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  1. Can confirm issue with images on switching platform is resolved. While you are at the image overlapping issue, which seems to be scaling related from what I see, maybe we can get an option to scale all covers to the same size ignoring aspect ratio? This would make things look better and avoid gaps like this:
  2. Videos dont seem to work in fullscreen (at least for me) . Screen just goes black
  3. Love the image loading getting some attention. Reproduceable Bug: Go to any system that has, lets say 200 games. Scroll down to end of list. Switch to other system that has less games -> No covers appear until you scroll a bit. Videos dont seem to work in fullscreen (at least for me)
  4. Thanks for the info. Would you hire non US people? And wouldn't a web analyst be more into statistics and traffic analysis? Why the coding requirements? Or did you mean web dev specialist? Sorry for all the questions, Im a web dev guy with 20+ years of experience mostly vanilla JS and PHP/SQL, recently into react/typescript and my only C# experience is a hobbyist project but I'm curious.
  5. Where is the company located?
  6. If I am not mistaken, the ASP .net core is for Active Server Pages only, which is used for websites. There should be another .net core package. Also you only need the runtime, the SDK of .NET 6 works too but its much bigger and bloated compared to a runtime. SDK stands for Software Development Kit and is only needed if you want to develop your own software (hence the name ) Try the .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.15 from here https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
  7. Not sure about PS3, but I know X360 had a 12x DVD drive so that transfer speed should be sufficient. Just move 1 or 2 of your PS3 games to the NAS and check it out.
  8. Err.. what do I do so the C64 dreams stuff will have one of these new icons that got introduced recently? Edit: I figured you need to set the <ScrapeAs in the XML files for the platforms. However for platform categories there is no such tag. Edit2: Figured you have to have the icon with identical name in \Images\Platform Icons\Platforms
  9. Sorry, wrong word. It gets emptied as if no game was selected. Furthermore if I switch to "Starten", no Info is displayed
  10. Bug! 12.12 beta 2: Whenever I choose to edit the Metadata of any selected game, the game info (where the video, wikipedia link etc) displayed, disappears.
  11. I use default theme. If it helps there is a difference between selecting a game and right clicking it afterwards and right-clicking an unselected game. The context menu fades in but the fade in effect hangs until the game details are fully loaded.
  12. Can confirm. Same issue here. Seems to be related to loading the game details.
  13. Awesome. Imma upgrade to forever because of this.
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