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Files posted by fromlostdays

  1. VTech Socrates Clear Logo Pack

    Please note that these are not genuine replications of the logos (I don't know how to use photoshop and the like). It's just a pack of logos I put together using flamingtext dot com badly approximating the actual logos. The system doesn't get a lot of love though, so I figured I'd make these available in the meantime if anyone wants to have some logos for this system. 
    All in all though I'm happy with the result.


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  2. Batch file to Auto-Generate .m3us

    The new m3u auto generator for Launchbox is a great tool, but it also got me wondering if I couldn't create m3u files for every one of my Sony Playstation titles (including single disk games) and would that work in Retroarch? Something just appeals to me about the uniform file extension on import in Launchbox, and of course, if I wanted to launch games outside of the Launchbox environment I'd need some static m3us. I also wanted to have m3us with relative paths to the cue files, for simplicity sake.
    So I asked on Stack Overflow and, not long after, some genuis had posted a working batch script. I figured I'd share it. I also tested whether or not single cue m3us would work in Retroarch, and it turns out they do.  
    Your games directory should look like this:
    Main Directory/[Game Name]/[whatever name].cue 
    e.g Sony Playstation/Chrono Cross/disk 1.cue, disk 2.cue
    The bat file should be run from the main directory The bat file will name the m3u after the directory the cue files are in and place it in that same directory The bat file will create m3us in every subdirectory which holds at least 1 cue file (it doesn't single out multidisk games as it is now, so be aware of that) The bat file should work with any system provided it has the above directory set up and utilizes cue files The m3us list relative paths to the cue files, not absolute paths.  So continuing the above example, I ran the file in my "Sony Playstation" directory, and within the "Chrono Cross" directory an m3u file was generated and listed relative paths to all the cue files in that directory and was automatically named "Chrono Cross.m3u" (after the folder name, not the cue file(s) names or anything else in the folder).
    Lastly, the Stock Overflow user wrote a batch script for both NTFS and FAT hard drives. Apparently the code is different for each. I personally have not tested the FAT version as my drive is NTFS. If anyone wants to check the code, the user also left a thorough explanation  that is absolutely unreadable to me.  See here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60049048/need-a-batch-file-to-create-and-name-m3us-in-subdirectories
    Hope it helps!


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  3. Steam Grid Art Pack.

    This is a pack of over 2500 steam grid icons downloaded from various sources over the net. I only created about 100 of these, so all thanks go out to the contributing artists. Unfortunately, I’ve been collecting and renaming these for months and I can’t possibly cite everyone who contributed. If you are the contributing artist and you wish to take anything out of this set, please contact me and I will do so immediately.
    Thanks to:
    Everyone over on R/SteamGrid: https://www.reddit.com/r/steamgrid/ (Community of people coming together to make and share these)
    Jinx: http://steam.cryotank.net/: I don’t know him or her personally but they are prolific in creating these and they look awesome. This site pretty much jump started my interest in these and using them in LaunchBox.
    Booru: http://steambanners.booru.org/index.php (Forum of people creating and submitting these. This is a great resource for finding grid art for obscure games.)
    Gamma097: http://gamma097.deviantart.com/art/Steam-Grid-Icon-Pack-Version-Four-378036407 (Posted a pack of great images on Deviant Art)
    Other Sources:
    Thread on NeoGaf: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=477211
    Database for these supposedly geared toward emulation (I haven’t checked this out): http://consolegrid.com/
    Database for these, looks really promising: http://www.steamgriddb.com/
    Dragnu5 suyinn kimaro SouthernIsles Burnsy: https://www.reddit.com/r/steamgrid/comments/3v7vgr/s_the_ultra_pack_of_blurry/ (Redditor(s) a huge pack of images. I’ve tried twice to download the pack but the download errors out. May be possible to sync with a cloud service)
    About this pack: There are over 2500 individual files (2631 to be exact), but these do include some alternate versions. Most of these are for PC games. I renamed many of the files by hand, so I apologize for any errors in naming. I haven’t checked the resolution of every file, but I’m pretty sure most if not all of them are the same or similar and will work for LB purposes.
    What can you do with these? They look awesome in LaunchBox as boxart. They specifically work very well for PC games, and/or for any system which the box art is non uniform and/or sparse. Screenshot in this post: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/35332-unexpected-art-resource-for-pc-games-windows-dos-win3x/. I’m thinking in the future I will also be using these for specific playlists that have games from multiple consoles to keep the box art looking consistent.   
    Also, you can use them in Steam itself.
    Lastly, to me this seems like an underutilized resource. If you want to contribute, hit me up here and send me any art you want to add to the pack, or make a bigger pack and add this to yours, either way. ? 
    I think that’s it. Enjoy!
    If you have any specific requests, let me know. But do bear in mind I'm terrible at making them - I don't have photoshop and have been using MS Paint. I try to minimize stretching the images, but well, I consider my own contributions to this to be placeholders until something better comes along.


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  4. Platform Banners Organized

    Disclaimer: I did not create any of these files. Special thanks goes out to Scree and all contributing artists. Also thanks to Kerszr for rounding all of these images up. If any of the content creators want me to remove their work from this set, please contact me and I will do so asap.
    This file is a only a reupload of Kerszr's bundle of various Platform Banners, renamed and organized into a single zip. The total file count is 330. I spent a lot of time renaming these, so please forgive any errors or typos. You will still have to make sure the naming matches your system names before using them. Because it was so many files, I let windows automatically append two or more files with the same name as (2),(3) etc. Some of the file names were unrecognizable, and there were a few instances where I didn't even recognize the systems. Again, I apologize for any errors in naming.
    The files themselves are in different qualities and resolutions. The list isn't 100 percent comprehensive, but it's pretty huge.


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