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Yep. I just tested on my side @DOS76 and I'm having the same problem here.
My apologies @Antropus for creating all these posts tonight. I was testing the functionality of creating the TTL and CHD dummies and noticed that LS (Beta 8) creates .zip dummies for rom files that already exist as .7z. It's probably easier to understand what I'm trying to say by looking at the screenshot provided below. I don't believe this is an expected behavior but I could be wrong? Cheers, Chris
I understand @Jason Carr that a good solution including the imports would be ideal but would likely require a substantial investment of time on your part. That is why the suggestion to only implement "stop checking if the file exist" when "Use file name only without extension or folder path" is enabled would solve the problem entirely with MAME roms embedded in the MAME code itself like "breakout". People would no longer need to create dummy roms to play these games. Right now I testing the betas of @Antropus MAME importer (LightSpeed) which is making excellent progress but that combined with the above request would really take LaunchBox forward in regards to integration with MAME. I hope I'm not insisting too much. That would be a HUGE MISSTEP on my part.
Thank you @Antropus I created a post earlier today in the beta thread asking Jason to address that and I agree with you in that should be an easy fix. Hopefully this minor change request will be well received by Jason. Crossing my fingers. I'll try to find a way to mention it in the next live stream.
@Antropus Here is a different question regarding TTL roms. If one enables the [Options | Match These Folders | Roms] option, and you did not create TTL dummies, should LS create ApplicationPath entries for those games? For example, if I launch “breakout” directly from MAME64.exe, the game will launch properly as expected since this game is part of the MAME code itself. However, the game will unfortunately not launch from LB. LB will return the following error “The ROM file you’ve specified does not exist” even though LS configured the emulator to use the “Use file name only without file extension or folder path” option. Hopefully Jason can skip the file check when the “Use file name only without file extension or folder path” option is enabled in a future release but as an alternative, would it be possible to implement an option in LS to create TTL and CHD dummies in a folder other than the “MameRoms” folder? Something like “MameDummyRoms” which the user can add to his mame.ini? Here is what I’m thinking: On the Paths tab, you could add a new textbox labeled “MAME Dummy Roms” underneath “MAME Roms” and prefill it with the same value as “MAME Roms”. Power users can then override the value to something else if they want. This would allow power users to have those dummy files in a folder other than the folder scanned by CLRMAMEPRO. This would make CMPRO happy when doing scans after those dummies are created. No Unnecessary files would be reported. I’ll purchase a premium version of LightSpeed any time! Couldn’t live without it.
I really like your idea @DOS76 I will follow your suggestion and give that a try but as you pointed out, it is a workaround. Hopefully, Jason can implement this change if he agrees.
@Antropus Although CHDs exist for these games, the 67 files that I've listed are not CHDs but .7z files containing roms that were created by the scanner of clrmamepro. Those 67 files would launch properly within LB because LB will not care about the file extension (.zip or .7z). In other words, when LB see area51.zip in the ApplicationPath but I have area51.7z in my rom folder, the game will still start properly. This is really not a big deal since the game will still launch but I was just wondering why the vast majority of my roms were imported by LS using the correct extension (.7z) with the exception of these 67 files. EDIT: Added a screenshot showing some of those rom files
I just noticed an issue while testing 7.8-beta-10 against MAME TTL roms. The problem also exist with 7.7 official release. If you try to launch a TTL rom directly from MAME64.exe such as "breakout" and you have a complete set or roms (2nd screenshot), the game will start properly (1st screenshot) despite the fact that in a complete set, breakout.zip will not exist. Based on the above information, I was expecting LaunchBox to have the ability to launch that same game when the "Use file name only without extension or folder path" checkbox is enabled on the Emulator settings (3rd screenshot) but LB check for the existence of breakout.zip (which will not exist if you have a complete and clean set). Without a dummy rom file "breakout.zip", LB will return an error saying that "The ROM file you've specified does not exist". I would like to suggest that the file check should be skipped when the "Use file name only without extension or folder path" is enabled which would allow all TTL games to work without have to create a bunch of dummy rom files. In addition, if you create those dummy rom files, LB will be able to launch those games but clrmamepro will complain that these files are unnecessary.
Good morning @Antropus I just tested with the latest beta 8 and observed that although all my roms are archived as .7z, LightSpeed added 67 of those roms as .zip in the ApplicationPath for roms I have in my roms folder. The problem can be reproduced whether you have the [Options | Match These Folders | Roms] checkbox enabled or not. The same 67 rom entries are consistently added to the Arcade.xml file. I am attaching screenshots and Lightspeed.ini should you wish to check my LS configuration. Edit: I just attached the Arcade.xml compressed as 7z Here is the list of the problem rom entries: R:\MAME\0.183\roms\area51 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\area51mx R:\MAME\0.183\roms\area51t R:\MAME\0.183\roms\area51ta R:\MAME\0.183\roms\bassang2 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\bassangl R:\MAME\0.183\roms\biofreak R:\MAME\0.183\roms\blitz R:\MAME\0.183\roms\blitz2k R:\MAME\0.183\roms\blitz99 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\blitz99a R:\MAME\0.183\roms\calspeed R:\MAME\0.183\roms\calspeeda R:\MAME\0.183\roms\carnevil R:\MAME\0.183\roms\cliffhgr R:\MAME\0.183\roms\cryptklr R:\MAME\0.183\roms\cubeqst R:\MAME\0.183\roms\darkhleg R:\MAME\0.183\roms\eggsplc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\fbait2bc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\fbaitbc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\fbaitmc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\firefox R:\MAME\0.183\roms\gauntdl R:\MAME\0.183\roms\gauntleg R:\MAME\0.183\roms\gtfore01 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\gtfore02 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\gtfore03 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\hypbbc2p R:\MAME\0.183\roms\hyperath R:\MAME\0.183\roms\hyprdriv R:\MAME\0.183\roms\jdredd R:\MAME\0.183\roms\jojo R:\MAME\0.183\roms\jojoba R:\MAME\0.183\roms\jojojr1 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\jojojr2 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\kinst R:\MAME\0.183\roms\kinst2 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\konam80s R:\MAME\0.183\roms\lacrazyc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\mace R:\MAME\0.183\roms\macea R:\MAME\0.183\roms\mach3 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\maxforce R:\MAME\0.183\roms\nagano98 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\naganoj R:\MAME\0.183\roms\pong R:\MAME\0.183\roms\powyak96 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\powyakex R:\MAME\0.183\roms\redearth R:\MAME\0.183\roms\rotr R:\MAME\0.183\roms\salarymc R:\MAME\0.183\roms\sfiii R:\MAME\0.183\roms\sfiii2 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\sfiii3 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\sfiii3ur1 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\sfrush R:\MAME\0.183\roms\simpbowl R:\MAME\0.183\roms\susume R:\MAME\0.183\roms\tenthdeg R:\MAME\0.183\roms\turrett R:\MAME\0.183\roms\usvsthem R:\MAME\0.183\roms\vaportrx R:\MAME\0.183\roms\vcircle R:\MAME\0.183\roms\wargods R:\MAME\0.183\roms\warzardr1 R:\MAME\0.183\roms\wg3dh Lightspeed.ini Arcade.7z
Thank you @Johnnydement My sets are from PD but I use CMPRO to rebuild them as 7z for space consideration. I am however curious to find out what I'll see when I use romcenter to scan those rebuilt sets. Thanks for the tip though!
That's good to know @Antropus Because not having a complete romset will keep me up at night I'll start experimenting with romcenter so I can keep my OCD under control. Like I said before, I don't know what I would do without LS. Keep up the good (excellent) work!
Thank you @Antropus I just searched for "Final Fight Revenge" from the Export tab and noticed that the Title "Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990714 V1.000)" appeared twice. One of these title point to a proper rom path "...\ffreveng.7z" but the other one said "Missing" as you pointed out. The reason I did not enable the "Match Roms Folder" under the Options tab is simply because I'm suppose to have a complete romsets (split-set) according to CMPRO as seen on the screenshot and I though that LS would fill the roms path from the information found in the generated mame xml rather than scan the file system for the roms. But then again, LS needs to know if my ROMs are archived as zip or 7z, so it needs to scan the file system I guess. In any case, enabling the Match "Roms" Folder under the Options tab definitly addresses the problem as I can now see a Total Filtered count of 6263 games which is exactly 6269 - 6 = 6263. Consequently, I will now make sure that this option is enabled going forward for my remaining tests. That you very much for looking in to this.
Good afternoon @Antropus I just started testing LS with Beta 7 and ran across a situation where 6 of the 6269 imported games are not pointing to any rom file. In other words, the ApplicationPath in the generated Arcade.xml only contains the directory path without the filename of the rom. Here is the list of game Titles having this issue: Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990714 V1.000) GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle 4 Way Battle Version / Fu'un Super Tag Battle Special Version NATO Defense (alternate mazes) Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8) (dual screen with demux adapter) War of the Worlds (color) I am including the Lightspeed.ini should you want to look at the settings I used to reproduce this problem. Just included screenshots. Lightspeed.ini
That would be awesome! Once the stable release is out, I will certainly prefer and use the zip version so that I can create a separate LS folder for each MAME release in case I need to go back for any reason.
@rootshell If you wish to have Lightspeed installed in a different location than the previously installed path and be prompted to do so, you will need to first uninstall the previous version. You can do that by using the control panel or simply navigate to where you had it installed and run the "unins000.exe". Hope this helps.
Wonderful news @Antropus I'll definitive start testing it this week and let you know if I encounter any problems. hmmm! I'm almost tempted to take the day off work and get started now. lol Thank you for the update.
No worries @Jason Carr. I just re-imported with the official release and made sure the local metadata was once again refreshed but I'm still getting those 2 games uncombined. That's really no big deal! I'll start re-importing all my platforms in the next few days now that the official release is out and see if that problem is unique to that platform or not. Hope to join the live stream tomorrow. Take care!
Hi @Jason Carr I just deleted the LastMetadataUpdate element from Settings.xml then re-imported the roms. As a result, I saw the "refreshing metadata..." message in the status bar at the beginning of the import but unfortunately, the problem remains. The Settings.xml file indicates that the last update took place at 18:03 ET as seen below. (~15 minutes ago) I can try again tomorrow and see what happens. No big deal. Thank you for all your help. You are truly awesome! <LastMetadataUpdate>2017-02-13T18:03:42.0185639-05:00</LastMetadataUpdate>
@Jason Carr I just re-imported my Atari 7800 romset with the latest beta (7.7-beta-16) and indeed the problem with "Mario Bros." and "Ms. Pac-Man" has been resolved. Much appreciated! However, the problem with "Super Skateboardin'" I had described earlier, still remains. The (USA) and (Europe) versions of this game should have been combined but they remained un-merged. Super Skateboardin' (Europe).rar <- was not combined with the USA version Super Skateboardin' (USA).rar <- was not combined with the Europe version Here is where you can grab my fake romsets should you wish to tackle this one:
@Jason Carr Will the problem with Region Priorities I posted yesterday be fix after the official release? I'm still having the problem when importing with the latest beta (beta-15). Here is the link to my earlier post:
@Jason Carr I should have mentioned in my previous post that a side effect of these problems is that I see "Play Mario Bros Version..." twice when you right click on the game title. In other words, you can't tell which version is which. However, this side effect should presumably however go away once the parsing of these roms with special characters is addressed.
@Jason Carr This morning I tested the Combine ROMs import process against my "Atari 7800" (No-Intro) romsets using LB 7.7-beta-14 and came across a problem in the prioritization. First of all, I should mention that my Region Priorities are set to {"Canada", "United States", "North America", "World"} in that order. After importing these roms, I noticed that 3 games had not been prioritized as configured. See below. All other games having a USA and Europe versions were imported as expected. Perhaps the problem with these roms is due to the fact that "Mario Bros." and "Ms. Pac-Man" have a dot character as part of the game title, while "Super Skateboardin'" has this single quote character at the end of the game title. I hope this information will help making this Combine feature 100%. I am including a 7zip file containing Fake roms like I did for the Apple II to make this easier for you to reproduce the problem. Note: This problem was reproducible with 7.7-beta-13 as well. Mario Bros. (Europe).rar <- was the default game. The USA version should have been the default game. Mario Bros. (USA).rar Ms. Pac-Man (Europe).rar <- was the default game. The USA version should have been the default game Ms. Pac-Man (USA).rar Super Skateboardin' (Europe).rar <- was not combined with the USA version Super Skateboardin' (USA).rar <- was not combined with the Europe version Atari 7800 - FakeRoms.7z
Hey @cammelspit Before you get started, I'd like to give you a tip to rename those guid files in the update folder. Sort the update folder by "Date Modified" descending Right-click on each guid file then select properties Go to the details tab and you should see the Product version of each file Rename your file to the Product version You probably know all that but if that can help someone else, great!
@Jason Carr I just re-imported my Apple II roms with the latest beta and everything is just perfect! The merging of the games the way it's been implemented goes way beyond what I originally expected and is working extremely well. Version 7.7 will be a great release. Thank you for all your hard work!
@Jason Carr I just re-tested my Apple II rom set with 7.7-beta-9 Unfortunately, the problem I had described in my previous post still exist. I provided a link to my previous post below so you don't have to hunt for that information. I also understand that without having those roms yourself, it is difficult to reproduce the problem. For this reason, I am attaching a 7zip file which contains fake roms (simple text files) that matches the entire Apple II roms I'm trying to import. All you would need to do is extract these fake roms to any folder and Import them so you could easily reproduce the problem I am observing. If there is anything else you would like me to provide, please let me know. I'll be happy to do so. List of Games where the default ROM file (first textbox under the Launcher tab while editing a game) was left blank. The ROMs listed below should have been the default ROMs but the textbox was instead left empty: 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Bureaucracy (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Dark Crystal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Empire - Wargame of the Century (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Games - Winter Edition, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Moebius (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Phantasie III (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Pirates! (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Questron II (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Struggle of Guadalcanal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt War of the Lance (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Wheel of Fortune (Sharedata) (USA) (Side A).txt Wizard of Oz, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Missing Additional Applications: 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 2 Side A) (Data).txt Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 2 Side B) (Data).txt Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (USA) (Disk 2 Side A).txt Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (USA) (Disk 2 Side B).txt Battle of Napoleon (USA) (Disk 2 Side A) (Game).txt Battle of Napoleon (USA) (Disk 2 Side B) (Game).txt Battle of Napoleon (USA) (Disk 3 Side A) (Scenario).txt Battle of Napoleon (USA) (Disk 3 Side B) (Scenario).txt Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side A).txt Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side B).txt Bureaucracy (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Bureaucracy (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Dark Crystal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Dark Crystal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Dark Crystal, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side A).txt Dark Crystal, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side B).txt Empire - Wargame of the Century (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Empire - Wargame of the Century (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Flight Simulator II (USA) (Disk 08 Side A).txt Flight Simulator II (USA) (Disk 08 Side B).txt Games - Winter Edition, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Games - Winter Edition, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Games - Winter Edition, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side A).txt Games - Winter Edition, The (USA) (Disk 2 Side B).txt Garry Kitchen's Gamemaker (USA) (Disk 3 Side A) (Sci-Fi Library).txt Garry Kitchen's Gamemaker (USA) (Disk 3 Side B) (Sci-Fi Library).txt Garry Kitchen's Gamemaker (USA) (Disk 4 Side A) (Sports Library).txt Garry Kitchen's Gamemaker (USA) (Disk 4 Side B) (Sports Library).txt Moebius (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Moebius (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Phantasie III (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Phantasie III (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Pirates! (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Pirates! (USA) (Disk 1 Side B) (Game).txt Questron II (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Questron II (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Struggle of Guadalcanal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Struggle of Guadalcanal, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Super Sunday (USA) (Disk 3 Side A) (1986 Teams).txt Super Sunday (USA) (Disk 3 Side B) (1986 Teams).txt War of the Lance (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt War of the Lance (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Wizard of Oz, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).txt Wizard of Oz, The (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).txt Fake Apple II ROMs.7z