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Posts posted by spektor56

  1. Jason Carr said Thanks guys, I did finally wrap up support for deleting games over the weekend. I started to get into more changes but haven't wrapped any of it up yet (though deletions are deployed). Would like to hear feedback from you guys on the deletions if there's anything we need to change. The reasons, for example, could certainly be improved on as I'm sure there are some reasons for deleting games that I haven't thought of. Also, for moderators, what would you say is the next most important thing to tackle? Thanks all.
    Skipping submissions you are not familiar with / selecting which kind of submissions you want to moderate. ie) Only want to moderate box images for NES / Genesis I dont like moderating new game submissions because I have to go google a bunch of information to see if it is correct.
  2. Dont get the point of the emumovies one. If you already have the videos for all the games why not pick a random games video, play it for 5 seconds, fade to a different random one, and repeat. This way you dont even need another video for the platform and it will be much much much longer and random
    CriticalCid said Here's a video which shows the EmuMovies platform video for the SNES in comparison (ignore the HyperSpin theme around of it).
  3. It makes no sense to upload videos to the HS site when they are not for use with HS anyway (they can just use the theme zip). We should just use the themes directly in bigbox, skip the whole video shenanigans. Its not too much work to make them work in BB.
  4. you should show off this user created theme in one of your videos @Jason, it looks very nice: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/big-box-custom-themes/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes/page-5#p20997
  5. SentaiBrad said
    spektor56 said are the emumovies guys ok with all their videos being ripped and distributed without needing an emumovies premium account?
    You should read before making accusations like this. This has nothing to do with EmuMovies and the original theme creator on Hyperspin said that Cid had his full permission to do this.
    The gameplay videos in the boxes for the themes are emumovies videos.
  6. Jason Carr said Hi @gizmo, you'll definitely want to restore a backup from the Backups folder per what @DOS76 said. It's not recommended to manually tweak the XML per @adu because you never know what could be missing.
    Jason, have you considered using SQLite/SQLCompact + EFCore for the launchbox xml? SQLite/SQLCompact is ACID compliant and requires no installation so it should help prevent these types of issues in the future. XML is decent to use for settings if you want the user to be able to change settings directly through the XML but in this case you really dont.
  7. Phoenix is a libretro front end (like retroarch), not a launcher. Launchbox is a launcher so it can open anything, not just libretro cores. Launchbox is a level of abstraction above Phoenix/Retroarch
  8. shinra358 said I can't find the wheel curvature controls. Is that in the xaml or out of reach of the xamls (internal)?
    pretty sure it's in the C# file, it should be changed to a property in the XAML
  9. Jason Carr said Thanks all, I will be focusing today on cleaning up the new image organization stuff. I just wrapped up the first stage of custom themes/views so that will be coming out as well in the next beta. I want to fix some of these issues though today before putting the beta out. :)
    cool, will the XAML source for the current themes/views be provided as templates?
  10. Not sure if the soft keyboard in windows 10 works with XInput / DInput but this is from the .net preview blog....
    Windows Presentation Foundation Soft Keyboard Support Soft Keyboard support enables automatic invocation and dismissal of the touch keyboard in WPF applications without disabling WPF stylus/touch support on Windows 10. Prior to 4.6.2, WPF applications do not implicitly support the invocation or dismissal of the touch keyboard without disabling WPF stylus/touch support. This is due to a change in the way the touch keyboard tracks focus in applications starting in Windows 8. softkey
  11. FistyDollars said
    SentaiBrad said I would like to remind everyone to try and follow the Guidelines as best as possible. I requested the deletion of two image with nudity and someone rejected those. Those need to be accepted.
    Just had a similar issue when I was going through the arcade flyers for some "Adult" arcade games and flagging anything with nudity for deletion - 0 approvals, 2 rejections so far, and I assume that the deletion will be rejected. I don't personally even agree with the nudity policy, but if it's the policy, I'll do my damnedest to make sure it's enforced; but I can't do that if other mods don't follow the rules. We really need to have the ability to leave comments when requesting deletion of content.
    I don't think this is a good idea for pre-existing content... It will be a lot of work finding / adding those images back (people might not have a copy) after the parental controls are added. It should only be enforced for new images IMO.
  12. Any new features in this beta to play around with or just under-the-hood stuff? For the coverflow view, think you can put the game title on the left (left aligned) and the platform logo on the right (right aligned) so that its easier to see where you are in the list when quick scrolling? (opposite of how it is now) Also, for the details + coverflow view, I could care less about the developer, publisher, status, etc of the rom. I liked it better when it had the game summary there (that's what I'm looking for when deciding if i want to play the game or not). Just my opinoin.
  13. Jason Carr said Yes, @ALIE, there haven't been any major additions images-wise for the wheels as of yet. I noticed earlier this week that EmuMovies doesn't have any wheel art at all, so the only images that are available currently are coming from the LaunchBox Games Database. The best source for those images is clearly directly from the Hyperspin forums, though; so it's relatively easy to download a package of wheels for a particular system and then dump them in the Clear Logo folder for the platform. That said, very soon I would like to batch import these into the LaunchBox Games Database, so that is coming.
    ah yea, my bad, thought the wheels were from the emumovies API. hypersync downloads from from hyperbase
  14. SentaiBrad said With these quick updates we're kind of taking the Philosophy from Kodi. Any release that ends in .0 is a feature release with some bug fixes, a .1, .2 or .3 release are bug fix releases almost entirely. It's kind of comforting that, even with Kodi as big as they are, no matter how many Beta's or RC's they do most bugs still get found after the official release, so in that sense are kind of adopting it so that these releases make it to everyone. It's surprising and understandable why most users don't update to Beta's. Also Cid! LOL I love that image. Yea Derek, a good bad thing. xD
    You should use semantic versioning, it's pretty standard and gives the user some context about how much has changed in the new version: Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. http://semver.org/ The current version would be 6.0.2 in this scheme
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