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Everything posted by legolas119

  1. now it works! I didn't change anything... and i can control the ball with mouse! Now i have only to solve the issue with Alien Mind: it doens't save the 2nd disk game and i don't know how to save it again. I tried to add 2nd disk both in Read only or read-write mode, but after the title screen, there is the sound "tac-tac-tac" for some seconds and then black screen...if i reboot the game, the 2nd disk game is still missing: Do you know how i can fix it? thank you!
  2. Hi i have just configured WinVice in order to play C64 games. How can i import it in LB and how i can correctly load its C64 games? In addition, is it necessary to perform any action to automatically load Disk 2 (and 3 or 4, if available)? thank you!
  3. thanks! now it starts. But it appears this message: and if i push INITIALIZE, it appears this: what i can do? thank you!
  4. thanks, i modified the command. Now i have this error: i don't know why...
  5. hi, thanks! #2: well, i don't find the hacked version yet...as mine version isn't playable, i can delete it, it is useless for me... In any case i tried to change the command line as suggested, but it doesn't start, there are several pop up messages like those: I added the apple2g1.zip file into the roms folder: but it seems it doesn't work... thanks!
  6. yeah, with MAME 0.262 it works again! Many thanks! I only have 3 games that still have stange issue. Alien Mind: strangely it doens't save the 2nd disk game and i don't know how to save it again. I tired to add 2nd disk both in Read only or read-write mode, but after the title screen, there is the sound "tac-tac-tac" for some seconds and then black screen...if i reboot the game, the 2nd disk game is still missing: 2) Future Shock 3D: in order to run the game it is necessary to double click on FS.SYS16 but now i'm not able anymore to retunr to the previous screen...: 3) Out of this world: it requires both the System Disk image anche Disk 1 and DIsk 2. But i don't know how to set up the 2nd disk: thank you!
  7. hi, thanks. I don't have any MAME\sta\apple2gs\ folder... into the roms folder i have the apple2gs.zip bios...i suppose it is enough...is that correct? I really don't knwo why they don't work anymore...in the past with a previous MAME version they worked fine...but i don't remember if i configured some specific setting into the emulator...i think i have configured everythign as in the past...
  8. thanks. In the past i configured MAME as emulator in order to play my 20 games Apple II collection. Later, i deleted the folder by mistake to i configured again it using MAME 0.259. Now, only 6 of my 20 games correctly start. The others games have the same issue and i don0t know how to solve it... Every time i run one of them, MAME freezes...it continue to appear a strange sound (tac-tac-tac-tac-tac) and the game doen't start. Sometimes it appears the Title screen but then the MAME freezes, others times the game doesn't start at all and it appear a screen like this: In particular i have issues with all my 2 disks games and with some of my 1 disk game: 1) Alien Mind, Cosmocade, The Gate, Gnarly Golf, Space Queste II, Task Force, Tower of Myraglen: they are 2 disks game. I configured them in this way and it worked in the past with my previous mame configuration: 2) Dualtris, Future Shock 3D: they are a 1 disk game but they need the system disk too. SO inconfigured them in this way: 3) Geat Wester Shotout, Thexder, Warlock, Zany Golf: they are normal 1 disk game, but they have the same issue, with the blue screen and the sound "tac-tac-tac-tac" and the MAME is freezed 4) Out of this world: it is a 2 disk game but in addition in requires the system disk. So i configured it in this way: I have only 5 games with 1 disk that correctly work and 1 2 disks game (Rastan), configured in this way: I really don't know how to fix this issue...do you have any idea? thank you very much!
  9. HI i would like to install an Apple II GS emulator and use it with launchbox. What do you suggest? I'm trying to use MAME but i have a lot of problems, some games doesn't work and i don't know why... is there a quite easy emulator to set uP? thanks!
  10. yes, it could be
  11. thanks, yes sure, i know that. I better explain my need: currently i have 3 different emulators for SNES, one of them is the default emulator. And i uses the others 2 emulator for some specific games, but i don't know which games... so i would like to know which are the games associated to the others 2 emualtors without entering into the EDIT mode of every game (i would do this step more than 100 times...). So, for example, i would likle to know which are the SNES games associated to Higan emulator (it isn't my default emulator). thank you!
  12. thanks, i confirm that it works with EDGE. i have the issue with Acrobat only. But i'm absolutely sure that in the past it worked with acrobat too...i don't know it the issue appeared from a specific LB version...It is really strange... thanks!
  13. thanks. yes sure all the manuales are present, here an example: i unistalled acrobat reader and i installed it again, but even if fhe pdf files are correctly associated to Acrobat, i still continue to have the issue... If i try to open one manual from launchbox, it seems that acrobat is activated: but any file is opened... Even if i close Launchbox, Acrobat seems to be still running: It is strange, it seems that when i luanch LB, every process is launched 2 times, not only Acrobat: Perhaps the manuals aren't displayed as Acrobat too is launched 2 times and to the pdf file isn't opened... Please, what i can do to fix this? thank you very much!
  14. Hi as I have different emulators for some consoles (i.e. i have 3 emulators for Super Nes), i would like to know if i associated some games to a specific emulator, different from the default one. Is it possible to know this information? thank you
  15. hi, anyone can help me, please? thank you
  16. Hi i'm using the latest LB version 13.8, and i'm trying to visualize the games manual but if i selexct a game --> right click --> Media --> VIew Manual, it doesn't happen anything, the manual doesn't appear anymore. I remember that in th past i was able to view the games manual..i don't know why they don't work anymore now... please can you help me? thank you!
  17. thanks, right. But now if i try to launch the game in that way, i still have the following errors: if i luanch it with LB it starts... And do you know why some games don't start anymore? What i can try to do? thank you very much
  18. well..i don't know how to do that...but in any case, i restart the pc and now the TAB command works... But i have 2 problems: 1) some games doesn't start anymore... I'm absolutely sure they worked fine with my previous installation. Now when i run the game (using LB), it appears a blue screen like this: or like this, where the game freezes during the loading process: and there is a sound (TAC , TAC, TAC, TAC...continuosly and quickly...), the pc is freezed, i can't stop the emulator and I can't do anything else..i can only restart the pc... In addition there are games like Alien Minds that start but after the title screen, when i push ENTER, it appears a black screen and again the emulator freezes and it again there is the same sound effect (tac, tac, tac, tac...). I have to push CTRL+ALT+START and reboot the pc... The game is correctly configured: 2) if i try some games using CMD commands, in this way: the game doesn't start (and Arkanoid is working if i run it with LB). So, is there any typing error in my Command Promt screen? The game of course is present: thank you!
  19. ok, i downloaded the apple2gs.zip file and put it in the following paths: D:\EMULATORI\MAME Others System\software D:\EMULATORI\MAME Others System\roms and i still continue to have this error: then i put the apple2gs.zip into the same folder where i put the games: D:\EMULATORI\ROM\Apple II GS and now it works. I don't know why, in my previous installation i dind't have that file in that path (as i previously said, the folder with games is still the same, i dind't delete it), for sure in my previous installation i put the file in a diffeent path. But it doesn't matter Now i tried to configure the mame.ini file like the one present in my Arcade64 folder, but the setting with filter, hlsl, scanlines and so on aren't detected... I'm quite sure that they were detected in my previous installation... I have another issue: when i run the games, the TAB button doesn't work so i can't set and modify any MAME option...i really don't know why, usually it alwasy works in my MAME and Arcade64 installation...in this installation it isn't detected... thank you very much!
  20. thanks, i added again the original rom path: even if i store in any case the Apple II GS games in EMULATORI\ROM\Apple II GS: Is it necessary to move the games from there to D:\EMULATORI\MAME Others System\roms? FOr sure in my previous installation the roms where always here: D:\EMULATORI\ROM\Apple II GS as i didn't move or delete them. I only deleted the emulator folder Checking my old configuration screenshot, i see that i set the emulator in this way: Today, as you can see, the Dedault Command -Line Parameters and the Sample Command have different values: which is the right configuration? thank you very much
  21. thanks! where i can download the apple2gs.zip file? I googled by i don't find it...
  22. hi, ii kindly ask your help: unfortunately i deleted my old installation folder of MAMEUI with the Apple II GS configuration...i configured it months ago using this guide....but now i'm not abel to run again the games... I'm using the lates MAMEUI version 0.259 64 bit. I set up the roms folder in this way: and this is my roms folder: but any game is detected in MAMEUI: I configure the Emulator in this way: But when i run every game it appears this: and this: Please can anyone help me? Which is the missing/wrong set up? I don't remember how i configured it months ago.... I tried every game in my previous installation and they perfectly work...so for sure there is something missing/wrong in this new installation... thank you!
  23. Hi i'm using Citra emulator to run Nintendo 3DS games. They correctly work on LB too but only if they are in .3ds format. Games in .cia format need to be installed on Citra so it seems that it is not possibile to automatically run them on LB: if i doulbe click on the game, it appears a pop up that requires to install the game, even if it is already installed: Is it possible to solve this little issue? thank you!
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