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Everything posted by eXo
Yes, that sounds right for the !dos folder. It sounds like you have some extra (eg: old) games in the games folder.
Each game pack has its own file. Gamesadv.zip, Gamesrpg.zip, GamesStr.zip, GamesSim.zip, GamesAct.zip, and GamesWin.zip. When you run the setup files, it checks for these and decompresses each one that exists. The dos packs all extract to !dos and the win3x pack extracts to !win. This is due to some games sharing the same name in both packs. Deleting the !dos (or !win) folder simply ensures that when you run setup again, you only get the files that exist in the current version. If you don't delete that folder, it is possible for you to have folders that I have removed or renamed. So yes, deleting the folder won't hurt. However if all you have is 337 folders, that would suggest you only have the rpg pack, correct? Edit: reread your post. Deleting the folder won't hurt or help you. Deleting the folder only helps if you are upgrading from a previous version of eXoDOS. Not just adding a new pack. Deleting the folder will prevent games from launching, as the actual conf and launch files are in that folder.
Everything in the !dos folder is decompressed from the gamesrpg.zip file.
Keep them separate at first. I don't want to be responsible for my torrent messing up whatever settings and such you already have. Once you have setup my torrent, you can merge it with your existing install by copying over the data, images, exodos, and manuals folders into your existing LB setup. Just back your stuff up ahead of time or do it carefully.
Yea, you can point the new torrent to your existing directory that way you start at a high percentage. I'd recommend deleting your ".\exodos\exodos\games\!dos" folder. It's not necessary, but it will clean out some garbage I got rid of. The proper files will be repopulated when you run the setup.bat file.
Adv v3.1 incoming at PD today. 1 week freeleech.
I was able to find a way to do it by importing the xml into excel. It was a shame access couldn't directly read the xml due to formatting issues. Thanks for the suggestions!
I am cleaning up a new exodos release with launchbox. In my testing I have found that my pack contains 1,064 games, however LB displays 1,062. I have run a count on lines with <title> in the platform xml file and confirmed that there are 1,062 of them. to get the two missing games in requires knowing which ones they are. I'm looking for a way to create a file listing of the games i have in LB to I can compare it against a directory listing and figure out the missing titles. if I had a way to export just lines from the xml that have the <title> prefix, then that would accomplish this, however googling ways to extract lines from a text file based on a conditional elemtant such as the first part of a line hasn't given me any usable results. Anyone got any ideas?
I've decided to pass on making a new thread here. I prefer to not have to maintain a project thread both here and at Pleasuredome. Plus it feels odd to just have some eXoDOS topic floating in the miscellaneous or off topic sub forums. I encourage folks here to check the Member Projects sub forum at Pleasuredome for my project info. I've just made a rather lengthy post there about my intentions for the future of the eXoDOS project over the next year or two, what I'm currently working on, and what the v3.1 release/fixes entail. Thanks.
Ok, so a bit of an update. I'm working on an Adventure 3.1 collection. As many of you know,m two of the larger games (Phantasmagoria and Gabriel Knight 2) were corrupt in the 3.0 release. I honestly rushed that release a bit as there was a lot of pressure to get it out before Christmas and into the PD 12 days promo. Since I'm having to release an updated pack, I figured I'd take the time to really polish it up. Some of the changes so far: All games with articles in the front have been renamed to be consistent. eg:, The Amazing Adventure of Dipshit (2099).zip is now Amazing Adventure of Dipshit, The (2099).zip. This change doesn't affect most folks, however there are many people who use the files directly (either in other front ends, or through dat software, etc) where this makes a big difference. Changing the file name also meant changing all of my metadata, launch files, etc... So it was tedious but a welcome change. I scraped a few sites that had newer games (like 2004-2017) and added every one of them to the pack. It seems competitions to make or port DOS games have gotten more and more popular. Plus big release like Retro City Rampage have sort of made it "cool" to make DOS games again. Most of these are going to be in the Strategy and Action packs, but there were a few interactive fiction & roguelike RPG titles out there. I'm currently going through the entire collection and checking for missing art, missing manuals, etc.. The manuals are a big one, as I haven't checked for those since I released the very first iteration of eXoDOS. Many sites, such as the computer museum, have added lots of scans and other resources. SO I'm pulling in as much of that as I can find. And I'm also doing *lots* of clean up work. Most of it isn't worth getting into, but over time little things happen like better info on release dates, or two games eventually make it into the pack with the exact same name and release year. If I don't catch that, then the front end gets confused and only displays one of them (both meagre and LB suffer from this). Over time my database I use to scan for new games has become de-synched from the actual collection due to mass fixes on the collection side that didn't roll over into the DB side. So I'm running lots of checks, scan,s and queries to try and get everything synced, which in turn makes it much easier for me to know exactly what titles I have, exactly where they are, and then avoid any confusion when I scan a sit like mobygames and it tries to add a game I already have to my DB simply because they edited an apostrophe or something in the games title. The short of it is, I am re-releasing the adventure and rpg packs as super clean and polished versions, with the strategy pack not far behind. Sim and Action... well, they are other stories. I am adding hundreds of games to both of them... especially action. so... many..... new.... games..... It will be awesome when it's done, but I have a lot of work to do to get there. So I have no idea how far out they are. I'm hoping by mid summer, but that is complete guess work and wishful thinking. I'd like to have it done by then so I can spend the second half of the year on Win3xO. And then go into 2019 with a fresh slate and start trying to get my Win9x project back in motion. That's my bluesky idea. Whether or not it comes to pass.... Who knows. Depends more on the technology to make it happen than anything else. I will be making a new thread specifically for my project soon, rather than continually posting updates in an old question about how to import exodos. When I do, I'll post a link here to the new thread.
IPT also makes any torrent over 8gb free. So my stuff is always free there. Once I get all 5 volumes out I will probably post a fully merged pack to IPT through an available uploader. I just don't want to go through that process 5 times.
Yes, I go by either eXo or eXoScoriae. However I go by eXo on the private site I was talking about. My guess is you are talking about IPT, which I do not upload to anymore. To maintain uploader status there I had to upload something every month, and the types of packs I make just don't work with that schedule. So I found myself constantly uploading crap just to keep my status. At this point, if I want my stuff on IPT I have to find someone with uploader status and ask them to upload it for me. But then I have to worry about if the description looks right and all this... and thats just not worth it to me. I don't need to waste my time with stuff like that when I could be working on my packs. It is sort of funny the number of times I've been contacted by someone on my eXo name telling me that some guy named "exoscoriae" is posting my stuff and taking credit for it.
PD's ratio rules can't be bypassed. Even a mod or an admin can't make it happen without making the entire torrent free for you. A few things: Yes, I upload to one other site personally, however it is a private site. I haven't uploaded it there yet though, and I'll explain why in a sec. Usually, once I get it uploaded to PD, it begins to show up on other trackers as people begin to share it. However i don't have any control over that. I haven't uploaded it to the other site yet as I am actually going to upload a v3.1 of Adventure and RPG. It fixes two corrupt files in the Adventure pack, as well as several naming corrections that were brought to my attention right when I released it. I am also doing a pass on it looking for any manuals that have shown up since I first made the pack. When I do upload the v3.1 Adv and RPG packs, I will set them as a free download for a few days. I'll post here the day before to let people know when to expect it.
Setup eXoDOS while it is in its own folder. Once it is setup and working, then you can copy the internal eXoDOS folder to your existing launch box install, along with the xml file and all the folders in the advmetadata and rpgmetadata zip files. These are the manuals, box shots, etc....
You should have no trouble downloading to the same folder. All files in each pack that have the same file name are identical. However, if you already have a launchbox setup, do not go and copy this over your existing setup. It will overwrite your existing setup. Your better off getting this setup, and then adding the ms-dos.xml file to your existing install and then copying over the exodos folder and the folders in the metadata zip to your existing LB install. Just do it carefully and back-up your original setup files. It was hard enough getting this to work across 5 packs. There was no way for me to get it to work with the thousands of potential existing setups without relying on the user to do some of the work.
Geez. You're telling me. My spell checker finally gave up and just accepted that "eXoDOS" is the correct spelling and capitalization. God forbid you try to type exodus into my machines now, it will change it to eXoDOS in a heart beat...hah. And no, I don't believe there is wheel art for my collection at this time.
That isn't all 5 packs. Try the following: Start Meagre, click file, then click reload data. See if the number of games change. If not, go to the games folder, right click gamesact.zip, gamesstr.zip and gamessim.zip and choose "extract here" (assuming you have winrar or winzip installed). Then go back to meagre and repeat the reload data step. Let me know how that goes.
You'll know the setup.bat ran correctly if you can launch the meagre.exe file and you see a list of games. Keep in mind, launchbox will only show games from Vol 1 & 2. If you go into the exodos sub folder and launch meagre.exe, you should see all 5 volumes represented.
You don't become a redeemer without having a conversation with a mod as to the exact expectations as to how to fix your account. If you are honestly still confused after being set to redeemer, then you are dense.
lol, nope. They are still there. Did you get shitlisted? edit: yep, and now you are redeeming. The system won't allow you to download something new when you are still redeeming your account. You need to get that straight before you worry about anything else.
If they are rips, I don't use them. For a long time, that's what "scene" meant, so I apologise if I'm making an incorrect assumption there. After I put out all of my V3 releases I'll post a known missing list.
I pay for it myself, however twice in the past people have sent some money over simply because they contacted me and asked if they could. In both cases I was reluctant to accept, however I immediatly turned around and spent that money to acquire more games. I figured as long as I spent the money making the collections better and didn't keep any of it for myself, then that made me feel better about it. I've never asked for funds or solicited donations of any kind. I feel it is a blurry line. I don't feel as though I should make any sort of money by packing up other people's games and distributing them. So while I have spent thousands of dollars over the years buying original copies of games (either because it was unavailable, or I could only find rip copies, or whatever), I have simply accepted that this is the cost of building a pack of games like this. And in the long run, it is a small price to pay to make sure all of these games aren't lost to time. I would be opposed to any sort of official fund or paypal account or anything like that. I think that would lead people to believe I am attempting to profit from this. I'd rather just eat the cost than have people think this is some sort of money making scheme. The irony is, if anyone knew the number of hours I had put into this, they would realize how stupid the idea of this being a money making scheme is, lol.
Just after I made this post I got an email from eBay that Cyberstrip Blackjack just showed up, one of the games missing from the collection. $37 later I am now the "proud" owner of this piece of crap software. If you guys could see the piles of shitty PC games I have purchased for you.... lol I need to have a lottery where people pay me a dollar and get a random game sent to them. If only shipping didn't cost so much.
Thanks for asking. Unfortunately it is pretty much a one man show when it comes to the actual building of each volume. Adventure and RPG Version 3 were both finished in regards to adding games and filling out metadata several months ago. All I had to do was migrate that data into LaunchBox in order to get them released. Strategy, Simulation, & Action are a different story. I have several months of completed work on the Strategy volume, but I still have over a hundred games to add to it. Once I'm done adding games, I then have to migrate all the games data into LB. Migration takes about a week, based on my experience with the other 2 packs. The amount of time it takes me to finish adding games is variable on my work schedule. When I have slow work weeks, I get a lot more done. When I have busy weeks, I get a lot less done. There are also creeping medical issues with my back that cause me to loose a day here and there. I had a surgery on the 28th of December that has helped a bit, but I won't know how much of a difference it has made until the healing process is finished. Simulation and Action have very little progress towards Version 3 on them so far. Each of those will take several months. So I will be releasing the last 3 volumes slowly throughout this year before I then turn my attention to the Win3x pack and make my first pass at updating it for the first time since it was originally released. I'd love to have eXoDOS and Win3xO updated and released by the end of this year, but I'm not sure how feasible that is. I'm fairly positive I will have at least eXoDOS done by then, but the Win3x stuff takes exponentially longer. Partly due to the difficulty in tracking down the games, partly due to the expense and time it takes to purchase them (many dos games can be found on abandonware sites or giant online archives, most win3x games however were not backed up due to being on CD-ROM, which means I spend thousands of dollars on eBay buying original copies), and partly due to the difficulty in getting win3x games to run properly.
Some existing games did change. I fixed some broken games, added extra feature to a few, and replaced some. If you want to kick out a text list of all the games in your adventure 2.0 pack, I can run it against my current games list and give you the new titles.