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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. It would be interesting to create a playlist where you can add PlayStation 2 titles that don't use the analog sticks and are therefore suitable for the joystick and Arcade buttons. # Tekken 5 # SoulCalibur # Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes # PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer # SoulCalibur III # PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer Can you think of any other titles that would fit our cabinets? Thanks
  2. Yes, the file names are not like those for mame, the names are complete and written precisely. However, importing the games works perfectly, but not all of them are recognized, so I had to manually correct more than half of the romset, even if the name was correct, it was enough to search for the metadata manually
  3. Yes, you can import the files, but the games are not recognized, so you will then have to manually recognize the game ID
  4. We can somehow add the possibility of importing the .NEO files that are used by the Geolith CORE into retroarch where the files have the full name of the game, very different from the MAME or FBNEO romset.
  5. I've tried a thousand ways, but the only solution to play cuphead perfectly is to add it to STEAM, and configure the generic controller from the Steam settings. It would be interesting to have this same possibility on Launchbox
  6. Many people among us use Launchbox in an Arcade cabinet, and since we use Windows we have an endless library of games suitable for the Arcade Joystick and buttons. However, we begin to encounter the first difficulties when we find ourselves having to configure the joystick with software to convert the commands from the encoder to those which are the commands of an official gamepad recognized by the system. Mainly we used X360 CE and up to a certain point it worked well, but too many new games especially written in UNITY are not compatible with X360ce. We have other XInput wrappers using the keyboard as joytokey but often we can't configure the second player. There remain other less well-known XInput wrappers such as XOutput, but they do not seem simple to configure lacking the possibility to select the corresponding buttons as with X360CE. Have you found a permanent solution?
  7. Hi everyone . I have always constantly updated Launchbox and retroarch correctly, from a certain point onwards I began to have stuttering problems with retroarch but only if I used the VULKAN drivers. So I continued to use the GLCORE drivers to use the Mega Bezel shaders convinced that this was an AMD driver issue or a Vulkan API issue with AMD. I started doing tests by downloading old versions of retroarch which I unpacked on the desktop, C:\user\Desktop I noticed that using Retroarch from desktop with the VULKAN drivers, there are no longer any stuttering problems, but if instead I use Retroarch from my default folder, i.e. C:\Launchbox|Emu\Retroarch, as soon as I use the Vulkan drivers I immediately get stuttering problems Stuttering, I'm going crazy, I can't solve it. Anyone have an idea on how to solve it?
  8. Problem problem problem
  9. ? Any news ?
  10. When having to download new images and videos I notice that the servers have become extremely slow, what happens?
  11. If any of you have had a crash when starting retroarch from launchbox or standalone , it seems that the problem was with Launchbox. I solved it and here you find the solution (mame 0.250 core) https://forums.libretro.com/t/mame-0-250-stop-working/39924/2
  12. Solved video6037450697811693286.mp4
  13. VID_20221119_084135.mp4
  14. If I set the screen refresh from 60 to 59.94, I get a flash but the problem disappears. I think it's a problem that can be solved by the launchbox team by working on the screen refresh
  15. It's not a problem with other programs, this happens only and exclusively with the MAME core, it doesn't happen with the fbneo, mesen, genesisplusfx etc core. only the MAME core causes this problem. I have the impression that something happens like a frequency change that fools launchbox
  16. I don't understand why (only with mame core in retroarch), the game starts, but launchbox can't switch in the game, if we press Alt-Tab I switch manually. I have also deactivated all loading game themes, but the problem remains. Has anyone encountered this problem? Solutions ? VID_20221118_085650.mp4
  17. 12.16 Stable via Update starting BigBox (with automatic Windows startup) starts with the black screen, but just press a button on the keyboard to bring up BiGBox, can you fix it?
  18. For several months I have been using the FBNEO core on retroarch for many Arcade titles, from Capcom, taito and other classics. I find this Core even superior to MAME. I saw that NES games, Megadrive etc. can also be loaded. However, I have had no difficulty with Arcade titles, but I cannot get NES games to work. I downloaded the specific NES ROMSet for FBNEO, I also tried with the DAT file, but the games do not start. Anyone could help me? Dat Link Non Arcade Guide
  19. Cannot add big box games to a playlist, the games are added but in reality they don't appear in the playlist, but if I add them from desktop launchbox, it works perfectly
  20. Is it me who can't find the function or when we block the launchbox with the PIN, it's not possible to add the games to the playlists? Only if we unlock the launchbox is it possible to add it to the playlist again?
  21. You love play SWOS in the Arcade cabinet? the problem with this release is that the SWOS launcher requires the mouse to start the game by clicking on RUN SWOS. If instead we use swos-port-Release.exe, the graphic setting is not the same as we have if we use the launcher. but i have a solution Cut and past this in command line swos-port-Release.exe --game-style=1 --screen-mode=1 --window-mode=1 --window-width=1920 --window-height=1200 --new-scoreboard=1 --new-show-result=1 --mouse-cursor=2 --season-year=2019 --career-crash-fix=1111 --alpha-blending-menu=66 ------------------- Full Command --game-style=0|1 0: PC gameplay style 1: Amiga gameplay style 2: Moon soccer style --improved-cpu-tactics=0|1 0: Original 1: Mozg's improved tactics --screen-mode=0|1|2 0: Original PC screen 1: Original Amiga screen 2: Widescreen --window-mode=0|1 0: Full screen mode 1: Windowed mode --window-width=nnn nnn: Window width --window-height=nnn nnn: Window height --new-scoreboard=0|1|2|3|4 0: Original 1: New scoreboard (Left-Top) 2: New scoreboard (Right-Top) 3: New scoreboard (Left-Bottom) 4: New scoreboard (Right-Bottom) --new-show-result=0:1 0: Original 1: Removed left and right spaces in the widescreen mode --alpha-blending-menu=nn nn: 00 to 99 - Opacity of menu transparency (%) --flashing-menu-cursor=0|1|2|3 0: Original 1: No flashing 2: Smooth flashing (Fast) 3: Smooth flashing (Slow) --mouse-cursor=0|1|2 0: Windows style 1: Amiga Workbench 2.04 style 2: Amiga Workbench 1.X style --season-year=nnnn nnnn: Start year of game season (if nnnn=2019, some country and league names changed: TAIWAN -> CHINA, TAIWANESE->CHINENSE, GHANA -> EGYPT, GHANA -> EGYPT) --career-crash-fix=abcd (1:On, 0:Off) a: TeamNumFix (Fix up number of teams from team.xxx) b: MonthFix ("Jan to Dec" or "Jul to Jun") ? EachMatchFix (leagues > 12 -> num. of match = 2) d: GreekFix (Greek league fix) * --career-crash-fix=1111 recommended Missing only ESC to back to menu
  22. https://github.com/libretro/libretro-super/issues/1217
  23. I found a bug that is driving me crazy. This BUG occurs only in Big Box and not the desktop Launchbox. Basically the Bug comes out with Mendafen Saturn's CORE in retroarch. If I start a game from the desktop launchbox, it works perfectly, if I start the same game from the Big Box the Mednafen core starts to have problems and has impressive drops in framerates. I also tried to eliminate the "LOADING PAGE" because I thought it could interfere with the loading of the core, unfortunately I don't get any improvement. I can't understand what breaks the mednafen saturn core from BigBox and not from desktop launchbox . PC AMd Ryzen 3 , 8 gb Ram , SSD , Gpu AMD 560 4gb .
  24. ok , i have feedback for you With Windows by default we can use the physical POWER button to shutdown the system. If we use launchbox, and we touch the Windows shutdown key (physical key), all XML files in the "DATA" folder can become corrupted because they are not saved before the shutdown. In fact this did not happen in the past, I do not know what has changed with the latest version of Launchbox. So the shutdown of our bartop must necessarily take place from the SHUTDOWN function found in the BigBox menu, or, in the case in which we use Launchbox desktop, we must first close the application with the specific key and then turn off the PC.
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