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About azazel_1125

  • Birthday 07/26/1975

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  1. Thanks, but this is what I currently do to work around this issue. This is clunky at best. Now that the new command line parameters have been added to facilitate this, I thought I would switch. Just reporting what I think isn't working as expected.
  2. When I combine 2 versions of a game I lose access to change the per additional rom command line parameters. e.g. Dragon's Lair has multiple roms that use the same video files. Or Esh's Arunmilla has multiple languages. Or ActionMax games can use mouse or sinden. I add each game version as an individual game. If I set these additional parameters (per game) it works as expected. When I combine the games it ignores these parameters, the option for command line parameters is also greyed out. When I split the game back to multiple versions the parameters are there and it works fine again.
  3. Computer Platform Box Pack View File I use the console boxes from Coverbox by @faeran as banners and I really liked the additional ones created by @Rlad and thought I would have a go myself. I love me some Speccy and thought the 48K+ doesn't get enough love so created a box for it. Also created ZX Spectrum Next boxes. 4 variants. 2 for each Kickstarter release (red/blue & big/small). I've also uploaded my GIMP files If anyone has a better image for the Next, let me know. I AI up-scaled the best one I could find. Submitter azazel_1125 Submitted 07/08/2024 Category Platform Media Packs  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I use the console boxes from Coverbox by @faeran as banners and I really liked the additional ones created by @Rlad and thought I would have a go myself. I love me some Speccy and thought the 48K+ doesn't get enough love so created a box for it. Also created ZX Spectrum Next boxes. 4 variants. 2 for each Kickstarter release (red/blue & big/small). I've also uploaded my GIMP files If anyone has a better image for the Next, let me know. I AI up-scaled the best one I could find.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I was missing a little over 70 covers for my Amiga collection so I made the missing ones using the default template. Here is the full list: I have also added the template I used. The game title font should be Impact, size 92. If you are missing any hard to find covers, post here and I will add it if I have it. Currently my set is at 3430. Also if you have any original replacements for any of these please post.
  6. I couldn't find an answer to this via searching so... What is the emulator 'Exit Script' for? I know it's not for exiting the emulator (found that out the long way), so is it for running other tasks after emulator exits, like exiting demulshooter or nomousy? Sorry if this is too noob for the noob section. TIA
  7. Mayeb the API key has expired? Does anyone know the author, maybe its an easy fix?
  8. Anyone else having trouble with this lately? Since the latest Windows update i cannot get this to scrape. Initially i needed to unlock the dlls but still didnt work. It just does nothing, no error. I have installed it on my laptop also, regressed to 8.9, connected via different internet connection, nothing seems to work. If this is user error I am sorry for posting here, last time i used it succsessfully was end of Feb if that helps. TIA
  9. Maybe its better merch. Starting with the Launchbox Lunchbox!
  10. Hi Guys, 1st post. Love LaunchBox & BigBox bets launcher to come along in years! Fail message "The what with the who?" from an old adventure game i used to play. And keep up the good work.
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