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Cauptain last won the day on June 6 2023

Cauptain had the most liked content!

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  1. @C-Beats New files here updated. Language-pt-BR_Updated - 12.02.2025.zip Many thanks to @dukeemu for showing me what was hidden between the lines. 🥰 Claudio Cauptain
  2. Hi @dukeemu, thanks for warning. My files show only this: Claudio Cauptain
  3. Actually, I wasn't even talking about the images themselves, because mine are much better scanned and processed in 2k/4K, but rather about the template used. But then I saw that it was the same as the SEGA CD with different colors and a different logo. There really is no need to make it 2D. Cauptain
  4. You can make 2D raw covers available (no frame or 3D)? Claudio Cauptain
  5. Hello @C-Beats, nice too see mate. Portuguese translate here: Language-pt-BR.zip PS: Its a 2 translations only? Claudio Cauptain
  6. Thank u very much for this @C-Beats!!! Claudio
  7. @C-Beats, It's done Language-pt-BR - 13.18.zip Portuguese Translation is updated!! Claudio
  8. @C-Beats how are you? I'm not in my city, but I would like to be able to translate. I got a friend's notebook and I can send the translation tomorrow, morning 10AM. Can you wait until then? Claudio Cauptain
  9. Hi @C-Beats Brazilian Portuguese language is updated. Language-pt-BR - 22.08.2024.zip Claudio
  10. Welcome Andy. Enjoy the big team!! Claudio
  11. Hello @C-Beats Brazilian Portuguese language is updated. Language-pt-BR - 24.06.2024.zip Claudio
  12. Hello @C-Beats, Brazilian Portuguese language is updated. Language-pt-BR 09.05.2024.zip Claudio
  13. thecoverproject.net SteamGridDB Steam itself, for non-Steam games with Steam releases VNDB, if applicable IGDB Claudio
  14. My translation already has the new strings updated 😉 Claudio
  15. Hi @C-Beats Brazilian Portuguese language is ready. Language-pt-BR_27.02.2024.zip Claudio
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