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  1. I cant say what version I only know that after I added GZDOOm as an emulator it started popping all the time. I did just figure a workaround that worked for me though. I changed the associated platform for GZDOOM to be some random platform and the option is now blank when importing from the tools>import. Not perfect but it works.
  2. Im sorry to bring this back but I am still having this issue. I sent an email directly to support under help and support link. The issue persists in to 13.19. I did find out that a fresh install did not have this issue. I slowly started migrating files from the original install to the fresh install and found out it was the platform .dat files causing the issue. I was able to see that the problem would persist when some .dat files were present and not others. Problem is I have a lot of them so I opted to just add all titles again. Which took a while... After everything was back I was able to add the pc games again no issue, but the problem has now returned. If there is any additional help I can get on this it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. This is great if you are only trying to add one game via drag and drop. If you want to add multiple games at once, drag and drop is slow. Previously, "importing rom" was the way to go. Yes it says ROM, but like previously mentioned when adding 100pc games at once drag and drop is just not the way to go.
  4. 13.18 this started getting errors on some games. I just updated to the 13.19 beta the plugin no longer shows in the contextual menu. Might be totally borked now.
  5. I am having this issue as well. I confirmed that automatic imports are on. First I tried to add one game and create the platform with an assigned game folder. LB does not auto import. Confirmed all games are installed to Vita3k, updated Vita3k. Deleted emulator from LB and readded. Nothing changes. Using any kind of scan/import method locks up LB due to it just scanning every file in the vita rom folder. Includes Tools>Scan, Import>rom files, and drag and drop, Please diregard. Restarting the PC and just letting LB sit for a few minutes got this working.
  6. Im getting a blocked dll error on the Kido Theme. When I go to properties on the stated dll file the option to unblock it is not present. I have tried to restart pc, disabled antivirus, deleting and redownloading the theme, and using powershell to unblock both the individual file as well as the entire folder of dlls. Any suggestions would be great.
  7. Its been a few days, This did not resolve the issue. I did import a full rom set using the same method and had no issue so it makes me think it's only with Windows platform. Anyway, I do want to get this resolved, but since I can drag and drop still the issue isn't as big as it was in the begining. If you have any additional troubleshooting for me I'd be happy to do it. Thanks!
  8. Hello again Faeran and thank you as always taking the time to respond, I have updated to 13.17 and tried to add a game today using import, and the same issue occurs. Using the drag and drop method works fine. Essentially no change with the version update.
  9. Ok sounds good. I was having this problem for weeks, it's just gotten to the point where I needed to do something and I was lost. When the update comes out I will test again and reach out if the problem persists.
  10. Hi Faeran, First thanks for following up on this. I do really appreciate it! I have updated to the latest beta, 13.17-beta-5 I attempted to add Mechwarrior 5 Clans using the import method after update and again the "infinite save" occurred. I closed and re opened, and then tried drag and drop which worked no problem. I've attached both log files labeled as such and again the one that I attempted import using the tool>import contains the index error. If you'd like you can also reach me on discord or email, if it makes things easier. Please let me know anything I can do to help on this. Thanks! (IMPORT FROM TOOLBAR) Debug 2024-10-19 11-04-51 AM.log(DRAG AND DROP) Debug 2024-10-19 11-13-30 AM.log
  11. It's me again... So I know I might be beating a dead horse, but Id like to run something else by you or anyone else who would like to chime in. I was trying to add some games today, and again getting the infinite saving thing and one of the games in the list would not get added, just saving forever like before. So I close, restart, same issues, close restart, same issue. I did this a few times. I finally tried to run a scan on the drive, deleted my AV, restarted, etc... just some small things I could think of and there was no change and the drive is fine. It's brand new in fact. I was using the import from the toolbar, so I tried just dragging the .exe in and this time... no issue and it imported fine. So I check the log files... there is only one difference, the successful import does not contain the following section from previous logs where there was an error... 2024-10-17 09:20:52 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index') at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException() 2024-10-17 09:20:52 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index') at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.ImportRomFilesMenuAction.ListBatchDefinition(Object reference, IEnumerable`1 visitor, Object helper, Boolean removespec2) at PublisherMessage.InitMetaAdapter(RomImportTask reference, IEnumerable`1 visitor, String helper, Boolean removespec2, PublisherMessage ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.ImportRomFilesMenuAction.GetBatchDefinition(Object task) at StateMessage.InitMetaAdapter(RomImportTask task, StateMessage ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.ImportRomFilesMenuAction.Finish(RomImportTask task, Boolean autoImported) at ConfigMessage.InitMetaAdapter(RomImportTask task, Boolean autoImported, ConfigMessage ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.ImportRomFilesMenuAction.Finish(RomImportTask task) at BroadcasterDatabase.InitMetaAdapter(RomImportTask task, BroadcasterDatabase ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.ImportRomFilesMenuAction.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.ViewBatchTask() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.QueryDrivenRepository(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.AssetReadableInterceptor() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__272_0(Object obj) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) I'd like to get some insight on specifically what this section of the log means to better troubleshoot. I'm having trouble seeing how this could be a problem on my end if LB will import using drag and drop just fine but have issues when using import through the menu bar. I would really like to solve this issue. I don't want to exaggerate, but I feel I've put at least 100 hours in to the setup over months of work, and without knowing whats causing this, if I had to start over, I would never pick it up again.
  12. Thanks for following up. Is there anyway to get additional info? Like enabling more logging, or anything you'd recommend at the OS level I can do to help me out?
  13. Apologies, but some sort of follow up from the team would be nice. Thank you
  14. After I import games the status bar at the top will say "Saving Games" forever. Usually the games I import will be there, but sometimes all but one will import. Usually if I wait maybe 5 minutes an error will popup saying "You have an existing process running. Please wait until the existing process completes before importing games.". However I do not perform any actions to warrant this error. If I try to click the red X next to the status bar it turns to a blue circle like something is happening but nothing ever does. Also cannot do anything else in LB until I close it, also I will usually have to go in to processes and kill the LB process or else it just hangs. There is something going on, I can see LB using system resources like memory and cpu but whatever is happening never ends. I'll attach some logs, but any help would be nice. Debug 2024-10-07 02-08-36 PM.log
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