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Everything posted by Rexnebular

  1. Cool thankyou for the comment. you might be interested in some other things I'm doing with Ai. (still learning)
  2. jpeg cant store the alpha channel, png can, so if you want transparency you need png, tga, psd etc..
  3. +1 to what JereBear said.
  4. True. 👍
  5. Lots of times manufactures have exclusives to drive purchases, so if there were some I would add this just because I think the box is so unique. It was just a question out of interest, today was my first time seeing it.
  6. Are there any exclusive games that only came out on this system? It looks cooler then a PS2.
  7. I added Teknoparrot as a platform, the platform view is green but the game menu is black with green lettering. I downloaded the CTC but have no idea what file to load to edit the background color. Also I see no way to load the big box theme in the CTC I just see a bunch of random UI elements that don't match what I'm seeing. (don't hate me for being dumb lol) 1047897328_2023-04-0615-45-12.mp4
  8. I Just added a system overlay for this too. I'm not sure but I think I derived the name for the cfg from the folder name that the theme was using. In RA folder /Genesis Plus GX/ I have a "Sega CD 32X.cfg" file that looks like this. input_overlay = ":/overlays/Sega-CD.cfg" input_overlay_opacity = "1.000000" And in the /Overlays/ folder "Sega-CD.cfg" that looks like this. Plus the image.png overlays = 1 overlay0_overlay = Sega-CD.png overlay0_full_screen = true overlay0_descs = 0
  9. Thanks again Retro. This time it was the cache that was living in the past. ITs looking sweet now. 😁
  10. H Hey Retro, I tried that but it didn't seem to work. I tried them in the theme folder as well but no luck. My last problem was naming could this be a wrong name situation too?logo wheel.mkv
  11. One more question. I want to add a clear logo to the FM Towns system. How would I do that? the clear logo folders under theme are empty and the Platforms folder under Images is also empty.
  12. Thanks Retro, I renamed the .png to "Sony Playstation Vita" which is the folder name. Now it shows up! thanks again.
  13. I noticed that ps vita's system view has no console picture. Its in the files but is not displaying, I changed the file name to sony psp and it shows up under psp. So is the file name wrong? Its called Sony PS Vita.png, I cant find a reference to .png's in the view files. It seems like an easy fix if I understood what I was doing. lol.
  14. I got the pc 2 days early and started setting it up on the preinstalled win 11. Its just a bit wider then my NesPi4 case (very small). But the thing that blew my mind was the finger print reader, it's also a power button. So if its powered off and you touch that button it just logs you in automatically no keyboard needed no extra software to bypass windows login etc. Wow! so I can launch into big box with one button press, very convenient. So far everything is launching and Crazy Taxi was VERY crazy. 360 viva piñata was not as smooth as on my pc but that just needs some fine tuning. So far its looking good. I should say thanks for not letting me use a beta os, that would have just added more confusion I think.
  15. Thanks guys. My beef with windows 11 is that it F##D my surface tablet pro. Its a tablet that no longer has any tablet features. So $1200 of hate is directed at MS for that move. I guess I'll use win 10 I haven't got mine yet, how is the performance with the beelink and Bigbox? Any emulators that struggle to keep up?
  16. Thanks for that info, what do you think of running Windows 10 lean? https://quickfever.com/how-to-install-windows-10-lean-cloude-download-iso/
  17. Hey I got a mini pc (Beelink gtr9) for BigBox and was wondering about OS choices. It comes with win 11 which I hate, I was thinking of Steam OS or something capable of launching x86 programs? Can you launch BigBox like a windows app through steam or on steamOS? I think you can add any program into the steam launcher. The functionality that I want is "I turn it on and big box launches." I would like to avoid going down any rabbit holes of pain so any warnings or suggestions would be appreciated. https://www.priceboon.com/product/beelink-gtr9/
  18. This turns out to be incorrect. There are indeed key bindings in lauchbox and Bigbox. And they directly influance exiting the game from the controller. In fact they make setting it up in emulator redundant as they seem to stomp all over some of those settings. The frustrating part was figuring out why it was different in LB vs. BB. In LB its under tools/options/gamecontrollers/keybindings and is called "exit game". I also nulled out everything that wasn't necessary to navigation. BB its under options/controller mappings/ "close the active window". I set both to "Select" then "start" to exit every game no matter what the emulator wants to do. Turns out it was that simple.
  19. The reason I want a bomb proof controller setup is for my son. He has CP and not good control of his hands, I got the 8bitdo fight stick because it has a big easy to hold control stick and well spaced buttons. I dont have controller issues other then mame and that stupid double input bug in BigBox. And now its just mame. lol.
  20. Thanks for pointing out inputbindings.xml. I think I see the BigBox navigation bug now. The controller and its bindings are set in two places, inputbindings.xml and BigBoxSettings.xml. I swapped the A and B binding in BigBox xml and was able to stop the double inputs from happening. (eg. press A and 2 A's are pressed. Press Up/Down two up/down presses happen etc.) This worked because input bindings.xml was only reading BigBox xml once when it was created. Now any changes you make in bigbox are writen to its xml and not copied to inputbindings.xml, so they conflict. Deleting inputbindings made it read the key swap I made and stop conflicting inputs. I still have enable all controllers off and Mouse on. Not sure if that was anything to do with it too. Mame: Yeah I understand that mame controls are "Mame's" controls, what I didnt know till today is that mame resets its bindings at every opportunity. If the hadware id's change it treats it as a new controller. And apparently that can happen if you change the usb port your using (I was using 3) or just rebooting is enough to do it. I'm still looking at this part. I'm guessing that other frontend's (Batocera on Pi4) copy the key bindings on exiting a game then restore them when you launch the next game, that way mame can keep resetting all it likes and the user doesn't have to deal with the pain.
  21. Losing control in bigbox is due to me turning on the option "enable controllers" "enable all controllers". If I turn it off navigation works again but the B button no longer controls back, instead its the start button that is back. This has to be a bug. It essentially means I cant use mame. Maybe someone has some controller config files they could post?
  22. I reinstalled Launchbox. Now the controller defaults are (select)=mame menu/add coin. and (Start)=start game/exit game immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f**k my life. I have Batacera on a pi4 and the experience is flawless with the controllers, I guess I thought this would be the same.
  23. Has anyone else done this? It seems like the Games DB could benefit from being cleaned up this way. Especially now that 4k is basically standard these days. Anyway I'm using the AI we use at work to fix all the out of focus, badly scanned or just F'ing old images. My mind is blown, its like a scene from Scanners ever time I run it. There are a few really nice painted art pieces in the Mame library its a shame more companies didn't shell out for it. The more graphic they are the better they turn out or if they have human faces in them. Emulation is a dangerous hobby for the easily obsessed.
  24. I'm getting double inputs with each button press. The worst part is trying to exit Big Box from the menu, navigation jumps two menu items at a time and the stupid thing lands on shutdown every time....! Or if I'm in the system menu one press and I'm 2 levels down and ready to start a game. lol. its sooo frustrating. I have 3 Xbox controllers, one old 360 and 2 Xbox "One" controllers they all have the same behavior. So I tried my 8bitdo M30 and it works just fine. I deleted all the controller config files for launchbox and the mapping I did in retroarch. (trying to exit games without walking over to my pc to hit "ESC" all the time.) Then I reinstalled launch box over itself hoping to refresh whatever I did wrong. But no luck; they worked till I launched a game then it went straight back to pissing me off. Any ideas about where else configs or settings might be hiding? Or what I should backup for a clean reinstall? I admit that I am likely the cause of all my pain...
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