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Everything posted by diamondgeezer

  1. hi all i am trying to update the spectrum and commodore 64 3d box images but i am not sure of some of the box sizes other than the standard audio cassette case size .. if anyone can help me with some of the dimensions it would be a great help
  2. hi there something really crazy is going on with the moderation i have just had a game " inferno climber " on pc windows i looked to make sure it is not there allready and it was so i rejected it and then the next 5 or 6 games to be moderated are also inferno climber has this been added mutilple times or is the rejection not working correctly
  3. @SentaiBrad thnx for letting him know
  4. @Vlansix hi there im very sorry i never came back on here to update but i tried the very next day and everything was fine again
  5. hi there i cannot seen to add anything to the database i am getting an error Upload Failed: HTTP Error any ideas?
  6. yes mate good to meet you too let me know if you need any help with them websites but they are really easy to use so i think you will have it sussed out very quick
  7. hi@jakatsu yes no problem i will change the to english as i see them
  8. hi@JamesBond@ge here is a couple of websites you might find useful https://online.boxshot.com/shapes/3d-hard-cover-book for making your 3d boxes ( i find putting it on hard cover book best for me) http://editphotosforfree.com/photoapps/remove-background-from-image-online/# this is good for removing watermarks etc hope this helps
  9. ahhhh mr bond you are the guy that has been helping me on the spectrum collection excellent work my friend keep up the great work
  10. no problem will do in the future thnx for the reply
  11. ahhh ok thank you i will do the same
  12. hi there i am hoping you can help me on this, if there is a game that originally was a uk or us game but the person that added it to the database wrote the overview in a different language do we leave it as it is or can we change it for english
  13. It seems the mod page is coming up with a server error everytime it is clicked on
  14. strange as this may be but i went back to launchbox after using the sync app and it WORKS!!! ty
  15. hi circo just tried the sync app and it says success
  16. ok circo i will try the sync app and let you know thnx for replying to me
  17. i will keep trying to connect every so often and see if it works for me
  18. yes i still have problems , when i first had the problem i thought somthing went wrong with my password so i reset it i can get into the website with my new password but not on launchbox
  19. same here emumovie web site fine but not with lauchbox
  20. still down for me
  21. having the same problem also
  22. thnx guys for all the help given
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