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Everything posted by Pacman56

  1. Fantastic! I look forward to re-testing it once the beta it out. Thank you @Jason Carr
  2. @Jason Carr I just noticed that when the same disk pattern is used for all games within a set such as the game below, all disk numbers are imported correctly. The problem only appear to exist when you have a mix of patterns for the same game as in my previous post. With the game "Alter Ego" , all 6 disks/sides were imported successfully. Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).rar <- Imported Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).rar<- Imported Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 2 Side A).rar<- Imported Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 2 Side B).rar<- Imported Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 3 Side A).rar<- Imported Alter Ego (USA) (Disk 3 Side B).rar<- Imported
  3. @Jason Carr I just tested the new import feature with 7.7-beta-7 this morning and noticed that ROM names using the following pattern (Disc ? Side ?) are not imported. Please note that the "?" is simply used as a place holder. In my testing, only the 3rd file (221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 2) (Case).rar) below was imported and could be found under the "Additional Apps" tab when editing the game. The same was true for every game set using that pattern. Additionally, the "ROM file" textbox under the "Launcher" tab is left blank when this naming conversion is used. 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).rar <-Not Imported 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).rar <-Not Imported 221B Baker Street (USA) (Disk 2) (Case).rar <- Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 1 Side A).rar <-Not Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 1 Side B).rar <-Not Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 2 Side A) (Data).rar <-Not Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 2 Side B) (Data).rar <-Not Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 3) (Escape From Reality).rar <- Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 4) (Land Of Adventuria).rar <- Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 5) (QuickDeath).rar <- Imported Adventure Construction Set (USA) (Disk 6) (Rivers of Light).rar <- Imported File using the following pattern (Side ?) such as (Side A) and (Side B) were both imported as I had hoped but the Side checkbox in the metadata sections were unchecked for both Additional Apps. Not a big deal here but I thought it was worth mentioning. Please note that the naming conventions of these rom sets were based on HyperSpin's xml. I'm always using the No-Intro naming convention when the dats are available but as you know, No-Intro does not cover every platforms.
  4. @Malhavoc The reason the Catver.ini, Series.ini, NPlayers.ini may still show 0.181 instead 0.182 after you download those support files from the menu is simply because those files may not have not been updated yet. It sometime takes a few days after the last Wednesday of the month (MAME release day) before those support files get updated. Nevertheless, you don't have to wait for a new version of LightSpeed every months. In fact, you could use LightSpeed MameLister (0.181a_RC3) and point to mame 0.182 executable to generate your romset. Although, you may want to wait for Antropus to release his next version which should be more stable. I hope that answered your question.
  5. @Porl Hendy Yes it is. You have a choice to split it across 38 different Arcade platforms. Please see attachment below.
  6. Good afternoon @Antropus Today, I’ve been performing a battery of tests revolving around the resulting game count with different options and noticed some discrepancies. A total of 5 tests were performed using LightSpeed (0.181a_RC3) and LaunchBox 7.5-beta-9 as seen on the attached screenshot. If you look at the “Total Games in LaunchBox” (column K on the screenshot), you will notice that the count does not match the “Games Exported in LightSpeed” (column J). The common LightSpeed setting between these failing tests (Test 1, 2 and 4) is the fact that the defaulted 32 Arcade platforms were checked as opposed to only checking the Arcade (top left) platform. Am I correct into assuming that the “Games Exported in LightSpeed” should always match the “Total games in LaunchBox” despite the options that are chosen? Please note that all options were at default except for those indicated in column B, C and D in the screenshot. All tests were performed using the following procedure: Restore a clean copy of LaunchBox and delete the following files “Data\Emulators.xml” and “Data\Platforms.xml” and the folder “Data\Platforms\” prior to running LightSpeed. Start LightSpeed, set desired options, select “Reload All” from the “Updater” menu. Click “Filter”, then “Output” then “Add All”, then Export.
  7. That really awesome @Antropus This new tool will be a very nice addition to LightSpeed. This will bring more functionality than I could have ever hoped for.
  8. Good morning @Antropus I started testing LightSpeed using the latest build (Lightspeed0181a_RC3.exe) and must say that I'm really impressed with the new functionality. Hopefully you won't mind if I report bugs as I encounter them rather than all at once in a single post. I prefer taking my time testing the importer thoroughly and making sure I’m not reporting false positives J First, I noticed that when I choose to disable (uncheck) the Import Options “Remove [] Tags” and “Remove () Tags”, RC3 appears to ignore my selection which was working fine Beta v0.7J. First screenshot is taken from the Arcade platform after scanning a complete MAME 0.181 rom sets with LightSpeed RC3 against a clean version of LaunchBox 7.5-beta-6. The second screenshot is what version Beta v0.7J used to generate when these Import Options were disabled. Please notice that RC3 did not preserve the information within parenthesis and the result appears to show duplicate games rather than clearly show the distinction between the various clones. Lightspeed.ini
  9. @Antropus I really appreciate the update and would feel the same way as you in regards to releasing something you know has some bugs left to address. The workflow may have gotten a little more complex but that's understandable when you deal with feature rich software such as yours. The software list feature will be a very nice addition and can't wait to experiment with it. Thank you again for keeping us in the loop and I look forwards to hearing back from you. I hope you and your family enjoys your vacation and wish you a happy new year.
  10. False alarm guys. I just found out my son was downloading Skyrim while I was doing my test. Download speed is back to normal now. (less than 2 minutes) I should have checked the clients activity on my Router.
  11. It took 16 minutes 39 seconds to download this time. In the past (a few months ago), I remember it took less than 2 minutes. Like I said...It doesn't bother me at all. I also just let it do it's thing. I'm just reporting to help @Jason Carr. FYI: My Internet bandwidth is 30 Mbits/sec BTW. Happy birthday @neil9000
  12. okay. I just cancelled the download, restarted LB, said yes to the update, and it's a bit faster than before. Let me finish the download and I will let you know how long it took.
  13. @Jason Carr In the Ottawa region, Canada. Like @neil9000 I'm not worry about it either. I would also wait all day if need be.
  14. Downloading slower than usual for me now but it's usually not a problem. Maybe a lot of people are hitting the server right now? It usually takes ~1.5 minute but right now, it's been 3 minutes and it's at ~15%. BTW. Not too worry about it.
  15. @Jason Carr I just updated to 7.1-beta-1, re-enabled "Scroll Notes" and "Scroll Details" under Game Details, navigated back to Arcade (which as you know contains lengthy notes) and started scrolling through the games list. The delay has completely disappeared. I'm very grateful for this update. I can't tank you enough. See you soon on the live stream!
  16. Thank you @Jason Carr I'll gladly join the live stream on Monday.
  17. @Jason Carr I disabled scrolling notes but unfortunately the problem persists.
  18. @jadekitten Have you tried deleting or moving the Unbroken.LaunchBox.dll file from your Metadata folder and see if this file is locked when trying to do it from explorer? If it is still locked. reboot then try again. I would probably try to move the entire Metadata folder out of your lbox57 folder then download 7.0 from the LaunchBox site, then install on top of your lbox57 folder. Hope that helps. Let me know what happens.
  19. I just installed and tested the official release of LaunchBox / BigBox 7.0 and noticed delays when scrolling through games in BigBox which didn't exist in 6.10. When moving from game to game using the arrow keys, a delay of 1-2 second frequently takes place which ruins the experience. This problem is quite noticeable when choosing a platform that contains a large amount of metadata such as my Arcade.xml which consist of 6199 games but is of a considerable size: 28.1MB. My problem was reproduced on a clean instance of LB/BB which did not contain images, music, videos, etc. which rules that out. After doing more testing, I found that doing a bulk edit of the Notes field using LB and clearing the value solved the problem. The delay has completely disappeared. However, clearing the notes field is not a solution. Arcade.7z
  20. @salyangel I'm also using RL so I just did a quick test this morning before going to work but in my case, when I exit the an arcade game which was launched using RL, the focus is returned to BB. Let me know if you want to compare settings. BTW. this test was done using 70-beta-28
  21. Thank you @cammelspit That will really help but right now, it looks like my system may be at fault. Your Data folder will help confirm that. You guys are awesome!
  22. Thank a lot @Porl Hendy. I think is time for me to format and reinstall OS. Windows 10 this time. I must say, this community is really helpful! Thanks to everyone for your help.
  23. I'll wait for your email with the Data folder and will let you know what observe as performance. Much appreciated!
  24. Yes please.
  25. I sure would not mind. Do you have a big collection like 50K games?
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