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About rebelone

  • Birthday 04/05/1981

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  1. Well, on the liberto site I saw that I can use retroarch 1.3.6 for Vulcan, core and options are there, but it does not work on my setup. I know that it is not the same as GlubeN64, but I wanted to try all options. I have all my emulators setup in Rocketlauncher, and in the past it just worked fine, now I get a small window when loading the rom. something is wrongly configured there. Tried to clean install everything in the past to solve it, but still the same after. It is set to full screen, but after I close P64 and reopen the checkmark is gone, and I have to retick the box, but it does not remember that. I tried different P64 versions for that. Drives me a bit insane to be honest.
  2. To bad. I just tried GlupeN64 and that crashes when loading rom. I can not use Vulcan, as i'm still on a Sandy Bridge i3. With Mupen64Plus in retroarch i have choppy cut-scenes (every time a day passes for instance) P64 has worked for me in the past, but i can not get full screen anymore, for some odd reason. So i guess i have to upgrade my CPU/Mobo/Mem or something.
  3. How does Mupen64plus stand alone let my save and load states though my XBOX360 controller? I see that there are lines for it in the mupen64plus.cfg, but do not know what to put there
  4. Wow, that was quick! thanks for the upload. (i keep it a secret!)
  5. Does anyone by any change have already wheels, logo & video fanart for the platforms lightspeed populate? Ofc all is showing up in Bigbox using Arcade defaults. I found the classic stuff from hyperspin, but i prefer using artwork for arcade platforms created in this community. Also is it possible in Bigbox to separate consoles from arcade list like in Lauchbox?
  6. Great to see Lightspeed is back! Last night I started the setup and configuration of Lightspeed on an empty database. I got the same small glitch that open/closes the folder dialog on first try, on next try all is good. I still have a question before i start the export to LaunchBox. I have "MAME 0.181 EXTRAs" and "MAME 0.181 VideoSnaps" unzipped and sitting on a remote share. If i point to the related folders, does Lightspeed copy all the media files or is it just create links to those? I prefer the latter, as my launchbox install is on my HTPC on an SSD.
  7. I already created a ticket for this on the tools Bitbucket. https://bitbucket.org/mathflair/launchboxtools/issues/1/lb-610-beta1-separated-launchboxxml Verstuurd vanaf mijn GRACE met Tapatalk
  8. New populated platforms or new imported games are not reconised by RocketLauncher, as it looks in LaunchBox.xml. All the platforms and games setup before the beta's of 6.10 are working fine with RocketLauncher.
  9. I have no clue, but as workaround i placed the new populated platforms myself in the launchbox.xml. This way i can setup RocketLauncher AND profit from the latest speed adjustments. If you want to do this you need to backup your data folder and LaunchBox.xml
  10. Hi Jason, Just wanted to say that the issue i had with LB clearing the emulator field on game-edit (with RL) is solved. I did some edits, and i found that all works fluid now.
  11. If you are using one of the latest Launchbox beta's, RocketLauncher is not reconising new added systems. There is a topic in the RocketLauncher forums here, This issue is fixed with the next RocketLauncher update.
  12. Hi I have some issues with importing my Exodos 2.0 games into my Launchbox Library. I think this issue is caused by having my Exodos folder on a windows network share, e.g. \\DESKTOP01\Games\ROMs\eXoDOS. The import of the games itself from Meagre is ok, i see all entry's in my Launchbox UI. But besides that this are the issues i found when i import from Marge to the Launchbox XML: There is no media copied over from the Meagre folder to my launchbox image folders (on the same network share). For each game there is a new empty folder created in the "exodos" folder. When i try to launch a game in Launchbox, the bat says the game is not installed, and i say yes to install the game, but after that the cmd closes and nothing happens. When i click the bat file on the system where the share is at the game install is succesfull. Does anybody here have also there games on an networkshare and did an succesfull Exodos import? Or does anybody know what i did wrong, or know if i can edit some files to fix this?
  13. Sorry, i guess i was too inpatient, its working now. Can anybody close this?
  14. Hi! Yesterday i tried to add a game as test for possible future contributions to the database. I added Ms. Space Fury for the ColecoVision, and this contribution was accepted quickly after. But when i tried to search the game through the LaunchBox edit screen and it did not find the game. Am i missing something here? http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/57229
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