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Everything posted by diamondgeezer

  1. i thought the moderation was working ok again as i also had the same one as you guys were saying about i rejected it and straight away the error was back
  2. sorry you are having problems too but glad it is not just me hopefully things will get sorted quicker
  3. no i havent but will try later on i am making the most of the down time to get my arcade games organised ( removing mahjong games etc )
  4. @alissongamer i think it is affecting some people and not others as my artwork i have submitted has been moderated but i myself cannot do any moderating .. I have sent jason carr a messege to hopefuly get it sorted but it is not as of yet been done for me
  5. @neil9000 ahhh ok mate suppose ill have to go and watch masterchef and talk to the missus
  6. @neil9000 ok i pm him so hopefully he will see it soon and get it fixed ps are you getting the same messege when you try and moderate?
  7. @neil9000 ok neil should i send him a messege or just wait til he comes online and sees the topic?
  8. Hi admins i have just recieved this error messege and thought id beeter let you guys know about it An unexpected error occurred while loading the page. The LaunchBox team has been notified about the error and will be fixing it shortly.
  9. great stuff it worked like a charm thnx
  10. do i have to rename the vids to anything specific
  11. @neil9000 nice one mate i will do that thanks a lot
  12. @harryoke i was wondering if you would know whether it is possible to have a few start up videos so that they randomly play as i would like a lot more of your vids
  13. excellent @harryoke that is just perfect thnx a lot mate
  14. well for me a new game with all the artwork etc gets moderated about the speed of modding a front cover used to be ( hope that makes sense)
  15. brilliant thnx @harryoke great work on your startup videos they are great do you ever make any platform theme videos for big box as i am sure you would be good at them
  16. @harryoke love the start up video and was wondering if you would make a reg plate with Diamondgeezer if possible and a red car please thank you for your efforts
  17. it is fine for me maybe it slows for some and not others
  18. thank you monkus for replying im sorry for the rant
  19. Hi everyone thanks to @Jason Carr the database website has never been so fast for submitting material and moderating other peoples content . However that being said it seems nobody whatsoever is doing their part to do the moderating i have 60 pages that need to be approved rejected etc and some of these have been waiting for quite some time I.e ( Proposed 2018-01-31 @ 5:20 PM) > I feel we all need to do out bit on the moderating side of things as it is pointless to keep adding and adding without doing so, all that will happen is we will end up having loads of duplicates to remove and the hard work everyone is putting in will be a waste of time Your Changes Total Submitted Changes 28259 Total Pending Changes 9089 Total Approved Changes 26977 Total Rejected Changes 130 Your Moderations Total Moderations 180175 Total Approvals 177821 Total Rejections 2354 as you can see i am not moaning about the moderating and not bothering about doing it myself i just wish others would make some effort as well
  20. Hi all i have given the zx spectrum database a overhaul (logos screenshots etc) if anyone would like to help me with getting some fan art background feel free to do so as i have not got a clue what to put on when it comes to backgrounds
  21. Wow what a difference in moderating well done @Jason Carr bed last night with 55 pages to be approved etc and when i woke up i had only 1 page left
  22. Hi there just lately there does not seem to be to much interest in people wanting to moderate submissions and we seem to be getting a backlog , i have 54 pages that need approving/rejecting so i was wondering if you could either make an award scheme for moderating I.E a medal or a arcade character next to a users name for modding a certain amount ( 500 = pacman 1000 = mario etc ) or maybe after we have submitted a certain amount of artwork etc it automatically opens the moderation page where we have to moderate say 5 or so submissions before we can add any more The reason i say this is because things are taking so long to approve that others are adding the same artwork and then we are ending up with 2 lots of the same submissions and then have to spend the time to delete one of them
  23. fanart background?
  24. i have been moderating today and i have got the " Yay! The moderation queue is empty! Good jorb!" but the counter is still showing about 500 i allways moderate and submit art data etc at the same time so it pushes my submissions up the list a bit saying that i still have about 50 pages that need approving
  25. i have managed to find quite a few spectrum game clear logos which i have replaced with some of the poor quality ones i hope they are ok
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