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Everything posted by legolas119

  1. sorry, i'm able to fix the issue now, thanks in any case. I didn't notice that during the import process, i left "Sega Genesis" as platform instead of "Sega Megadrive". Now i imported it correctly under Sega Megadrive platform, thank you.
  2. Hi i'm trying to import "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Re-Revenge (Hack)" for SEGA Genesis in LB, but i'm unable to do that. I checked the box "force import duplicate games", but it is useless... this is a hack of Street of Rage 2 (USA), usually i'm able to import hacked games, but this time the games isn't imported. Can you help me please? thank you
  3. yes i have already followed the steps in order to have the folder with all the marquess updated I could delete all the marquees into the Marquees folder, but in this way i will lost marquees not included into the collection present in this topic...my current Marquees folder has about 2.100 files...
  4. thank, i unzipped everything. But i'm not ale to overwrite any file into my current Marquees folder as all the 1.402 files have a different name from the ones present into the Marquees folder. I mean: Marquees folder: The collection present into this topic: If i add all the 1.402 files to my current Marquees collection, do you think that the will be detected in any case, even if the game name is different? thanks
  5. hi, many thanks! Currently i have Marquees into the path: D:\LaunchBox\Images\MAME\Arcade - Marquee I merged your 3 .zip filed, overwriting everything, now there are 1402 files. In order to use your marquees, have i to overwrite marquees included into this pack: into the path: D:\LaunchBox\Images\MAME\Arcade - Marquee with the 1402 files included in your zips files? And how can I view them in BigBox? thank you!
  6. Hi, i have just performed a full MAME import in LB as i changed my frontend from MAMEUI to Arcade64. And i downloaded for the first time Bezels too with the automatic tool. I noticed that LB created a new MAME 0.249 folder into this path: D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.249 and saved bezels into this folder: D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.249\artwork But my MAME folder is saved into this path: D:\EMULATORI\MAME so i would like to save bezels here: D:\EMULATORI\MAME\artwork So, 1) can i moved belzels from D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.249\artwork to D:\EMULATORI\MAME\artwork ? And then can i delete the just created folder D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.249 ? I don't need it as i already have my installation MAME (Arcade64) folder here: D:\EMULATORI\MAME 2) This is my MAME installazion folder with its .exe file (Arcade64.exe): but into my Emulators section i have the following 2 rows: and i don't know how to fix this... Can i delete Mame 0.249 row? And i would like to modify the .exe file into the MAME row, adding Arcade64.exe file instead of mame.exe file, i changed it in this way: Is this correct? thanks!
  7. please, can anyone help me? Many thanks
  8. Hi, just to add an information: APPLE IIGS logo too is missing. Is it possible into the future to add it? I found it but only with black color so APPLE IIGS logo isn't visibile on the Neon Arcade theme And PGM2 logo too is missing. Many many thanks!
  9. HI as starting from next months MAMEUI will not be updated, i have to change my mame user interface and a lot of people suggested ARCADE64. Well, i have 3 questions: 1) now i suppose that after creating with clrmame the new ARCADE64 romset, i have to remove my MAMEUI installation from LB as described here and import again the MAME fullset using the arcade64.exe emulator and its romset, is this correct? Probably as i change the emulator (not MAMEUI but Arcade64) it is better to choose "Automatically Install and Configure" instead of "Update MAME emulator", right? If so, can i keep still valid all the media already downloaded for the MAMEUI fullset avoiding to re-downloading everything or is it better to download everything again as the emulator is changed (but the folder name is still MAME, i will not change any path and name). If so, i would like to add bezels: i know that now it is possibile to add Theme Bezels (and System bezel for games that don't have its own theme bezels) are described here: But i discovered that it exist this beautifulf bezels pack: 2) is it possibile to keep the Mr. RetroLust's bezel pack as default and the Bezels Theme (and System) pack downloaded by Launchbox during the import process for all the games that don't have a Mr. RetroLust's bezel? It could be great to have a bezel for every MAME game (Mr Retrolust if it exist, otherwise a Theme/Sysem bezel). 3) Following the installation video of Mr. RetroLust's, i see that it is necessary to save the packs into Launchbox/Emulators/MAME/artwork folder. But my MAME (and all emulators in general) isn't stored in that path. I save my MAME in D:\EMULATORI\MAME\artwork. Does it work in any case? Currently in this folder i have my artwork collection downloaded by this website (https://www.progettosnaps.net/artworks/). Before to download Launchbox Bezels during the rom import process and befopre to add the Retrolust's bezel, i suppose i have to delete all files present into the MAME/artwork folder, is that correct? I suppose this is the right procedure: A) delete all files stored into D://EMULATORI/MAME/artwork folder B) Import the Arcade64 romset downloading all the Theme/System bezels during the rom import process. I suppose LB automaticaly will save bezels in D://EMULATORI/MAME/artwork folder C) After that, i download Retrolust's packs and overwrite them into the D://EMULATORI/MAME/artwork folder: in this way, i can keep saved bezels for all the games not covered by RetroLust's pack. Is this correct? thank you!
  10. EDIT to my 2nd question: your Logo is present into the list but it is listed as the last file, the 5th (the 1st and 2nd file are banner, the 3rd and 4th are the default logos): even if i listed it as first logo file: how can i view your logo as the default one in LB too? Is it necessary to refresh in any way? I tried several times to push the MODIFY button and then OK in order to refreh every platfom. Sometimes the new logo is detected: but if i move to others platform and then come back into the modified one, the logo is still the default one: have i to deleted the defalt logos or move them into a different path, for example LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\Nintendo Entertainment System\Clear Logo\old ? I have same issue with BigBox: even i I refresh the patform wheels images as you suggested, sometimes it apeaers the new logo, other times the default one... thanks!
  11. many thanks! So are you working on a new pack release? I downloaded the pack a couple of weeks ago, i don't know if it is the 1.1...I have some questions: 1) Are the steps i listed above all corrects? 2) I tried to copy the Nintendo entertainment system.png logo into the path \LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\Nintendo Entertainment System\Clear Logo, but in LB it is still present the previous logo: https://postimg.cc/D4nJNGJX/3d5fc101 Is it necessary to refresh the logo in LB too? if so, how can i do it? I tried to refresh the images in Big Box and it works! Very good! 3) Do you know if it is possible to see a platform image using the Neon Deluxe Arcade theme? thank you very much for your help!
  12. Hi all, following this topic in order to install Neon Deluxe Arcade on BigBox: i unckecked ALL the flag both in these sections: Is this correct? Doing this, i loose some effects i suppose but i don't notice which effects...i suppose the author suggest to do this in order to run quickly big box, right? Another question: this theme is really cool both in LB and bigbox. I like it a lot: but in Big Box is it possible to see a picture of every system into the wheel? Currently i can see only a casual game of that platform: It could be cool to see a picture of the system selected, but i don't know if it is possible. thanks!
  13. ah! Well, for Launchbox: i downloaded the newest version of this theme and overwrite it. I usppose that now i have the latest version of this them in Launchbox (i don't know how to check the Neon Arcade version) In BigBox i downloaded the latest Neon Arcade version (2040131735_NeonDeluxeArcade.zip) and unzipped it into the Launchbox/Theme folder. I installed it and I'm following ALL the 3 steps listed here: Are they correct? I don't know if it is correct to "Uncheck all Background Images in Launchbox > Tools > Options > Media > Background Priorities". I unckecked ALL the boxes into the Background priorities section... and i Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings. I hope it is correct... Now i'm cleaning all the media and then i will defrag the disk. Are all these steps correct? Last question: with this theme, in BigBox, is it possible to see a console picture into the wheel where i have the console? Now i can see only a casual game for that platform...without any image of the console. thanks!
  14. ah ok thanks. But in LB i'm not able to see the platform logo anywhere...is it necessary to activate a specific option? Another question: i put into the path D:\LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\Nintendo Entertainment System\Clear Logo the Normal size logo but in Big Box it still appears the previous logo: Why? I renamed the previous logo in Nintendo Entertainment System-2.png so it should appear the new one... thank you very much!
  15. anyone can help me please? thanks
  16. really thanks for this incredible work! Well, please can you tell me how i can use those logos? are they available in BigBox only? And where i have to put the unzipped pack? thank you!
  17. Hi, even if i monthly update my MAME fullset, i don't load it in LB monthly. Usually i update it in LB a couple of times for year. Now, LB changed some functionalities to update MAME. Is this process correct? 1) Update MAME fullset with CLRMAME 2) in LB: Tools --> Download --> Force Update Game Database Metadata 3) Select MAME platform --> right click --> Delete (chosse "NO" into the 2nd pop up in order to avoid to delete all the media files!). Close LB and manually delete all the MAME playlist .xml files 4) Open LB --> Choose MAME full import --> choose the roms path and latest MAME version available in LB (usually it is the latest one released) --> choose the 2nd option: 5) uncheck ALL the media files download (as they are already available and i will update only the new games during the following steps) and uncheck "Remove roughly-matched duplicate images" (as i will clean duplicate images lates, with the specific function) 6) Check NONE into the following option too (in order to avoid to download again ALL the media files): 7) I avoid to download Bezels as i don't have Retroarch and i already have into my MAMEUI collections the flyers and so on, so i don't want to overwrite them.. I suppose i have to choose if i can view bezels or flyers and so on when i play MAME games. 8 ) choose which games category to skip and i leave this as default: 9) At the end of the process, i have to manually modify the Parent path of every playlist (39 times...) in order to insert every playlist undert the MAME parent. In this way: 10) Then, push CTRL + A in order to select ALL mame games just imported and "Tools --> Download --> Update metadata and Media for selected games" in order to download all the missing media in particular for the new games added Is this the right process? thanks!
  18. ok, i will try it and i will give you a feedback. So it can emulate not oly C64 but C128 too? Great!
  19. ah ok, is it good and quite easy to configure? i will try it and i will let you know, many thanks!
  20. unfortunately not, none helped me...i still have to configure this emulator
  21. HI several months ago i added to hacked roms on my Sega Genesi collection on LB: Street Fighter II The World Warriors +.zip Street Fighter II REMASTER.zip they were present on LB and all they media were already present. But now i'm looking for them in LB and they aren't present anymore. If i try to import them again, LB detect them as duplicate: i can import them again only if i check: import duplicate games. How can i solve this issue? THese evening LB occurs an error and crashes while i'm looking my genesis collection, i don't know it that issue caused the problem... How do you suggest i can solve this? thanks!
  22. ah ok. Well i don't like Retroarch, i tried to configure it several times but it is so chaotic...
  23. well, in order to play them with Kega, it is necessary to follow the following 2 steps: 1) Open the ROM (Load Genesis Rom), select the .md file. You will see the lockout screen, that's fine. 2) Open the CUE (Load Sega CD), select the .cue file. The emulator will reset and enable CD support. I don't know how to configure this in LB...
  24. Hi, currently i have configured my genesis emulator, KEga and Blastem on LB. I also discovered that several genesis games has a MSU version and i downloaded them. THey perfectly works with KEga fusion. But is there a way to launch them with Launchbox too? Is fo, i suppose i have to choose if i want to keep configured the stanrdard rom or its msu version into LB, right? i can't load both version i suppose as i can differentiate them... thanks!
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