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File Comments posted by shadowfire

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 8/13/2021 at 12:07 PM, Tony Birt said:

    @shadowfireHi Shadowfire, is there a line I could change in gamedetailsview to increase the size of the game details screen shots by a small percentage 50% or so?  thanks

    You can change these lines (around line no 297) to change the dimensions in pixels:   

                                                <Setter Property="Width" Value="196"/>
                                                <Setter Property="MaxHeight" Value="196"/>


    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 11/20/2020 at 8:14 PM, Panthon13 said:

    (Mine's hard to see right now because I'm using white icons and they seem to clash too much with the box art)

    If you are comfortable with editing XAML, there's a "Badges" section in Views/Settings.xaml. Uncomment the line that says:

    <!-- <SolidColorBrush x:key="LD_BadgesBackgroundBrush" Color="#ee444444"></SolidColorBrush> -->


    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 11/20/2020 at 1:58 PM, Panthon13 said:

    Hello! I've been using your theme since you've released it and it's wonderful! It's a much nicer layout and style than the default theme. With the latest Launchbox 11.8 update, we now have Steam Achievements shown in the Game Details sidebar (hopefully other launcher achievements will follow). Will you be updating this theme to include the ability to view those? Right now they don't show up. Thanks!

    Yes, I'm working on it so hopefully soon...

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 8/7/2020 at 6:09 AM, Eyssa said:

    This is the theme that I am looking for? and I will not use any other. I am very excited about update 1.2 release of this theme because ver.1.1 makes Windows games close suddenly after a few hours of play ..

    Sorry, I could not reproduce that issue so I'm unable to help you with that...

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 10/23/2020 at 5:51 PM, Mumut said:

    I'm a huge fan of this theme but since the last update, I experienced freeze and crash when browsing too fast games compatible with retroachievements. Launchbox is having difficulties loading achievements and after browsing few games, it  freezes approximately 30 seconds. And if I continues browsing after that, it crash.

    I hope you'll find a quick fix for that bug.

    Thanks for your work  ;)

    I don't have retroachievements myself so it's sort of an unsupported feature (the code is copy/paste from a different theme) but according to the Changelog the latest version of LaunchBox seems to have a fix for that.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    40 minutes ago, ShawnS said:

    Mostly I wanted to increase text size for couch-distance. I moved the screenshots up to the top just yesterday, kinda digging it. The only other big change was rearranging the rating/favorites/info for myself. I wanted the stars but never needed the community rating info or genres so I pared it down to just a few details.

    Thanks for suggestions on the loading. I'm going to blame my slow USB HDD for most of it. That's why I already had the full screen backgrounds turned off and wanted to go this route to bypass loading fanart as well.

    Just in case you didn't know: you can turn off most of the info details and FanArt in Lauchbox's Game Details options (no need to hack the code) and the font settings are based on Windows' font settings. So if you increase Windows' font size to couch-distance it should apply to the theme as well.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    18 hours ago, ShawnS said:

    Hey hey, I think I figured out *a* solution! I had this idea the other day but haven't had time to check until now. It would be on a per-platform basis but right click a platform > Edit > Folders > and then change the path for 'Fanart - Background' to anything else. I changed mine to 'Cover - Front' but I know there are some covers that only exist in 'Fanart - Reconstructed' so I'd have to move some things around but this accomplishes what I was looking for: not having to fill up my limited HDD with extra images. ?

    The only complaint now is that the text loads first at the top of the sidebar, then the cover image loads and the text jumps down the screen. I know this is sorta beyond your theme but any ideas if you can slow down the sidebar text loading speed so it all appears at the same time?

    Interesting 'solution' :) ?

    No sorry, I don't know which part of the application handles loading and rendering. But I've noticed a few per game factors that can lag rendering on my system: 4K images, lots of screenshots (and maybe FanArt; the theme uses a workaround to display only one of them) and blur ratio of the main background image. You can rule out drop shadows since this theme doesn't use any.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 6/5/2020 at 9:50 PM, ShawnS said:

    One thing I'm curious about and haven't stumbled upon yet is pointing the GameDetailsView header image from 'FanartImages' to the box art. I don't know if it's actually possible since the box art could be in several different places (front cover, back cover, 3D, reconstructed, etc). Any suggestions appreciated... even if I ditch it in favor of fanart in the end ;) Thanks!

    That's what I originally wanted as well but unfortunately I couldn't find a way to make that work. It's seems that Launchbox restricts image types allowed in the Details panel to FanArt and Screenshots. That's why I decided to use FanArt with the title overlayed as sort of a banner representation of the game.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    18 hours ago, tycho1974 said:

    Update #1:  I noticed some odd behavior with some video snaps, consistent with the particular files. For example, my Descent video, which is 640x480, displays in the 4:3 ratio, and I can see the fan art underneath. My snap for Descent II, which is 640x480, also displays in 4:3, but shows black bars on the sides. Upon further inspection, this seems to happen with games that do not have any images classified as "fanart - background". Every game that has such an image displays videos properly, and without any black bars.

    Yes, that's intended behavior. The background of videos is darkened when there's no FanArt in case someone has "Auto-Play Video" turned off  to hint the area where the video player is. (Otherwise it would just show a large play icon which can be confused with meaning "play game" or something.)

    But if you prefer to have it transparent you can override it by removing the comment tags in line 55 of Lambda beta 1.1/Views/Settings.xaml so it reads like this:

    <SolidColorBrush x:Key="LD_VideoBackgroundBrush" Color="Transparent"/>

    (You may have to restart Launchbox for it to take effect.)

    • Thanks 1

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 5/21/2020 at 3:16 AM, Tony Birt said:

    @shadowfireBeautiful theme, simple and clean and lost of room for Background and Screenshot art to shine :) Is there a way to change the thickness and fill of the selection brush and hover background brush?  To have just a thin rectangle line around selected box art? thanks

    I'm sorry, but there are various reasons why this particular style was chosen. In an earlier version I experiment with various box selection style and the reason why the bordered style didn't make it was because it made it difficult to see which box is selected when you have a lot of box art on screen. E.g. when you use a keyboard shortcut to jump ahead in the list or use the "choose random game option".

    Eventually the current style was the style that was chosen because of it's visibility, simplicity and consistency with other UI elements.

    (And keeping the other options around made the code complex to maintain.)

    The only thing you can do without hacking the code (which I wouldn't recommend) is - if you're boxes have the same aspect ratio - minimise the padding and tweak the aspect ratio in Launchbox' Boxes settings.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    6 hours ago, tycho1974 said:

    I would love to try that, but the entirety of my coding knowledge tops out at a "deleting stuff line by line and testing until it works and hope it doesn't break anything" sort of reverse engineering. If anyone here could post a code snippet, I'd be more than happy to test it out.

    Not 100% sure if this will also work with WMP (as I mentioned mine is broken so I can only test VLC for now) but you can try adding MaxHeight to your already modified VideoControls line in GameDetails.xaml like this: 

    <controls:VideoControl x:Name="VideoControl" Background="{StaticResource LD_VideoBackgroundBrush}" Visibility="{Binding VideoVisibility}" MaxHeight="500" Margin="0,-10,0,5"/>

    The value of 500 is just a suggestion, you may want to tweak it depending on your preferred window size. Also this will most likely pillarbox your vertical videos anyway because reducing height also means reducing width.


    Here are a couple vertical videos for you

    Thanks, appreciated :) Note that the workaround I'm working on will have a fixed aspect ratio but I'll make it relatively easy to change the default to another one (e.g. 16:9, 4:3 or 3:4 vertical) 


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    Lambda beta

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    14 hours ago, Kondorito said:

    The xaml could have an additional height property that maxes it at a certain value, so for vertical videos it would not take all the sidebar. 

    ( @tycho1974 ) I would recommend using the MaxHeight property since that would not mess with scaling when you want to to reduce the width of the Details panel. Set it either on the video control or one of it's containers should do the trick.

    Note that my workaround will apply to both VLC and WMP since the theme is not aware which back-end is used.

    Btw. can someone provide me with a vertically-oriented video so I can test this? I don't have an EmuMovies account...


    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 5/9/2020 at 4:25 PM, shadowfire said:

    I have found a workaround for the VLC video aspect issue which enforces a 16:9 video container. So 16:9 letterboxing is removed but  instead 4:3 are now pillarboxed. Maybe that's more acceptable?


    I'm kind of interested in feedback on this, particularity if anyone cares about the left/right margin of 4:3 videos (pillarboxing) as a consequence. Also since I've moved code around and I don't have many (4:3) videos (and WMP) maybe someone wants to volunteer as a tester before I do before an update to the release?

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74

    @tycho1974 @CriticalCid @Kondorito and others: I have found a workaround for the VLC video aspect issue which enforces a 16:9 video container. So 16:9 letterboxing is removed but  instead 4:3 are now pillarboxed. Maybe that's more acceptable?

    I've also tweaked the metadata in the lower row to be a bit more space efficient. (Needs a Windows 10 test though since I've changed the stars/favorite assets font and size to Segoe MDL2 Assets. I'm still on Windows 7.)

    P.S. Sorry @CriticalCid, I haven't thought about Custom Fields. I'll mark that down as an issue.


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    Lambda beta

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    3 hours ago, Corkscrew said:

    Is there any way to switch the date displays from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy?

    No, I don't think so... The date format is not handled by the theme layer but by Launchbox itself and as far as I know there's currently no option for date localization in Launchbox.

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    On 5/3/2020 at 1:10 AM, tycho1974 said:

    I have WMP set as my video player in LB, and I can confirm that this does in fact work. I removed the height property in line 124 of GameDetailsView.xaml, and both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio videos are showing no black bars. Screenshots attached.

    @CriticalCid @tycho1974 does it also work with Auto-Play Videos turned off in the View menu? My WMP is currently broken so I can't test that myself.

    Unfortunately I can't implement it if it doesn't work with VLC but feel free to modify your own version.

    (My code is the same btw. as in other LB themes and they all show black bars so maybe it's just a limitation.)

    Lambda beta

       2,717    74
    20 hours ago, tycho1974 said:

    The first are video snaps. I have snaps for all my games, and in your theme, they show up in the top right. It works great, but if my snap is 16:9 aspect ratio, I get gray bars above and below the video. 4:3 snaps take up the full frame. Is there any way to ensure 16:9 videos don't have those bars?

    I wish there was but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I'm not even sure if it's possible, it seems the video box has a forced 4:3 aspect ratio. But if someone with more XAML experience than me knows how to make the aspect ratio flexible, I'm open to suggestions...

    EDIT (for devs): the issue is with determining the initial height of VideoControl before the video starts playing. The black bars can be made transparent but that won't solve the issue since it leaves empty space above and below the video.


    • Thanks 1

    Lambda beta

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    10 hours ago, tycho1974 said:

    Yes, that did the trick. All that's listed underneath the thumbnail now is the game title. If I had my druthers I'd also like to have the year down there, but this works. Thanks!

    Yes I can confirm that the Game Details settings only apply to the details panel and "show subline" controls the info below the thumbnails. If you wish to hide the developer below the thumbnails you could change the Boxes Spacing "text lines to show" to 1 (with subline enabled), that will only show the year and platform in the subline. The only caveat is that there is one line less space available for game titles so long ones get cut off.  (I personally don't care much for developer info there but I left it there as padding between title and year/platform info.)

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