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Everything posted by starfiretbt

  1. I got it working, I downloaded the "Duckstation" PS1 emulator for Retroarch, LaunchBox recognizes that. I don't know if it's because LaunchBox doesn't recognize Beetle or if I didn't enter it right in the "associated plateforms" but "Beetle" just didn't work for LaunchBox for me.
  2. OK, I got Retroarch set up by itself (with bios files) and I got it set up in Launchbox. I have the game loaded into Launchbox, with the .cue file selected automatically, but the game doesn't start in launchbox. I have to select it through Retroarch. Is there a way to get the game to launch from Launchbox? EDIT: you were right that I didn't need to add the command line, or do I
  3. I'm trying to set up RetroArch and I have been following the tutorial (1) up to about 5:20 when it goes "associated platforms." I want to emulate PlayStation 1 games but the emulator "Beetle PSX HW" doesn't seem to be on the list of associated platforms. I tried adding a platform by adding "Playstation 1" under [Associated Platfroms] and choosing the file in the Cores folder for [Core] but I don't know what the [Extra Command-Line Parameters] are supposed to be. I assume the [Default Emulator] box should be checked although I hear different PS emulators have different advantages for different games so I might want more than one. Also what is M3U and do I want to check it? 1.
  4. I have been looking at PCem however it sounds like it's a dying emulator (1). Something about nobody working on it, which means as computer OS's keep changing it will become useless. I would have to emulate windows 10 just to emulate windows 95. How do other LaunchBox users play windows 95 games? 1. https://atariage.com/forums/topic/321874-pcem-is-no-longer/ EDIT: Oh, it looks like the game runs just fine on windows 10. Maybe I don't need to emulate windows 95. The game was "The Time Warp of Dr. Brain."
  5. What is the recommended emulator for Window's 95 in Launchbox? Something that will run automatically when I click on a game in Launchbox. I have been looking at what looks like Virtual Box but that looks like a computer emulator in which I would have to access the games outside of Launchbox.
  6. Never mind I figured it out. I set the CD ISO image as an additional app and checked the box that says "Automatically Run Before Main Application." It would be nice if it also ejected but the CD folder remains open after I close the game so that can remind me to eject the ISO image.
  7. I'm playing a windows game that only works if the game cd is in my d-drive. I don't have a cd drive but I have the iso file which I have to click on to mimic a cd in a d-drive (I believe that is what's called mounting) just to play the game. Is there a way for launchbox to automatically mount the cd when I click on the game in launchbox and eject when I'm done? I know dos games have a feature to mount cd's but it doesn't seem to work for windows games. It's not a big deal, just an extra step just to play the game that I'm hoping LB can streamline. My biggest fear is if I forget to "eject" the iso image from my d-drive and leave it in there, I'm worried the file might get corrupted if left in there when I do something such as shut down my computer; although I don't remember being a kid and ruining cd's by leaving them in the computer.
  8. I was able to convert the bin file to a iso using AnyToIso. Thank you guys for your help. I was just wondering if either LaunchBox had the means to run a BIN file, which it looks like it does for DOS games, or if anybody could recommend any third party software that is safe. I see a lot of free antivirus software which I KNOW is dangerous so sometimes I get concerned about free software like that. But AnyToIso seems safe so far.
  9. So then I will need third party software to mount the bin file correct? Do you have any suggestions that are safe?
  10. I get the response "MSCDEX installed. Drive D is mounted as C:\Users\TBTol\Desktop\Games\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\WarCraft II\WarCraft II - Battle.net Edition (USA) .cue Drive C is mounted as local directory C:\Users\TBTol\Desktop\Games\LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\WarCraft II_Tides of Darkness\ This program cannont be run in DOS mode. Press any key to continue" and then I get the message "The Installation process did not appear to complete successfully The MS-DOS installation process did not appear to complete successfully, as no executable files could be found in the destination folder.
  11. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. And yes, it comes with a CUE file. The "follow topic" needs to be blue to get emails notifications correct? Because mine was black but luckily I was notified. I would hate to not hear the answer because I didn't know one was posted.
  12. How do I install a game from a BIN file? It looks like Launchbox won't recognize or mount it. I think they are primitive ISO images. Do I need to download an intermediary? I hear "WinCDEmu" is recommended according to https://www.wikihow.com/Open-BIN-Files but I'm very suspicious about downloading 3rd party software. Does anybody know if it can be trusted or at least can recommend software that is safe?
  13. I changed it, thank you for letting me know.
  14. I finally figured out windows 3x but Launch-box organized it's category under "consoles". Shouldn't it be under "computers?" This next part is just for anybody who knows anything about it, I am emulating windows 3x using "Otvdm." I know everybody seems to like exowin3x however that program seems to want me to download almost EVERY windows 3x game and I only wanted a few. Otvdm seems to work fine so far but if anybody knows something I should know about it I would love to hear it.
  15. I saw that, it looked like I would have to download a whole bunch of games that I don't want and wouldn't run the games I do want. But they have a discord so I can ask them if it will run specific games.
  16. I have been trying to emulate windows 3.x for some time but every time I try to set it up I get confused and give up. Do I need to set up a computer emulator for windows 3 or can dosbox run any game? They are coming out with a windows 11 and I don't want to have to set up an emulator every time I try to play a game for a new computer system, I already have 3 different computer emulators for mac games.
  17. I don't know that much about Window's Defender as I have never had that problem with it, but I know Norton usually has a way for someone to tell it that a program is safe and to leave it alone. Sometimes anti-virus software gets a little trigger happy with non-commercial software, you may just need to have to tell it that LB is okay.
  18. Ok, I will figure it out, thank you for your help.
  19. What I mean is "is there an emulator launchbox can use so I can play the games through launchbox." Launchbox can play super nintendo games through a program called snes9x just like it uses dosbox for dosgames. Is there anything for windows 3? Or do I need a program that is a self contained operating system like 90's macintosh emulators that I have to open separate from Launchbox.
  20. So is it possible to play windows 3 games in LaunchBox? Or do I need a separate computer emulator like I do with Macintosh through things like MiniVMac, Basilisk II, and Sheepshaver. I do believe there are things like that for windows 3. By the way, thanks for responding so quickly.
  21. I want to start emulating window's 3 and I understand LaunchBox supports the window's 3 software eXoWin3x but when I research that emulator it sounds like it has a specific set of games in it. 1. Can I download the emulator and choose my own games? I don't want over a thousand games that may or may not include the one's I want. 2. Is there any instructions as to how I can integrate the emulator into LaunchBox? I can't find any tutorials.
  22. Have you tried shutting down dropbox with task manager or Uninstalling dropbox? I don't use dropbox but I'm sure you can always reinstall dropbox. Also it sounds like you moved Launchbox to dropbox as opposed to maybe your c-drive or hard disk. Have you tried moving Launchbox out of dropbox into your hard drive or onto an external?
  23. I recently bought a new computer and moved Launchbox to that new computer but the images in the game media seem to have shrunk. 1. Is there a way to unshrink them without losing the quality of the image like when you blow up a 100 x 150 to 1000 x 1500? 2. If I download metadata and media for all my games will it replace the images with newer, larger images? If so then all I have to worry about are the freeware windows games which I had to take screenshots of to add to my collection since they are freeware and not known enough to have images in whatever website Launchbox looks fore pictures at. EDIT: I tried removing images and re-downloading media but those images are also of a small resolution. Is there some kind of setting for pictures that makes them small? It would be nice to have larger, more higher quality images for my games.
  24. I used the directx and .net core from the link in the video, is there a better Link? Is there any other reason Launchbox might not open? If I update it will that fix it and how do I update it if it won't open? Wait, what graphics drivers other than directx and .net does it need?
  25. I recently tried uninstalling a bunch of programs I felt my computer didn't need and now Launchbox won't open. I have followed this guide to making Launchbox portable but it still doesn't open. I have installed both sets of dependencies, what more does Launchbox need?
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