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  1. I have not been able to get my pause screen images to display at all. As far as I can tell I've followed the instructions correctly with the file structure and making sure to only use .jpgs
  2. SAME. I found this, which means somebody has found a way to do this.. but I'm not sure how to use commands in Launchbox and they didn't really go into detail on how they managed to do it.
  3. I really want to do this! But I'm not sure where to put Dolphin.exe -n 0000000100000002 I'm not particularly experienced with using commands in Launchbox.. where do they go?
  4. I really want to display the max player count somewhere in Bigbox. This number shows in Launchbox but in Bigbox it's nowhere to be seen. I've looked through the settings and there doesn't seem to be a way to display this information. Maybe someone could point me to a theme that displays this information? I feel like knowing how many people can play a game is important information that I would really like to have on my game details screen! I know I can add it to the notes.. but doing this for every game is a lot of work when it's data that I already have and just want to display.
  5. I'm having this same issue, let me know if you ever found a solution
  6. I was able to get the program to run by right clicking > Run as Administrator lol
  7. I was using Launchbox and Bigbox yesterday with no problems as usual. At one point however Launchbox just stopped opening. Bigbox works just fine, but Launchbox would just do nothing when I tried opening it. It would show as a process on my computer but the Launchbox app just wouldn't open. The first thing I tried doing was restarting the computer. This didn't fix the problem. The next step I took was to reinstall the program from the "Updates" folder inside my Launchbox folder. This didn't work. I even tried installing an older version. Maybe my antivirus is suddenly blocking it or something? I'm not even sure how to check to see if this is the case. I just have no idea why Bigbox would be working but Launchbox just refuses to open. TLDR: Launchbox just won't open for me anymore and I'm kind of just freaking out at this point. Send Help.
  8. I completely agree, the filter system could definitely be improved. This isn't even a problem in desktop launchbox
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