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Everything posted by hubz

  1. I've gone through NES again and changed games to Famicom that I know are Famicom only releases, thes are mainly pirate games. I've left the games alone that had an actual NES Cart release, as well as homebrew and romhacks and protos. The only one I couldn't get changed was Spartan X, kept giving me an error when I submitted. Now back to updating Famicom Disk
  2. This may be already known but I stumbled upon this today. Really nice hi res pictures of various systems. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Evan-Amos Could be useful for the GamesDB?
  3. It's an 3750k I tried rebuilding some games from a fresh install on my SSD. Got my DB up to about 5000 and started noticing slight slowness. I also double checked and 4GB of my RAM is allocated too. I bet if I keep re-adding everything my speed will get rough again. It's not a huge crisis or anything but just thought I would point out that I was having slowness issues. I may just for now like was suggested pair it down to my favorite systems and maybe setup a few seperate Launchbox installs to keep the DB Sizes down. Thanks! - Hubz
  4. Hahaha I do have a problem ;) Hyperspin actually is able to handle it all fine but I much prefer Launchbox. I'm wondering if it's due to Hyperspin treating each system as a separate DB?
  5. I'll admit it... my game database is huge with over 40k entries. But because of this I'm thinking it's dramatically effecting my performance in LaunchBox and Big Box. Especially when starting up or switching systems. Big Box seems a bit better once I'm finally in it but it can take 2-3 minutes to load. Launchbox stalls everytime I pick a new system. Also run into crashing from time to time. My basic specs are - Intel I5 3.2ghz 8GB RAM Windows 7 SSD for my OS HDD for Launchbox Should I move Launchbox itself to the SSD along with it's database? Or is just the fact that the DB is so large?
  6. Thank you for the prize Jason! Now to get back to work on the NES and FDS Sections :)
  7. Looks good on my side, though there are double entries of Bishoujo Sexy Slot and Bishoujo Sexy Derby on the Famicom Disk System page.
  8. I second skipping, that would be great for the reasons listed above :) Also moderating has sped up dramatically, so thanks for that Jason! Takes much less time now.
  9. hubz

    N64 Boxes

    I've been moderating quite a few N64 uploads the past hour and they're great except they weren't uploaded as replacements. I am going ahead and approving them so they don't have to be reuploaded one by one again and they're good quality and the same sizes for back and front. And we'll just have to go back and delete the others... Not sure if this is correct and I should be denying them but I'd hate to not get to keep these. - Hubz
  10. Hi, I was just thinking and this might already be in the works but what about a comment field when you're doing uploading? I know there's been times I've uploaded that I'd like to put an explanation as it may not make sense unless you look at it close enough. Anyhow just an idea! Now back to moderating :) - Hubz
  11. Thanks for the kind words! I do want this database to have the nicest stuff available so hopefully my OCD will come in handy ;)
  12. Ugh just realized the screenshots I"ve been uploading in PNG format aren't exactly perfect. I've found a good source now but I'm going to have to re-upload #-B for a lot of games so just a heads up if you see them in the moderation queue and wonder why. If you look closely you can see they're not as clear and they also seem to have dots appearing in areas that should otherwise be solid, dithering etc. and also the size is wrong :) But better than most the JPEGs we had previously.
  13. I second alternative names if at all possible. Wikipedia isn't always correct, really no one source is. So having that would help alleviate that problem. I've been contributing to the NES the past few days and finding out the true developers on games is proving to be quite a challenge! Publisher is much easier luckily. But lots of conflicting information out there on developers. I've also just been putting the back of box descriptions for NES games but didn't know if that was what was the goal? Should it be that and then a synopsis of the gameplay? Lastly I don't think JPEG's should be allowed for screenshots if we have a clean PNG. On NES etc. PNG's are clean and have no degradation and on top of that are smaller file size wise.
  14. I did GZIP for PS2 as well and WBFS for Dolphin. WBFS is great because it works on both Dolphin and an actual Wii with no performance effects and basically just gets rid of crap data. Use PIGZ for PS2 to improve your compression time immensely! http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/pigz-for-windows.html GZIP for PS2 took ages but is worth it as well, the other big thing I recommend is make sure you're drives are defragged. My Gzips were choppy until I did that. But then again my drive was heavily fragmented after unzipping, compressing, and deleting the huge ISO files overtime. :) Like 80%... took about 2 weeks to defragment haha but it's all done now.
  15. Started working on NES today, and noticed doubles and Famicom releases in the NES Section. Will these be removable in the future?
  16. Jason Carr said I may also add an option to search for an archive file with the same name as the ROM file if it doesn't exist. That way users can compress their collections and their games will still work without having to edit them. Awesome idea, little features like this end up saving large amounts of time, thank you for attempting to tackle them!
  17. Basically when you first launch a 5200 rom (like no-intro) from Altirra it will ask you to pick a header. I think it even suggests one and if the game launches appropriately with it you can save it in a cartridge file format. This will prevent it from asking again. No-Intro doesn't allow for headers in their roms so this is why their roms don't work by default.
  18. I'd like to join and help out in filling out information. Also I've been slowly scanning lots of Japanese games I have (Mainly Famicom Disk System) in high quality to help with projects like this. You can check those out at - www.gamingalexandria.com Thanks! - Hubz
  19. Altirra, it's somewhat of a learning curve and the 5200 roms have to have headers but it's the best to me accuracy wise and it handles other Atari 8-Bit stuff too.
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