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SentaiBrad said Just because it can, doesn't mean it will. It is still far from perfect. The other inherent problem is that the controller is more or less a gimmick. You'll get away with an Emulator for a lot of stuff, but not everything. The Bluetooth and USB IR Sensors are actually shocking when I had learned about it several years ago, but not too surprising. It's fairly basic tech if I recall. One of the things I love about PCSX2 is the internal resolution upscaler's, but my PS2 still plays a lot of my favorite games perfectly. No denying that PCSX2 looks better and its compatibility has been better than its ever been. I also personally think a modded console can go way farther than an emulator, and I am taking in to consideration the upscaling that is possible. Dear god Mega Man 7 looks beautiful. Just to play your games in a decent environment without getting upset over small BS, it can still be desired. My point is to just not discount it out right. Hell I'm convinced my Dreamcast will play my games better for still a long time to come, sadly. As far as whats best to actually play the emulator. Most of the non-motion control based games work just fine with my PS4 controller. If there is a game, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii, that requires minimal amounts of shaking you can bind those to key's. I also already mentioned the USB GameCube controllers. One benefit I can have on my Wii that is shared with emulators is the fast load times. I love loading games off a HDD. xD Jason Carr said Yeah, I've had mixed luck with Dolphin emulation and Wiimotes. It works, but for me it never worked anywhere near as well as an actual Wii. They've got some impressive proprietary communication algorithms in the Wii that emulation hasn't been able to master yet. Guys, you right about using the hardware/console rather that emulator but my roots/beliefs/ideas originated from a cult called "PC Master Race". So everything starts and ends to one and only, the PC!! :P. I am expecting more improvements from the dolphin emulator. Also this http://www.mayflash.com/Products/DANCEPADS/ , Dancepads for PC!! :P
Syriacn said MultipleX, Sorry for the late response, I've been very busy. I tried numerous times to replicate your issue and unfortunately was not successful. Try uninstall BigBox launcher, restart the computer and then reinstall it while leaving steam-launcher uninstall. Let me know if that works at all, if not I will figure this out for you. You can also look under the BigBox launcher settings. One of the first settings is "Quit Kodi?" I haven't had trouble with it on yes or no, but you could try switching that to no. Syriacn @Syriacn , i re-installed kodi, and i tested the bigbox plugin, and it seems that everything works fine. The issue now is that when i installed superrepo repositories, kodi tried to update bigbox addon to steam addon,(The first time i didnt notice, and big box addon was replaced by steam addon). Syriacn you did a great job, and i report this for future changes. Thank guys!
Syriacn said MultipleX, Sorry for the late response, I've been very busy. I tried numerous times to replicate your issue and unfortunately was not successful. Try uninstall BigBox launcher, restart the computer and then reinstall it while leaving steam-launcher uninstall. Let me know if that works at all, if not I will figure this out for you. You can also look under the BigBox launcher settings. One of the first settings is "Quit Kodi?" I haven't had trouble with it on yes or no, but you could try switching that to no. Syriacn @Syriacn, thanks for your reply, i will try and if it doesn't work, i will reinstall kodi with only the default addons, reinstall bigbox launcher and i will let you know!
Jason Carr said Hi @MultipleX, thanks for the feedback. Not a bad idea on #1; it's not a big priority right now but I will add that to the list. Different views for Big Box are definitely coming. The wizards do actually have a back button in the upper left (the wizards use Microsoft's new wizard format introduced in Vista). You are right about the back button! i am blind :P Thanks!
Guys, is any clear description what wii motion controllers are compatible with the dolphinbar (refurbished/genuine/3rd party)? (I want to buy one , now that i have my HTPC/Bigbox ready, and i have read many stories that bought 3rd party Wii motion controller and it didn't work) Is anyone bought genuine or 3rd party Wii motion controller and it was working with the dolphin? Do i have to buy a first party wii motion controller to make it work? After a research on the forums and Reddit, i couldn't find any clear answer about it , and i believe many people have the same question Thanks!
Hi jason I would like to point out in brief some suggestions for your app which has been included on my everyday usage as my main HTPC gaming frontend. :P\ 1. Multiplatform import wizard: for example one user has 3 platforms with 200 - 300 games/roms each. The user must wait to finish the scraping process for the one platform and then he/she has to set again with the import wizard for the next one. It would be nice to add the 3 platforms in the import wizard in one shot. More like as a queue list for the scaping process. (It will be nice for first time install cases) 2. Big Box Views: Customize views on big box (grind/list/thumbnails etc ). 3. Back button in import wizard: I noticed that there is not any back button, which if you made any mistake on the folders/platform and you want to go back, you have to start all over again. Just some thoughts. Thanks
Syriacn said Ok Funkymoose, Sorry for the slight delay. I was having trouble replicating your issue. I had to uninstall Kodi and remove all traces and folders left before I figured it out, my previous steam.launcher.script was allowing it to work for me. I wrote it as an installer this time. Now this will work right from a clean install. This also allows it to properly uninstall. Download this file. Open Kodi and go to "System". Click on "Add-ons" Click on "Install from zip file" Find the "script.BigBox.launcher.zip" file you downloaded from the link above. Done Enjoy Everything should work, otherwise let me now. Syriacn Hi @Syriacn, I installed the script, i uinstalled the steam launcher, and it runs perfect now. The only issue is when i closed bigbox, the kodi stayed minimized. Is from the steam addon that i had installed before, or is something else? Thanks !
Syriacn said MultipleX, I asked for this earlier myself. I as you, tried the advance launcher, but wanted Launchbox to launch right from Kodi through a custom button, and not launch advance launch and then need to choice Lunchbox again through there. So here is what I did. I modified the Steam launcher for Kodi. I opened it up and changed the directory to Lunchbox/Bigbox. And using a different skin CCM, added a button called games on the main menu. Now when I click the "Games" button BigBox launches, and when I close BigBox Kodi comes back up. And since I used the steam launcher I have my steam games load through Lunchbox (BigBox). NICE!!!! I thought about modifying the steam kodi addon yesterday , and boom! Mr @Syriacn did it. Thanks a lot! I will test it asap!
twistedcloud said I don't know of a Kodi add-on for Big box but I am using advanced launcher to launch big box. In my skin I made a tab named games then made that tab to lunch big box directly using advanced launcher. It takes about 20 seconds to launch, and once I close big box it goes back nicely to Kodi (takes about 20 minutes for Kodi to realize the app closed and go back to normal use. 20 minutes? this is why i do not like advanced launcher ,sometimes becomes very unstable, crashing randomly when i launch or close through it. Also it seems that they dropped it from the official kodi repository, which makes a lot more sense. Anyway i will give another shot with your solution and i hope we will see any decent kodi addon for big box, in the near future. thanks guys for your replies.
Hi jason, i am a really big fan of your frontend! I would like to ask if is it going to be any plugin for launching big box on kodi. It would be nice to have an addon like kodi steam launchers, with options, for example, when we launch big box, kodi will be minimize and so on. (i try to launch it through advanced launcher which sucks). My temporary solution is launching it through steam big picture, which i don't like it. ( i have kodi as shell) keep up the good work!
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Hi guys, i discovered recently launchbox and it's awesome!! I like to mention that the dolphin"s parameters on the list are only for linux. For Windows: "/b /e" I tried it and it works!