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About Funkitude

  • Birthday 05/31/2006

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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I tried to add games though a data transfer cord from my phone to my PC and LB is not seeing my phone I am using a cheap Samsung Galaxy S5 because it does everything I need it to do and has 0 problems same with the cord it has 0 problems I am using the cord it came with when my mom brought it it was a free hand me down the reason I want to do this is because I don't want to scratch the 128 gig micro SD card inside of it evetime I try to get it out anyways the data transfer cord method I find is better because I am worried about basicly bricking it please someone help thanks Funkitude
  2. I download like maybe 20 romsets and now I want to get rid of all the ones that are not in English's can someone help me because I am not going to delete each one by hand
  3. can you help not just me but everyone that will see that please and thanks 5thWolf
  4. here this may help a flashpoint importer I need somebody to walk me through this
  5. can someone PLEASE help me add flash games from flashpoint to launchbox please and thanks (IMPORTENT UPDATE ON THIS I GOT IT SLOVED )
  6. I really want this feature BUT can you walk me though with a more simple version of it please and thanks
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