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  1. These are the ones that worked for me: - SNES: #d64042 - Intellivision: #e77e18 - Atari 5200: #3e569a I remember that using the color picker in Big Box directly did not work, but playing the platform videos in VLC directly from the folder did. Or maybe it was the other way round, in any case one of the methods produced wrong results.
  2. OK I found a way to change the color on the left: 1) Go to your Launchbox folder. 2) Navigate to the /Themes/COLORFUL [...]/Views subfolder. 3) Open the file "PlatformWheel2FiltersView.xaml" with Notepad. 4) Press Ctrl-F and search for "Genesis" 5) The line below should start with "<Setter Property", and there will be a hex value. Not sure what this is in your case because I have already changed it. The color code under "Value" that worked for me is #b72c2f. Change the value to this and then save the file. 6) You should be good to go. If you are already running Big Box you need to restart it for the change to take effect.
  3. Yes, and not only for Genesis. I tried updating the theme but no luck. With some platforms, the difference in color is small and hard to see, but with some platforms it's pretty obvious (Taito Type X, PS4, BBC Micro, NEC Turbografx, to name a couple). I guess you can't change the colors in Options but would have to go into the theme itself.
  4. Hi, I hope this hasn't been asked before, but my search didn't bring up anything. So basically I want to play some older Windows games (early 2000s) that I got from GOG through GOG Galaxy (on Win 11 Home). For one or the other reason, some of them require to be run as an Administrator, which results in having to enter an admin password when the game is launched from either the EXE directly, the shortcut GOG creates during installation, or through Galaxy. Now the funny (and annoying) thing is, when I launch some of those games from Launchbox (or Big Box), the game will either 1) not launch at all, 2) launch only as a background process with no way to interact with it, or 3) launch from the current (non-Admin) user account with errors (which could be an error message, or the game starts but suddenly requires a CD key which shouldn't be the case with GOG games obviously, etc.). In any case, launching games from LB through Galaxy never seems to invoke the UAC prompt where I need to enter an admin password, regardless of how the game EXE is configured. Is this a known issue or can anyone help with this? Thanks!
  5. I also had this problem, but in addition I'm getting a Launchbox exception and the app crashes. Any idea why?
  6. Thanks, this helped. I disabled Close to tray and that saved the setting after closing.
  7. Hi @faeran, great theme, love using it. One quirk I have with it is that the size of the box art doesn't seem to get saved when I restart Launchbox. I'm working on 800p resolution so the standard picture sizes are too small. I always have to resize them manually each time I start the app. Any ideas what could be wrong here? Thanks in advance!
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