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Everything posted by Scarletic

  1. Nope, sorry. I am working on it for my own collection, so I am adding only computers and consoles, which are presented in COLORFUL theme and can be emulated by retroarch
  2. Yep. Have just added several DOS games successfully, but this one still not found. Same issue with "Caper in the Castro" for MAC OS https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/167793 https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/167792
  3. How often does metadata list updates? Have successfully added game five days ago to GamesDB, but can't still add it to my collection. Tried force update, but still nothing.
  4. Can you upload "Hardware Set" PNG like in original COLORFUL theme, please?
  5. How should I resize 4K to HD? I tried to resize Fujitsu FM Towns Marty, but it shows black screen in BigBox...
  6. Can you send me one game rom 100% working as reference?
  7. I used fmtowns_cd.xml and fmtmarty.zip bios. Problem is, it uses some weird file hierarchy I could not make to work. "Files format to use *.chd file with a zipped blank dummy file"
  8. Thanks! Managed to make APF work, but only with carts. Still need to bind controls, but it works! (apfimag.zip is bios) apfimag.ini apfm1000.xml apfimag.zip apfimag.opt
  9. So, now waiting for your stuff!
  10. On APF Imagination Machine. Could make it run, but can't make it autorun cassetes
  11. Wow! I am not so useless! Epoch Game Pocket Computer works! (gamepock.zip is bios file) gamepock.zip gamepock.xml gamepock.ini gamepock.opt
  12. Casio Loopy works, but current mame rom is too broken. Will wait for update
  13. Oh, thanks! Was trying to figure out FM Towns Marty yesterday with no result, unfortunatly...
  14. Apple II situation is even more weird. It made me rename "a2diskii.zip" to "a2diskiing.zip" to make it work.
  15. I have no idea why, but retroarch reads "-cart" as "-cart" and "-c art" in the same time. I will now look through my launch box now (just updated to latest version too). I don't think it is Retroarch issue, because it loads defaults when trying to load "art", lol
  16. Update on problem! Astrocade trying to load "art" (even with no .cfg in the name), that doesn't exist. It used to think "-cart" is "-c art", so I made it "-f astrocde -cart -c retroarch.cfg" and it work fine! Weird stuff
  17. I have updated Retroarch from 1.12 to 1.13 and now Apple II stoped working again and astrocade keeps reseting settings... Oof! Will try to fix now
  18. Back with questions! Bally Astrocade resets all retroarch settings, even language. Why does it happen? I haven't seen any big different between Apple II and Astrocade opt or ini, but Apple doesn't reset settings. What may be the reason?
  19. Great! So I will look into FM Towns, APF and Epoch Pocket later and will provide you files if I could make it work!
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