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Everything posted by silveralex

  1. I originally posted about this in the "troubleshooting mame high scores: thread, but I now realize that my scores are being updated - so my problem is that I can't pull up the leaderboards in BigBox for certain games (I don't get the option on the Pause menu). In Launchbox, I go to the game in question (STARGATE) and I don't see the little "Enable MAME High scores" badge on it. However, I can click "View High Score Leaderboards" and I see scores. This also happens to me on Alien vs Predator (no badge in Launchbox but using the menu, I see scores) So not a problem if I'm using Launchbox, obviously, but on BigBox I don't have any way to get to scores. How do Launchbox and BigBox determine where or not to show the badge/put the High scores option on the Pause Menu? Could it be something on my setup is screwed up? (I've only noticed it on 2 games so far: Stargate and Alien vs Predator)
  2. I only have 1 stargate I can choose in LaunchBox / big box . Is there some way to check what is supported ? In LaunchBox I don’t see the little hiscore badge , which makes me think it’s not supported . Like I said, however , my score is listed now (4/12 score)
  3. OK, this is a strange one. Been playing Stargate recently but didn't see the "View High scores" option on the Big Box Pause menu for this game. I thought the game wasn't supported but then I was looking at high scores on another game and clicked my name to see my scores on all games I've played and Stargate showed up. So It recorded it somehow, I just can't see it from the Stargate pause menu.
  4. I noticed altbeast had both a nvram and a file in the hi folder. Is that supposed to happen? I deleted both and was then able to post a high score. Still not sure what went wrong to cause the problem.
  5. Ran the game again just now. Attached log file. It's a ying no new scores found to upload though it shows my score as #6 on the list RANK|SCORE|NAME|STAGE 1|50000|HKR|1 2|40000|UCH|1 3|30000|SAT|1 4|20000|HAG|1 5|10000|HAS|1 6|6400|ALX|1 7|5000|TOS|1 2020-04-24 03:39:06 PM MameHighScores.Parse: No new scores found to upload! Debug 2020-04-24 03-34-45 PM.log
  6. Been running through my games, just to see if scores are working. I can't seem to show up Altered Beast. I do see other scores there so it's working for other people. I have been fine with other game so far. Any ideas what else I could check?
  7. ah , never mind - I think just noticed the new version is out. Will download and try again
  8. Question - how are clones/variants handled? For example - I had posted a score in 1941 without a problem. I tired playing the US variant (1941u.zip) and it says it supports highscores , but it doesn't seem to load any after I play (tried twice)
  9. Thanks guys. The link and/or script sounds like what I'm looking for. I'll check them out.
  10. Not really a big problem, but just wondering about this . I only use a few types of images, box front, box back, gameplay (and for arcade, I also add marquees) I was looking for a specific image file in my folders and noticed the many extra folders that launchbox creates, most of them empty in my case. I later noticed that If I do Tools-Cleanup images - it deletes all folders and only leaves the ones with files in them (which makes sense). However, if I use launchbox for a while (just playing games) - the folders eventually come back. (not sure exactly what triggers them to be created again) Like I said, not a real problem, but just wondering why it keeps creating these folders (especially if Cleanup removes them).
  11. Thx for the answer . yes, it acts like a keyboard - I'll try out mapping the esc key in the various emulators to see. I assume you mean that it needs to be mapped in each emulator, because since it's acting liking a keyboard, there's no way to get the 2-button press thing to work , right ? Also any tips from anyone else out there with a tankstick on which key to map to ESC ?- (I'm leaning towards one of the side buttons (3 or 4, I think in keyboard terms)
  12. Still no luck with this . As I said my regular laptop (with old NVidia card) works fine. On this second machine with only onboard graphics - no dice. All my other emulators work fine. Found this on reddit which seems to be problem I'm seeing . Only advice is to get a new card. It makes sense to me that retroarch wouldn't have a requirement (only the cores would), but even installing a new plain retroarch sees to crash right away on this laptop. https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/46bk17/retroarch_crashes_on_startup/
  13. I'm running the latest Launchbox with a few emulators and wondered how anyone else out there with a Tankstick is handling exiting games. I'm using MAME for Arcade/Intellivision, Kega Fusion for Genesis/Sega Master/32x, Stella for Atari 2600, kat5200 for Atari 5200, WinVICE for C64, snes9x for Super NES, and Nestopia for NES All working fine on big box when controlled with my keyboard and Logitech f710 (I use scripts to exit a few with controller automation) Now trying to setup a machine with Tankstick and big box. Saw a couple of other posts on the forum about this, but don't think I saw a resolution. How are people handling this? Is anyone handling it? I know it's not ideal but I can map different keys in the emulators is there's no true launchbox solution. Any suggestions for that?
  14. I'll setup a fresh RA. I had copied the folder from my main PC .
  15. Don't mean to necro-post but I'm having this exat sam issue. Retroarch crashes on startup, newly imaged Win 10 laptop (it is an older Dell E6400). Does RA have minimu requirements to run? RAM or needs a GPU?
  16. Outstanding work! Your videos make Big Box come alive! Hoping Commodore 64, MS-DOS, and Mattel Intellivision are in the works!
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