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Everything posted by AliMujahid20

  1. Looks that it doesn't work for Bluestacks (it worked for other games and emulators)... And the Exit game option from Pause Screen doesn't close Bluestacks.
  2. Yeah, after the game loads and while the hotkey is running, nothing happens and I need manually press F11 to go fullscreen. PS: Delay commands didn't work either.
  3. Nothing happens when the script runs (no fullscreen after 10 seconds and the game doesn't close with Alt+F4).
  4. It didn't worked for me. I'm using a Bluestacks game: Here's the additional app: This is my ahk script (F11 for fullscreen and Alt+F4 to close): This is my AutoHotkey exe: Please help me!
  5. Hi! This is great but I have a problem: Since I want to sort my save states files like /states/console path/core (I have different cores for console such as GB) it is impossible to load the state (it is on a folder called Temp) because the rom is zipped. How can I manage it to keeping the "Extract rom before running" function?
  6. Hi! I want to set the Guide Button as Pause Screen for LB/BB but my joystick is not detecting this button (but Steam do). My input device is called "Controller (Xbox One For Windows)". What could I do to solve this problem?
  7. Well, I downloaded the file from the main page to go back the last version. I think there was a bug in BigBox when I updated to the last version of CoverBox. 🤔
  8. I just recently updated the last version of this awesome theme and the magic was lost. How can I go back to the previous version?
  9. Oh, I was referring to Android as a platform as well as Xbox, SNES, GBA, etc, because there are Android emulators like Bluestacks.
  10. BTW, will you be considering Xbox 360 and mobile (Android) themes soon?
  11. Thank you. I had that doubt since that image of the WiiWare appears on the main CoverBox theme page and I thought it could be set.
  12. Hi! I love these themes. Just one question. How can I set the WiiWare theme for those games? This one:
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