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Everything posted by Thordelan

  1. Any news about that ? I totally understand it's not your top priority but I have to admit it bugs me to my see changes status at zero whereas I contributed quite a lot
  2. Same problem plus all my stats for "Your Changes" are back to zero . Did I miss something ? Is this normal or is it a bug ?
  3. I'm a brand new father too ! Hence why I'm awake since 5am haha (she's 6 weeks old)
  4. I'm up for the French translation, may I have the Word document ?
  5. Seems like the problem is still going on http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/34179 for instance Actually, quite a few Sega Genesis games haven't been deleted properly.
  6. That's exactly my point but I didn't want to argue since @Jason Carr made it clear. But you are right, there is the point the human eye doesn't see the difference anymore, or need a few seconds to see a very subtle difference. I wish I could show my compressed 500kb images next to the 3mb original and ask people to tell fast which one has the bigger size... Well, wheels are already very small (not above 400px 99% most of time since they are all from HyperSpin) and thus don't take much space. The real "problem" is all those huge covers, fanarts, flyers, etc. A huge amount of space could be saved whether they are jpg or png for no (significant) difference at the end (in my opinion).
  7. I have no idea yet , only used it for *.jpg untill now Since I've been making a lot of changes in my collection the last few days, I will download again most of the medias later, then compare both programs to know which does the better job for shrinking *.png Anyway, back to the subject, this is getting insane in my opinion : http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/27804 Almost 10mb for a single 1528*2100 picture, and that's not the only one...I don't know...
  8. Yes we need...!! What ? Oh sorry...PLEASE !
  9. Going it to give a try as well, though I'm quite happy already with XnConvert, at least for the *.jpg, I will compare between both for the *.png
  10. @Jason Carr Ah well, sorry, I won't be bothering to upload them anymore but something like 50 images have been replaced already, hope you can change them back Also people were voting 3-0 to switch them so I believe an option to download compressed images would be something people would use indeed.
  11. Hello, First of all, pardon my English, I'll try my best to make it clear. I've been spending a lot of hours the last few days to reupload Super NES Boxes (fronts and backs), why ? Because most of them are between 1,5mo and 5mo, sometimes even more...I thought that was way too much space wasted (I haven't checked other systems yet but I bet there will be more of those) so I tried to recompress them and for the exact same quality and size, I get images between 300ko and 800ko, that's a lot of gained space (or rather a lot of space wasted for everyone at the moment if we don't do anything about it). Let's say you have 1000 SNES games, that's easily 3go wasted, only for the SNES and for the boxes (if you count 1 front and 1 back, but there are usually more with the different regions). So here is my (noob) question/suggestion : would it be possible to implement a kind of script that would recompress images when you upload them ?
  12. @Zombeaver Thanks, they sound pretty good as well, though I prefer the 2 other ones from what I've listened for now. I'll check some other songs anyway Celldweller seems pretty good aswell, pretty sure I'll like the other songs Here is one song I really love, by Vector Hold, it's been used for the trailer of the game Power Drive 2000 I'm not that much into racing games but it makes me want to try it out
  13. Wow, I really felt in love with Carpenter Brut and Perturbator, thanks a lot ! Anyway, I've been listening to (a lot of different style of) Metal for 23 years and I'm still not tired of it, even though I consider my self as open minded as long as it's not rap, R'n'B and pretty much anything pop. I also like a lot when Metal is mixed with other styles like electro, jazz, dubstep, classical, ragga, even rap sometimes actually.
  14. Awesome news \o/ That's indeed a good idea !
  15. Very good news ! It was getting on my nerves and I was slowly but surely losing motivation helping moderate LB Databases Thank you Jason !
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