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Everything posted by legolas119

  1. ah ok thanks, very good! So i can rename roms as I want, for example deleting the Area USA/JAP/EU and other stuff thanks!
  2. Ah ok, thanks anyone else can confirm if Emumovies needs that the rom name is specific or not? I would like to download videos from emumovies because with platinum account i can download them in HQ and i don't know if downloadind them directly from retroarch database they are in HQ or not...
  3. hi, i'm starting to configure Retroarch and then i will continue with Launchbox/Big box Well, a simple question about rom's name: is it necessary that the rom name remains the same that the roms have when i download them? Or can I change it for example from Actraiser(USA).zip to Actraiser.zip? If i change the name to the roms, then i'm able to download automatically from launchbox database and form Emumovies (i have premium account for HQ videos) or can I have problems? thanks
  4. ah ok ok, i still have neogeobios.zip file for MAME or neo rage x, I think that it is the same file :)
  5. ah ok! thanks! probably bios is needed for Neo Geo too? is there a webpage where I can find the right bios version for Retroarch emulator?
  6. ah ok guyes. starting from next friday i will be on holiday so I have time to play/set up Launch Box/Retroarch!! :) Probably i will buy the premium edition (permanent) with Big Box, it seems really cool! thanks, i will keep you updated!
  7. ok, thanks!
  8. ah ok! thank you. The 1.3.7 version is coming, so I will wait this stable version to start with Retroarch :) Speaking about Launch Box/Big Box, I still have a platinum subscription for both HyperBase/Emumovies websites in order to download automatically (with Hypersync) snapshot, flyers, titles, movies and so on for HyperSping/ROchetLauncher. I read that with LaunchBox it is possibile to download automatically files form Emumovies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZaLgqtm4Mk&list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB Is it possible to download automatically snapshot, titles, cartridge and so on too from HyperBase? Of I have to download them manually and then copy/paste them in the folders for LaunchBox? thank you!
  9. Ah ok.. 1) but do you mean that in some cases when launchbox is updated, i have to configure it again from the beginning and i have to configure again all my fovourite sittings?!?! 2) ok, retroarch has inside the core of every emulator. Is it able to automatically detect when a new version is available or i have to check every time,for every emulator, if there is a new version of the core? If it i have to check for every emulator, do you know the website where i can find the new version of the cores? Does it exist? Thanks
  10. Ah really? Good to know,so i will set up retroarch direcly so i will use it for neo geo too! I still have 2 questions: 1) after dowloading Launchbox/bigBox and afrer the set up, when i need to update them with the new version,can i simply replace the old .exe file with the new one? In this way i can save all my settings? 2) same question for retroarch:after the set up of retroarch and the emulators, when it is necessary to update retroarch and the core of every emulator, i hope that there is a simply way to update it automatically avoiding to update every core manually..am i right? Thank you
  11. Ok i have Mame 0.175full set and FBA (i don't know if it is the latest release..). I have some quick questions: 1) FBA is included in retroarch or i have to use it as a separate emulator for neo geo? 2) in FBA there are a lot of video options.do you have a preferred set that you can suggest (via PM if you prefer). For example which is your SoftFX algortim? I use for example 2xSal with scanlines =125. But i don't know which is the best effect in order to emulate neo geo crt grapghic on a lcd monitor Thanks!
  12. Ah ok! For neo geo the best emulator still is neo rage x? I currently use it. Ok i will try to config one emulator for retroarch (nes or super nes) and i will use it with launch box, so i can see if it is not so hard to config it. Thanks
  13. Thank you. Well,I already use emulators,so i'm not a noob :) I think that retroarch is a "big" emulator that use other emulators for every sistem,am i right? For example it uses Fceu (or nestopia?) for Nes and so on. retroarch isn't an emulator itself, it is linked with other emulators if l'm not wrong. I saw some videos and it seems that it is in this way... Do you suggest a particular video to start with Launch box, in order to understand how it works and how to config it? Thanks!
  14. Hi! I have finally downloaded for the first time Launch box, 6.7 version and I think I will buy the premium version, I want Big Box :) I have a question: which is the best tutorial for a beginner? I have to start so I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC4NieHGwbo&index=13&list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB I have a lot of emulators, but not Retroarch: do you suggest to set up Retroarch with Launch box or do you think that it is easier to set up the normal emulators that I already have? thank you!
  15. thank you I see here https://www.launchbox-app.com/premium in the screenshot that it is possible for example to see a desktop theme for every game (Donkey Kong for Wii, or Far Cry or Gran theft Auto V) !?!?Like in Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher?! Well, I will configure and try the free version in order to understand how it works and where it is different from the Premium: so I can decide if I want to buy a forever licence for the Premium version :)
  16. well, thank you very much guys I'm downloading the latest release 6.20 of the free version of Launch Box so I can try it in order to better understand how it works and how/if I can see my images (cartridges and manuals for example) and so on. So, with BIGBOX I can configure everything, for example the layout and the effects of the emualtors and games and I can't do this with the free version: with Launch Box free I can modify not a lot of parameters, am I right? When you say: "In LaunchBox you also get a few more features like being able to download Video from EmuMovies if you have an EmuMovies Premium" probably you want to say in BigBox...am I right? Yes, I have a platinum account for bot Hyperspsin/Emumovies in ordert to download every images/videos, and I used it with Hypersync in order to download automatically images and videos Ok I wil start with the tutorial of SNES emulator. Do you think that more tutorial will be added in order to teach us how to add more emulators? for example Neo Geo, Taito Type X, Atomiswave/Naomi? thank you very much!
  17. hi guys i'm a user of Hyperspin/rocketlauncher frontend. THey are really good, with a lot of features, but it is necessary a lot of time to configure everything... I have just discovered Launch Box, I saw some videos and it seems really good and simple to configure. I'm downloading the free version, but I have some questions for you: 1) I have't understood the differences between Premium and Free version...The premium has BIBBOX feature for example but I haven't understood...if I'm not wrong the interface and the informations that BIGBOX shows me are the same of the free version...Can you tell me which are the differences, please? 2) In Hyperspin it is possible to load the wheels for every games list: it is possible to use the same wheels in Launch Box too? 3) And in Hyperspin I configured, for every game, the box of the game(I think that I can use the same box collection I use with Hyperspin, if I want, Am I right?), the video (i'm sure that i can use them with Launch Box too) and the cartridge. Well, is it possible, in some section of the game in Launch Box, to see the cartridge too of every game? 4) In RocketLauncher I configured some extra-files form every game as: manuals (scan in .pdf format), flyers, and so on. Is it available inLaunch Box a section where I can see these extra-files? 5) Is it possibile to configure more than one emulator for the same system? For example: for Super Nintendo I have a default emulator (i.e: Snes9x) but sometimes I use Higan or Znes. Thank you very much! thank you!
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