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Posts posted by damageinc86

  1. In my opinion the game videos should have always been played inside of the t.v./device by default. This is the way it used to be on my HS setup, and was easy to do since you could make a theme with just a png overlay on top of the video.  Great that you are doing this .  So can we just use the plugin on any theme? Or does it have to be the theme shown in your screenshots. For example, I use cityhunter and Vikings platform videos, but would like to have the games in the t.v. Like this.

  2. Yeah the tools in RL really belong in a front end. I couldn't do a lot of things via front end simply because I lack the skills and/or don't know how to implement things. RL makes it so people like me can still get some cool stuff to work that we wouldn't have been able to otherwise. The day when some of those key features can become integrated with the front end will be glorious.  Because a front end really should help you fully launch your game without having to know obscure tricks and write scripts and stuff.  LB should just employ the RL staff lol.  

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  3. Yeah I can see how it may feel daunting to get it set up with the plethora of options available. Seems like maybe the priorities are checked for screenshot instead of video? My install did everything right by default so I don't even know if that's a priority option or not.  Someone else might be able to chime in on that. I think the rotating box with platform in question is the platform banner. 

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  4. 20 minutes ago, chadfi said:

    I don't see anything by a user named Crylen on this site. They are not posted in the platform media download section. 


    and this is the Psd file that has everything in it. Crylen set it up with folders and layers so all you have to do is make the one you want visible and then save as PNG. Also well organized for adding to it and doing your own edits. I think the file was too big to upload, that's why I put it in a thread.

  5. Most of these are actually crylen's bordered logos. Im pretty sure the arcade classics with the blue gradient background is my edit, but I've added and edited so much of the original photoshop file I'm not entirely sure if I did it lol.  I uploaded that photoshop file that crylen shared years ago, along with my edits already. It will have most of these, the gray bordered ones are in there. Speaking of, I've been working on some playlist logos in this style and adding them to the PSD, will be uploading that version sometime soon as well.

  6. I tried this out on the latest beta and it threw like 4 errors in a row and I couldn't even use one of the views so it defaulted to another one that I never use.  It was really weird.  Like lines and lines of crazy code crap in the error window popups.  I went back to the first cityhunter.  Has anyone ran into that yet?

  7. I keep forgetting to get that hori, it would be great for the genesis and Saturn.  I hate having to try to remember how I mapped those systems out on the xbox360 controller.  But for snes and nes I use the original snes controllers with USB and extension cords so it reaches the couch. Those come out the middle rack of My ent. System. Then GameCube controllers in the may flash adapter I have hanging on a holder left side of ent system. Original PlayStation controllers are in the right side of ent. System in one of those official plastic stands. Then the two Xbox controllers in a holder on the right side of the ent. System. There are a lot of wires but since most go to their own side, it doesn't really get messed up ever.  It is hard to beat genuine controllers.  I'd like to try the 8bitdo but I'm scared of what will happen when it gets turned off and on so much, with mappings being reset for any wired controllers

  8. I have never tried visual pinball before so this topic got me curious.  I think the difficulty is because it's not really set up like most of our emulators are.  I never knew you had to load the table and then click play.  Is there an option to just auto play?  That's probably hard to get around. I saw a script button but no idea how to use it. It was a confusing experience.  Also both tables I tried had weird error messages, so I couldn't even test play.  I had more success setting up a system in rocketlauncher the first 5 minutes than I had with VP.  Is there any other pinball programs that are more straight forward and just load a table And play straight away?

  9. I would think you could just add the platform and then pointing rocketlauncher to the .exe, then setting RL to use joy2key to map the keyboard to what you need on your joystick as an emulator profile under the keymapping tab. Then even if it does only open up the game table selection screen, you could at least move and select with your joystick .

  10. I suggest rocketlauncher, but only because I myself am used to it(since hyperspin days) and enjoy some don the key features.  It's great once you get into it, especially for keymapping specific games with joy2key.  But I'm not sure it would help with you wanting to auto launch a save state with retro arch.

  11. As a side note, I've always wondered what commands do what , and how to properly format them.   There really should be a master list of the most popular command lines/examples of how to do things with command line parameters. Sort of like how DOS used to have the cheat sheet that came with it.

  12. Yeah the HS databases have been worked on for a lot of different platforms already, and some custom platforms. In the off-chance someone already has a nice set for that, it would be nice to not have to manually rename everything.  Seems reasonable to devise a method that read the few tags in an HS database and translate those into the appropriate launchbox fields on import.  Maybe have a checkbox next to a file path box that you can point LB to the xml and then it will compare the two after it does the initial import And you can double check the names before clicking finish

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