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Everything posted by legolas119

  1. Hi i mapped EXIT and CLOSE THE ACTIVE WINDOWS command on the LEFT TRIGGER and RIGHT TRIGGER on my joypad. Usually they works, but they don't work when I'm playing with snes games with Byuu and Bsnes emulators: my default emulator is Byuu, sometimes i need to use Bsnes. Do you know if it is possible to fix this issue? Even if i push SHOW PAUSE SCREEN (this command works properly) and then i choose EXIT, it doesn't work. So if i want to close the game or the emulator, i need to push WINDOWS button on the keyboard and then manally close the emulator. thank you for your help!
  2. thanks, in this way: it works! many thanks!
  3. thanks! It works! But now it doesn't work anymore the fullscreen script... I'm using the latest punes version, the 0.110: probably it worked before to update PuNes to its latest version...do you try the 0.110 version? thanks!
  4. yes it works thanks. But now i'm not able anymore to shut down the emulator...without the script, i push CTRL+ALT+DEL in order to manually shut down the emulator. But now if i push CTRL+ALT+DEL the screen freezes but i can't access to Manage the running application in order to stop it as i did without the script. How do you shut down the emulator while running it through LB or BB? many thanks!
  5. thank you. I'm sorry, where i have to copy this script? thank you!
  6. DOne, perfect, it is a really easy way to create all the missing playlist after the Arcade64 fullromset import! There is only ONE missing playlist not recreated: Vertically Oriented Games.xml and CHD Required. I can manually create the CHD required playlist using the method explained in this thread, (see above). But i don't know how to add the Vertically Oriented Games...is this playlist removed from the official MAME playlist? If so, is it normal that LB doesn't create it as a missing playlist. I had it months ago when i used MAME fullset, i don't know why now it i choose Create missing playlist it doesn't re-create it... do you have any idea? thank you!
  7. Hi, i have a question about Big Box theme, please. Is it better to choose one of the available theme into the Big Box "Manage Themes --> Available (ALL) " option, is that correct? For example if i choose a theme, first of all i have to Install the theme (1), then i can choose one (or more) of the Platform themes (2) and in the end one (or more) of the Games View (3) and install the themes i like. After that, i can choose every Platform and Games theme related to the specific main theme (COIN OP in this case) and merge them as i prefer. Is that correct? For example i can install the Text List with Details Filter View and the Vertical Wheel 1 Games View, right? Thanks
  8. ah ok thanks. Does it works with Arcade64 too (i'm using it) ?
  9. you are right, i founded the option and it is disabled. For this reason probably i dind't notice any freeze I will try some other theme. Do you know the answer to my question in the post above (saturday) about the installation of themes? thanks!
  10. ah! ok thanks and how can activate/deactivate attract mode? Whant does it mean? Many thanks
  11. hi, anyone can help me about this topic, please? many thanks!
  12. ah ok. I'm sorry but is it possible to disable the attract mode? In any case, it is better to choose one of the available theme into the Big Box "Manage Themes --> Available (ALL) " option, is that correct? For example if i choose a theme, first of all i have to Install the theme (1), then i can choose one (or more) of the Platform themes (2) and in the end one (or more) of the Games View (3) and install the themes i like. After that, i can choose every Platform and Games theme related to the specific main theme (COIN OP in this case) and merge them as i prefer. Is that correct? For example i can install the Text List with Details Filter View and the Vertical Wheel 1 Games View, right?
  13. ah, i downloaded this version: But i didn't know that i causes freezes... is it better to uninstall it and install only a theme available in the theme manager in Big Box? Do you suggest a theme related to '80 arcade like Neon Arcade? Is it possible to see a preview of the themes available before to install them? thanks!
  14. thanks! i didn't notice that menu in LB! Yes, i have updated it and now i'm able to use the new feature in LB! Speaking about bigbox, in Manage themes --> Installed - With Updates (0) i don't have any update for my Neon Arcade theme. And if i enter into the Installed section, i can see this: Do you know if if there is something wrong of if is it normal in that way? thanks!
  15. thanks! I removed this: and it perfectly works now Please, can you help me with this issue too?
  16. Hi i have just updated LB to 13.5 version and now i would like to use the new Game Details Pop up feature. I'm using, both in LB and in BB the NEon Deluxe Arcade theme. I'm not able to activate the new Pop up feature, probably it is necessary to update the Neon Deluxe Arcade theme? I have checked here the LB theme: and it seems that i still have the latest version. How can i know if i have the latest version of the theme in LB and big box? I checked in Big Box but into the Manage Themes menu it isn't present a "Check for theme Updates" button, so how can i know if i'm using the newes one? In LB i suppose that in orderr to update the theme i have to download from the link above the lastes .zip file and unzip it into the LBThemes folder. But i checked it and i already have the same files version in that path...so probably i have the latest version.. In Bb i don't know how to detect if a new theme version is available.. thank you!
  17. hi, i have a little issue with LB/BB with MAME bezel's visualization. If i run a mame game directly from mame (i'm currently using arcade64 but it doens't matter), the bezels are perfectly visible in the screen: But if i run the game directly from LB/BB, bezels are cropped: Do you know how can I fix this in LB/BB? thank you!
  18. yes, the Artwork crop in unchecked, and it perfectly works when i run mame games from Arcade64. The issue is present only if i run them from LB/BIG BOX: probably there should be an option in LB in order to fix this...
  19. hi, yes, i have done in that way, thankS! in thi way i have a total of 5.372 files, 2.256 of them from your collection, and the the remaining from the ProgettoSnaps collection thank you very much
  20. hi, i have a little issue. When i run a game directly from Arcade64.exe, i can correctly see it, with the bezels and so on, like this: but if i run it from LB/big box, it is in fullscreen and the image isn't correct, bezels at left/right aren't totally visible: why? how can i view the game in the same way as from Arcade.exe? thanks
  21. thanks Currently my marquees (about 4450 .png files) are zipped in a 2GB marquees.zip file and it is correctly detected in Arcade64 (i don't use MAME anymore). For example, for FInal fight i have 2 marquees: the 1st one (ffight.png) has 1200x392 pixel resolution (400KB), the 2nd one (ffightj.png) has 500x122 resolution (75KB). As marquees of this beautiful collection are in .jpg format, they will not overwrite my collection..i can only add them and create a new unique marquee.zip file How many files/games are included in this collection, more or less? thanks!
  22. hi, i currently have the marquee complete collection downloaded from AntoPisa collection and I stored the marquees into the marquees folder into my MAME installation folder. Is it possibile to keep both this beautiful marquees collection and the AntoPisa's one? Probably it is better to overwrite the AntoPisa's marquees with the ones included in this collection, in order to have the best file for each game. Is this correct? thank you!
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