I've recently been setting up PS2 emulation in launchbox, using retroarch as emulator. There's a bit of an oddity that I wasn't sure whether was a Launchbox or a Retroarch issue; when I attempt to launch roms, I'm told that a dependency isn't satisfied.
When I check the dependency (screenshot) It shows that the bios can't be found... except that I DO have the correct bios in the correct location, and that 'Play anyway' will correctly launch the ROMs.
I'm posting so that the Launchbox team can have a look - it's reporting the bios folder name as bios' instead of bios (see pic) in the first half of the text - the \system\pcsx2\bios location specified contains my bios files, but I think the verification might be using an incorrect name (with a ' appended) when trying to verify.
Note that 'Open Location' opens my pcsx2 folder, not my pcsx2/bios folder. So I'm assuming that there's some sort of path issue confusion due to the ' (maybe)?