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Everything posted by diamondgeezer

  1. thnx guys all is good , i did what dos76 said about changing the extension and that got rid of it thanks a lot
  2. ok i closed down launchbox and deleted all of the banners within the folders and then started up big box and guess what!! lol they all came back again grrrrr
  3. i have a feeling it might be the way i have my launch box platforms named ( eg) atari arcade games it could be that anything that has the word arcade in it will use that arcade banner , what do you think?
  4. thanks guys for trying to help but i tried to do brad said about going into manage platforms and remove banner the restart launchbox but when i restartg it and go back to manage platforms the banner is back in there
  5. hi all can anyone help me please i am wanting to turn off the arcade machine in the center of the screenshot i have provided with this message i have gone into options on bigbox but cant figure out how to stop it from showing
  6. hi there i was wondering if it would be possible to do a similar thing that gamedb has done on their site so that people can see images text etc that are missing for certain games and then add them if they have them
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