ssf2t rather than ssf2teu, or is there any way to delete or remove the non-standard named duplicates automatically? *edit* just to add, I've looked up some stuff, and it looks like this wasn't an option 5 years ago (things may have changed). The other thing that would help me is asking Launchbox to only use the ROM with the standard name. Is that a possibility?
  21. Soop

    Forever to DL images

    I had a similar issue - it seems that emumovies takes a long time, so uncheck that and download straight from Launchbox, at least for now. And untick the option to cmpare similar files at the start, apparently that takes a while too. Mine flies along now, before it was taking hours!
  22. I've just about got things looking the way I want, but in the games menu, I'd really like a 1 second delay or so before game snaps start playing. I can't see an option anywhere, so it could be a theme specific thing. I'm currently using Unified Redux, but if another theme has that option, I could always hack it together!
  23. Got it, I'll try again and see if I can get it working - thanks for the reply Edit: that seems like it's working, and it's waayyyy faster - thanks a lot!
  24. I just got this going yesterday and set it downloading metadata overnight, but despite it chugging along to begin with, I came down today to see a load of sign-in errors and barely any progression. I googled the problem, and it seems like one that's been around for a long time, but it doesn't seem like anyone is sure what the cause is, or if anyone has actually fixed it. I see some posts by the admin stating that it "should be fixed in version x", but it's obviously still an issue. It seems like the timeout for a failure needs to be significantly decreased for one thing. Can anyone tell me if this is possible? The second part is that the UI informed me that I could cancel the metadata download and restume it at any time, but I had several thousand items left to download this morning, and after a restart, I can't seem to get LB to progress. I've tried Tools > "download metadata and media" but this just downloaded media for one game. How do I resume the downloads?
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