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Everything posted by Bil

  1. Hi, I was wondering if this tool could be made to work with these meta synopsis files that are created over at emuxtras.net Here is the synopsis for Master System
  2. There are also .gdi/bin games that can be used with demul and nulldc. For demul use the commandline: -run=dc -image= And check - "No space before ROM" on the edit emulator window. If you have the latest version of LaunchBox (maybe beta), there is a autohotkey script, which enables demul to be exited using the ESC key
  3. Not sure if this will work, but try adding these lines to "retroarch-core-options.cfg" mame_hide_nagscreen = "enabled" mame_hide_infoscreen = "enabled" mame_hide_warnings = "enabled"
  4. I was just reading on another forums and this emulator was mentioned - http://pcem-emulator.co.uk From the emulator's readme: - Windows 95/98/ME run, with the following caveats : - Setup sometimes crashes in the first stage (during file copying). This appears to be a side effect of the bugs fixed making OS/2 work. Unfortunately I haven't been able to eliminate this issue. - On some versions of Windows the AWE32 is not set up correctly, claiming a resource conflict. To correct this open the relevant item in Device Manager, choose 'Set Configuration Manually' and accept the options presented. - Windows NT works okay now. I've tested NT 3.51, NT 4, and 2000. I've also been informed that NT 3.1 works. XP does not currently run as PCem doesn't emulate any processor with the required CMPXCHG8B instruction.
  5. I use RetroArch for PC Engine CD, which loads the cue file of the game. Using the command line: -L "cores\mednafen_pce_fast_libretro.dll" syscard3.pce needs to be in your RetroArch\system folder.
  6. Could you also add a command line option for only romname? (instead of rompath/romname) Have been trying to get the model 2 emulator to work in LB, but it requires only the romname in the command line. I did try the script by bd000, which creates batch files for each model 2 game, but it's not working for me. edit: after posting, I tried the script again and figured it out. I copied the "EMULATOR.INI" from the emulator's folder, into the output folder (overwriting the one already there), and now the batch files work.
  7. Bil


    So far I've only tried it with 3 platforms - Pinball (Future Pinball), Atomiswave (demul) and Sega Model 2 (model 2). In RL, I have added each platform with the emulators above. I'm not sure what the added benefit of -p RocketLauncherUI is, or if it's even necessary.
  8. Bil


    I asked at the rlauncher forums before, and it was suggested I add the -f and -p arguments before the -s and -r arguments. I tried this in LaunchBox and it works! So in LB, I have added RocketLauncher as an emulator with the command line: -f "path\to\LaunchBox.exe" -p RocketLauncherUI -s "systemname" -r
  9. Bil


    I've been trying out RocketLauncher - http://www.rlauncher.com It could be an ideal solution for launching problematic emulators, adding ESC to close emulators, but it also has features such as a pause menu and other interesting features. The only problem is that I have been unable to use it with LaunchBox as it needs a command after "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE". The command line needed is: RocketLauncher.exe -s "System Name" -r "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE" -f "frontendpath"
  10. Bil

    Demul issue

    I use demul with the following command line and the "no space before rom" option checked.
  11. Trying to get Future Pinball tables to run from LB using the command line: /open /play /exit However from my understanding, the /play needs to come after the rompath to the table. For example: /open "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE" /play /exit How can I do this within LB?
  12. This may have been mentioned before, but when I adjust the details sidebar position, it never saves. Instead, it reverts back to its default position the next time I run LB.
  13. I'd like to make a feature suggestion for tabs on the details sidebar. So for instance we could have separate tabs for metadata, screenshots/fanart, videos .etc I made a mock-up of what I mean
  14. Bil

    Local Metadata

    Here is the export tool... it downloads as a zip file containing all the txt files. If you would like to check out the synopsis editor as a visitor, which has editing restrictions (but you can see what it's like) http://www.emuxtras.net/syn3/ Username: visitor Password: syn3 I assume they would be stored in a separate folder, per platform, like the images are now? Yes, that would be ideal. Depending on the final solution, we may implement this with the new database, or we may wait until afterwards. Not sure how it will all play out. Thank you Jason, very good of you to consider it.
  15. Bil

    Local Metadata

    It all sounds good, and is very similar to what is being done over at EmuXtras, although the metadata + images + videos can not be scraped. The synopsis can be easily exported using the export tool, but to download the images requires a user to be an active contributor. (no user costs involved) I keep trying to get other sites to use it, but to no avail. Anyway, in the short term I would still like to use these synopsis .txts if possible (specifically for a large C64 collection I recently added), but if not, I look forward to seeing the progress of the LaunchBox database.
  16. Bil

    Local Metadata

    I have seen some posts mentioning this database... is there more information about it?
  17. Bil

    Local Metadata

    Now that we have a way to use local images, would it also be possible to use local metadata? I know we have the local metadata scraped from TheGamesDB, but I have these synopsis .txt files which I would like to use also. These txt files are named after each gamename, or alternatively as a single synopsis.txt which contains all the games. The format is like this, as an example: For more information - http://www.emuxtras.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=176&t=2610
  18. Here's the hoverboard! https://youtu.be/HSheVhmcYLA
  19. Reminds me of this scene from Back To The Future II https://youtu.be/KMy1zO8m8sM
  20. Just to add... after LB reorganized the images, I did a clean up images, which took several hours, but it completed in the end.
  21. Bil

    Sidebar Groups

    My current collection includes Arcade, Computer, Console, Handheld and Pinball all displayed together in the sidebar, some of which I have to scroll down to see, as the list has filled the screen. This may have been asked before, but can I request a way to add groups, so that I can click and expand/collapse the systems I add to each group. (I would like to group them as Arcade, Computer, Console, Handheld and Pinball) I wouldn't want to impose this on anyone that has no need for groups, so maybe a setting to turn groups on or off?
  22. With the images now reorganized and spit by platform folder (thank you btw)... it has made my rather large collection much more manageable in adding or changing images. Do you have any plans to split the LaunchBox.xml to help with performance, for the upcoming version 5 of LB? I just wanted to ask and hope
  23. My first console was the Sega Master System, where I remember playing the games Psycho Fox, SpellCaster, Scramble Spirits, Out Run and the built-in game Hang On. My favourite console would have to be between the first Playstation and the Dreamcast.
  24. What you may need to do is select all the roms for Game Boy Advance (Ctrl A), then right-click and edit, which will bring up the bulk edit wizard, then select the VBA emulator.
  25. Is there any chance that split systems could be added to LaunchBox natively in a future release? Having used bd000's script (which is great), and started editing and adding any missing images for games. Am I right in thinking that the changes that I have made in each separate platform instance of LB. Those changes would not be able to be re-integrated back into the main LB?
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