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Everything posted by starfiretbt

  1. Nevermind, I found out I can put the multiple discs in a folder, zip it up, and install it using Dosbox Pure. They have a more user friendly way of using dos programs than just the commands.
  2. Launchbox has a great feature that allows you to install a dos game from a disc. This is great for people like me who are not really dos literate (the last time I installed a game using dos commands I had to be told step by step what to type to install the game), however it only allows one disc to be selected. If the game has more than one disc what do I do? I tried making an m3u file thinking that would join two discs into one file for launchbox to use but that didn't seem to work.
  3. Thank you guys for your help, I thought delete would only remove the entry and not the game however I didn't want to take that chance without asking first; I wanted to be safe than sorry. Your right, I did have automatic rom import on, I did not want it on so I turned it off. I turned it off after I deleted the game so I ended up having to delete the game a second time. The plateform was "ScummVM" I only have one game on that platform, "Sam and Max Hit the Road." Everything is as it should be, thank you.
  4. How do I remove a game from my library without deleting the files? I see the delete feature but I don't want to delete the files. The reason I want this is I have a game that I want, and it's in Launchbox but Launchbox decided, out of the blue, to go looking in that game folder and choose some random file in that folder and import it as a ROM without my choice. So now I have two entries in Launchbox for the same game, one I want, and the other I don't. I don't want to delete the extra entry because I don't want to loose the game; according to "launching" it chose the whole folder as a ROM.
  5. If you guys say it's important then I will trust you and update it. I was worried it was a bad thing.
  6. What is this "Dolphin" plugin launchbox keeps asking me to install when I open it?
  7. Is there a reason important messages that need to be closed hide behind loading screen (first picture)? I have to click on the narrow part of the message that isn't hidden and make it larger so I can remove the message, I can't even move it (second picture).
  8. Oh COMMODORE amiga, I never would have guessed. Thank you.
  9. I'm trying to load a game called "Lemmings" 1994 for Amigacd32 and I don't see an Amiga platform in LaunchBox. Certainly Amiga was important enough to warrant a platform category. Is there an Amiga category and I'm missing something? If not and I have to make my own platform category is ms-dos close enough to scrape the game as?
  10. I just did more research after writing my post and found this I haven't finished the video yet but it sounds like "scrape as" is for finding metadata. I would select my custom platform and launchbox would search the platform I "scraped as" for metadata. EDIT: Sorry for bothering you guys, I thought I did enough research before I posted but turns out I just needed to research more. I never know when enough work is enough work.
  11. I tried importing a windows 98 game. Since I am emulating a windows 98 game through Retroarch I imported it as a ROM and chose it's platform as "windows 98." When I did that I got an option to "Scrape As." I was wondering what it meant and what I was supposed to do. I searched for this term in the forum and I get the impression it arises when you "create" a new platform. I did do this for "windows 98" as that wasn't a platform and it seemed the only way to assign a windows 98 emulator to a windows 98 game.
  12. I don't know if I'm professional enough to make a video (maybe suggest that to ETA Prime) but I do know there is a video (I'm currently looking for it and if I find it I will post it) about managing emulators with associated platforms. My problem was I set Retroarch as the emulator for an old windows 9x game without assigning it in associated platforms (because there wasn't one for windows 98). I just 1. Right click on the game 2. Selected edit/edit metadata 3. Went to platform and changed [Windows] to [Windows 98] 4. Then went to the menu at the top of the Launchbox screen and went to Tools/Manage/Emulators 5. Clicked on Retroarch 6. Went down to [edit] at the bottom of the window 7. Clicked on Associated Platforms 8. At the bottom was [Windows 98] and I selected the core Dosbox Pure I had already installed Windows 98 in dosbox pure and installed the game in Windows 98. The game file needed to be the game file I use in Retroarch, meaning the zip file (not 7zip). Since I had already loaded the game in dosbox pure as Windows 98 the operating system automatically comes up and the game automatically comes up as well. This was my ordeal in setting up Windows 98 and the game through Windows 98 https://forums.libretro.com/t/need-help-posting/43221. I hope this helps.
  13. Nevermind, the people at Retroarch were able to help me. This is how they helped me https://forums.libretro.com/t/windows-98-launchbox-compatability/43637.
  14. I want to play old windows games and recently I installed windows 98 in Retroarch using their dosbox pure core. I can now play windows 98 games through Retroarch but I was hoping I can play those games in LaunchBox through Retroarch. I took the .zip file that Retroarch uses for the game and assigned it as the game file in LaunchBox under "Launching", then I assigned Retroarch as the emulator under "Emulation" but clicking play or double clicking on the game does nothing to start it. I would have thought at least it would start Retroarch and it would ask what core to use (which I would choose dosbox pure, then windows 98). Any ideas on how to get this to work?
  15. OK, thank you guys. When I import games I usually put them where I want them to be and select "use files where they are" as opposed to "copy files to directory". Your right I do keep my games in folders because they usually have lots of files and sub folders. This issue is solved.
  16. My "Manage Platforms" is setup weird and I don't know how I did it or how to undo it. Under "Manage Platforms" I get a list of what platforms I have games in launchbox such as windows, arcade, Nintendo Entertainment System, etc; and I have a list of what folders correspond to the games to those platforms for example dos games are "Games/MS-DOS." However my Playstation 1 games instead of the folder being the folder with my playstation games its the folder of a specific game. Windows games are the same, it's a specific game folder instead of the folder with all windows games. So far I don't see anything wrong happening in Launchbox but I am worried this might complicate things later on. How do I fix it? I think the option is to edit the platform, go to folders, change folder path but I'm worried I might screw it up if I try anything. I was hoping someone would tell me if that will work or if I would make it worse.
  17. Is Virtual Box compatible with Launch-Box? I think I considered Virtual Box a long time ago and it didn't look like it was but I was hoping it could be selected like any emulator to play old window's games. I'm mostly interested in the Save States, I hear Virtual Box has that.
  18. OK, thank you. The video sounded like it wasn't a good idea, or at least not an idea that would work.
  19. I didn't know which category to put this topic under so I guessed dos but I got a dos game called "Wing Commander III" and it comes with 4 discs. I remember playing "Final Fantasy 7" for PlayStation and having trouble with that so it was suggested to make an m3u file to streamline all those discs and it worked, however watching this video I realized that dos wasn't a suggested platform for m3u files. Does that mean I shouldn't make an m3u file or I should?
  20. Okay, what if I get an updated mame emulator and replace the roms I want with individual roms from the nonmerged roms that I've heard some of you mentioned. Because downloading a new, larger rom set when the current one is already large enough just isn't what I want to do. I can keep the old emulator and roms as backup (until I know all the new games and emulator work) and delete them when everything's oky-doky.
  21. Wow, that is a lot to unpack. I'm a little lost. Please bare with me while I try to understand. I have a rom pack, I don't want another larger one taking up more space, I just want a newer mame emulator because some of the games in my rom pack don't work and I'm hoping a newer emulator will fix that but I don't want to have to start all over with a new rom pack. Like I said, some of the games are organized into playlists, but I did hear DeadVoivod say "The ROM names always stay the same" so I'm guessing they would stay where they are in Launchbox? But I don't want an entire terrabyte taken for mame so I don't want more rom packs, I just want the ones I have and maybe more if I feel like downloading a few individual games. C-Beats said "If you grab non-merged you can pare down your collection quite a bit" so I figure that means I can download individual games. So my overall question is 1. How do I get a newer, more functional mame (in other words updating it) while still being able to use the roms I have? I thought I can just replace the whole folder the emulator came in with the emulator but I hear from MadK9 saying that won't work.
  22. But I don't want to lose the mame roms I have now, what if the games I have aren't on the other rom packs? What about the games that are in launchbox? what will become of them? Some of them are in playlists. What if the rom packs are larger? Does this mean every time I update I keep losing computer space?
  23. I want to update my MAME emulator but I haven't done that in a LONG time. Is updating MAME as simple as downloading the latest MAME emulator and folder and replacing the old MAME emulator and folder? I'm afraid if I try it without asking I might screw up my MAME game. I know I will lose the save states but that's not really a concern. I also understand there are things called MAME ROMsets, which for some reason are tied to the specific emulator. Can't I just keep the roms I have? Those romsets get pretty large and I don't want to have to keep getting new ones.
  24. I filled out the information based on their wiki fandom as well as collected a few photos from the web as well as all from the steam page, where do I upload the stuff? EDIT: I am an amateur at this so if anybody has any better information on this game I would encourage them to correct it
  25. I can copy and paste the info from their wiki page if that's okay for you. Generally wiki pages aren't guaranteed accurate especially if they are a fandom wiki; Wikipedia official supposedly has ALA reviewers but they don't have a page for Virtual Villagers 3
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