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Everything posted by flanx

  1. @Gangor Sorry if its complicating, but this is the best way I could get mine to work without issue. 1. Add Additional App screenshot - This is to create the app within Launchbox that will run the AutoHotKey script to launch xarcade-xinput program when you launch the game. 2. Create Additional App screenshot - Name your application (can be anything). Browse to where AutoHotKey is installed (this comes with Launchbox). Application Command-Line Parameter is the full path to where the AHK is for Killer Instinct to launch the xarcade-xinput program 3. Application Path screenshot - This will point to the AHK to launch your game. The reason this is needed is because this is the only way I could get LEDBlinky to detect the game running and change the lighting accordingly Sample Killer Instinct AHK - This is the AHK to run xarcade-xinput when game is run. This is used in the Additional App section. Sample Killer Instinct Launcher.AHK - This is the AHK that I have in place to launch the game so LEDBlinky will detect the game properly. This is used in the "Launching" section. 4 Player IPAC.json is the config file for xarcade-xinput, The key binding you'll change is the text in the quotes on the left, change to the key you want bound to that input. This is for 4 player games. If all you want is 2 players, there are config files included in the program directory in the "mappings" folder. You can use any text editing program to make the changes. Hope all this makes sense. I used Killer Instinct as an example as this was the game you mentioned above. 4 Player IPAC.json Sample Killer Instinct AHK.ahk Sample Killer Instinct Launcher.ahk
  2. @Gangor If you plan to use your control panel for modern Windows games, I highly recommend using a program like "xarcade-xinput." This will remap your keyboard inputs to act as X Input devices (Xbox 360 controllers) while active. The IPacs can do the same thing with a certain key combination, but in that mode LEDBlinky can no longer control the colors of the buttons. If you use "xarcade-xinput" you can still use LEDBlinky to customize your button colors. I use an AHK to activate the xarcade-xinput program when the game is launched and then close when the game is closed. If you're interested in going that route, I can share my xarcade-xinput config (which you'll have to modify for your mapping) and a sample AHK script.
  3. @Gangor To clarify. You're not using a keyboard to XInput conversion software at all? So are you using just keyboard inputs? I know some newer Windows games don't like to have 2 players programmed to the same input device (ie keyboard) How are your IPacs setup? Players 1 and 3 to Ipac#1 and players 2 and 4 to IPac#2? Do you have the second IPac flashed with the #2 firmware?
  4. @Gangor After a lot of troubleshooting, it turned out to be my common ground wiring. I had used a single ground wire for all joysticks and a single ground wire for all buttons. So this means I had the ground wires for players 2 and 4 plugged into IPac used to control players 1 and 3, my common ground span between my 2 IPacs. So I ended ripping all common grounds out and isolating the common ground wire to the IPac the buttons and joysticks were connected to. Ie Player 1 and 3 common ground ran to IPac 1 and players 2 and 4 common ground ran to IPac 2. Once I did this, all button issues went away and its worked perfect since. Are you using the X-Arcade to XInput software as well?
  5. Nope, not an issue with LEDBlinky. Now all signs are pointing to my second Ultimarc IPAC. I've emailed Andy for assistance.
  6. After doing more testing, I think the issue is linked to LEDBlinky somehow. When I disable LEDBlinky integration in Launchbox, the input issues go away. I'm going to do some further testing.
  7. No, I'm not running BigBox as shell yet.
  8. I'm having a strange issue with Steam games launched with BigBox that causes input issues with player 2 stick controls. No other issues with any other emulator using keyboard controls. This is my setup. I have 2 IPAC Ultimate I/O boards (4 player arcade setup) and I use a program called XArcade to XInput to convert my keyboard controls into Xbox 360 controllers for Windows (Steam) games. The program works perfectly fine. When I test all the controllers all inputs work as they should. I have an AHK that launches the XArcade to XInput program when the game starts and it closes it when I exit the game (setup in the Additional Programs section). I also use an AHK to launch the Steam games based on the Steam game ID for LEDBlinky to work properly (used in the Launching section) I cannot get LEDBlinky to work for Steam games otherwise, but thats a whole other can of worms. When I launch the game through Launchbox, all works perfect. But when I launch the game through BigBox I have input issues for player 2 controls only. These issues mainly revolve around the stick controls. Holding a direction does not "hold" in that direction. For example, pressing down to crouch will cause your character to crouch and stand repeatedly as you're holding down. Or if you press forward (or backward) it may count as a dual input causing your character (in this case MK 11) to dash forward or dash backwards with a single press. Like I said, these issues do not occur on any player besides 2 and only when games are launched from BigBox. Activating the XArcade to XInput program from within Windows and running the Xbox 360 controller tester in Windows shows no issues, holding down will remain down until released. Same with launching the game through Launchbox, holding down will cause the character to remain crouched. I read somewhere that Steam could be causing issues, but I've ruled that out because I've disabled all controller controls in Steam and it only happens when launched through BigBox. I can supply screenshots and or my AHK codes if needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Thank you so much for the reply. I have the debug.zip. Do I attach it here, or do you have an email I can send it to?
  10. I'm not sure if this is the place to post this or if I need to make a new topic. I'm having an issue getting LEDBlinky to light my joysticks custom colors for certain games using overrides. I've looked all over and I have not found a solution. I can get the joysticks to change to custom colors if I assign the color to the JOY8WAY under the Common tab. But if I try to assign it to, for example, P1_JOYSTICK_UP under Player 1 tab, it never changes to that color. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Oh man.... I can't believe I overlooked that setting. I even went into that menu to enable the system menu... lol Thanks, appreciate the help!
  12. I'm using the newest Flycast core for RetroArch. I can go into the arcade system menu and setup the coins to be 1 coin = 1 credit. But every time I exit the game or even just reset the game, its put back to Free Play. How do you get these settings to save?
  13. Absolutely! I still have the raw Illustrator file if you need it in a higher resolution. Let me know!
  14. I am in the process of creating missing arcade marquees for MAME games (based on my audit of roms missing marquees). Here is a recreated marquee for Ataris Alpha One arcade game along with a matching wheel art (more accurate to the original logo than the one downloaded when scraping) I did the best I could based on the terrible image I had to work from (also attached)
  15. Thats exactly what it was. I copied over the plugins and the marquees show now. Thanks so much for your help, I have been racking my brain for the past week trying to figure it out. i thought the theme creator spit out universal files, I didn't realize it would generate different plugins. Thats good to know. Again, thank you for your help, it was much appreciated. This community is amazing.
  16. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I have my file in the views folder of the theme it only displays a black screen (1920x360 monitor used for active marquees). Without my file, it shows the static vanilla banner / marquee images. I've attached my xaml file if someone wants to try it or sees an issue with how its configured. It works with the Unified CTC theme I created it with, but doesn't seem to want to work with any other theme. GameMarqueeView.xaml
  17. I see. Ok, I'll download a fresh copy from the forums and test. Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.
  18. Ok, I'll try that. When you downloaded the theme, did you use the theme manager in BB or did you download it from the forums and add it manually?
  19. I have. If the Theme has the GameMarqueeView file in the folder already and I replace it, it will work. So I wasn't sure if there was a way to enable the theme to utilize that file, but it seems there isn't.
  20. Is there any way I can replace the core GameMarqueeView file? Or is there a checksum to verify the file? Like if I replace the GameMarqueeView file in the Default theme folder will it just replace my file with the correct one when BB loads?
  21. Yes, I've confirmed that option is not enabled. All I have thats enabled in that menu is to stretch the marquees to full screen.
  22. Thank you for the response. Here is a screenshot of the Unified Refried theme Views directory.
  23. I have a question regarding view XAML files, specifically the GameMarqueeView.xaml file. I've created a custom marquee view that has conditional settings that will display official arcade marquees when an arcade game is selected and display custom console game marquees for any other type of game selected. I really like the look of the Unified Refried theme and tried to copy my GameMarqueeView.xaml to the themes view directory, but its not displaying. I have a feeling the overall theme is not programmed to use that file. Is there any way to get it to recognize / use my file? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  24. Hello. I really like your theme, its my favorite out of all of them. I had a question regarding the GameMarqueeView. I designed my own dynamic marquee in the theme editor which pulls arcade marquees for arcade games and generates marquees for console games using the clear logo file, the game box art and the game cartridge art. I would really like to incorporate this file into my version of the Refried theme, but it does not look like your theme utilizes this file. Is there a way to get my file to work? Or should I post this in the forum as a question?
  25. I have an active marquee for my build. I've noticed for a couple consoles, game marquee designs are different. The top one is 99% of the game marquee designs but for (example) SNES, the bottom marquee is whats being downloaded. Does anyone know why there is a difference in designs being downloaded. I'd like for them to all be uniformal. I really like the design of the top.
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