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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. Update http://imgur.com/ui7HDDE http://imgur.com/vxCGjqi Video Minix z64 and LaunchBox in Action https://youtu.be/2-EGnfIxM64 :)
  2. CriticalCid said What do you mean with script? I use the MAMEUIFX 64bit version from this website myself and it works perfectly fine for me in my LaunchBox setup. I didn't notice any difference between this version and the official one of MAMEUIFX besides the removed nag screens and the DirectInput support. And MAMEUIFX 0.170.1 nonag patch.diff go in MAMEUIFX folder ?
  3. CriticalCid said What do you mean with script? I use the MAMEUIFX 64bit version from this website myself and it works perfectly fine for me in my LaunchBox setup. I didn't notice any difference between this version and the official one of MAMEUIFX besides the removed nag screens and the DirectInput support. Ok many thanks for info !!!! THANK YOU !!
  4. CriticalCid said Of course. They’re completely normal MAME builds with just a few tweaks. Script ?
  5. CriticalCid said I don't know which version of MAME you prefer so I just post some of the more popular builds. The website is in spanish but the MAME versions are completely in english. MAMEUIFX: http://insertmorecoins.es/mameuifx-0-170-1-3264-bits-nonag-dinput/ MAME & MAMEUI: http://insertmorecoins.es/mame-mameui-0-170-32-64-bits-no-nag-hiscores-y-directinput-including-mess/ MAME & MAMEUI without MESS: http://insertmorecoins.es/mamearcade-mameuiarcade-0-170-32-64-bits-no-nag-hiscores-y-directinput/ and work with launchbox ?
  6. CriticalCid said I would suggest to use a no-nag version of MAME. In these versions all kinds of screens like this are removed. Any link for No Nag version 0.170 ?
  7. http://imgur.com/UNMkTye Not work in all game , Why ? Left and right with joystick not work , but work with keyboard :(
  8. Hi , Autohotkey work in all emulator, but not work in Mame (0.170 and 0.169b) http://imgur.com/t6iaPe7 I can fix ?
  9. Jason Carr said Hi @dovella, I see no reason why not, but I have not tested it personally. But there's no reason that I can think of why it wouldn't work. Great !!!
  10. Jason Carr said Hi @dovella, sounds like an awesome project; I'll look forward to the updates. I will be putting in some more effort to improve the performance of the animations and such at some point here, though I'm not sure if that will help with your setup or not. I do have performance improvements on my list though. :) ThankYou Jason !!! :D I removed all animations in Big box ,now performances are magnificent! Thanks to your forum we also have solved the problem with the start K Fusion, now just waiting for the cabinet and the Joystick to try everything, I hope that the USB joystick module is compatible with BigBox: D I update the post as they go forward :)
  11. DOS76 said where you have your Kega Fusion folder go to the .exe file and right click on it and choose properties then go to the compatibility tab down by the bottom are some check boxes check the one that says disable display scalling. I had an issue of this with an install I was doing on an SD card I suppose because it was on a removable drive but it would never remember the setting. On any fixed drive I've never had any issues (just in case you are using a USB flash drive or SD card) . Thank YOU !!!! FINALLY WORK PERFECT !!
  12. DOS76 said Go into the Kega Fusion properties and disable display scaling and it will display properly in HD resolution is set to 1920x1080 Were is display scaling ? http://imgur.com/jEOauAk
  13. SentaiBrad said Use Kega Fusion. Again, go to the Emulator window in LaunchBox. Click add and from the Drop down menu select Kega Fusion. Browse and select it's exe. LaunchBox will fill in the Associated Platforms list and the needed command line arguments for this. Ok thank you , now i try !!
  14. SentaiBrad said You can command line any program in LaunchBox, you just need to find what they are. I'm not practical :( , what do you recommend for or PicoDrive Dgen?
  15. SentaiBrad said If you have a modded Wii then yes. If you go to the emulator page in LaunchBox, add an emulator. From the drop down select Kega Fusion. It will give you a link to download and you select the exe from the browse menu. I assumed you knew this and gave you the link for more alternates. If you haven't tried the emulator we suggest though then do that. Thank you but , is possible commnand line for DGEN or Picodrive in LaunchBox ? http://sourceforge.net/projects/dgen/?source=typ_redirect
  16. Wait, Picodrive is for Windows http://segaretro.org/PicoDrive Command line ? Help Me pls :D
  17. SentaiBrad said The cores in RetroArch are based on real emulators, try searching the emulator names? Or this site is really helpful: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Sega_Genesis_emulators Genesis Plus GX is for Wii ? :D https://bitbucket.org/eke/genesis-plus-gx/downloads
  18. This ? http://www.exodusemulator.com
  19. unfortunately with retroarch when using PC engine and Megadrive it creates a conflict (I mentioned in the retroarch post) Kega Fusion It seems to have problems the full HD at full screen with Windows 10 . There are other emulators available for Mega Drive supported by Lunchbox ? Thanks
  20. Dilemma ................ Master System work :D Snes work Only Megadrive have problem !
  21. I Try in Windows , File -> Close http://imgur.com/pNTj3FG And not work again :(
  22. SentaiBrad said So you're not closing RetroArch when you want to load a new game. The reason it is black screening is because you're trying to load a Genesis game with the TurboGrafx 16 core loaded. Close RetroArch first then launch the game from LaunchBox. i can resolve ? I use esc to back in LaunchBox
  23. Here work http://imgur.com/MMleIeU http://imgur.com/gRv56qY
  24. SentaiBrad said I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but the games you are loading, they're the proper games right? You said first was Genesis, that loaded. Second was TurboGrafx and that loaded. Third was Genesis again and it black screened, was this game the proper game for the core? I'm asking Jason now because this is wracking my brain 1 st ) Genesis and work 2 nd ) PC Engine and work Back to Genesis and i recive black screen . Back to PC engine and work
  25. SentaiBrad said Load RetroArch outside of LaunchBox, then try loading from there. Load your Genesis core then your Genesis Game, then load your TurboGrafx 16 core then your TGFX16 game, then repeat Genesis again. Done outside of LaunchBox should work and if it does we know it's potentially a problem with your LB setup. In retroarch (without launchbox) work fine .
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